Chapter Thirty-Five: The Unexpected Gift

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“When do you leave?” Gabriela asked as watched Sergio continued to back for his trip to Brazil, she was a little worried about him being gone for three weeks before she flew out to join him with Aoife-Belle.

The footballer sighed as he looked back at his girlfriend, he wasn’t pleased that he had to leave her behind and had talked to her about maybe flying to Seville to stay with his parents; however the brunette had refused and had said that she wanted to make Aoife-Belle comfy in their home.

“In a couple of days,” Sergio replied as he sat down on the bed, he looked at her wondering what was going to happen when he went to play in the world cup; the last thing that he wanted to do was leave his girlfriend and daughter alone while he went away to play footballer for his country.

The blonde nodded her head as she watched her boyfriend, she knew that he didn’t want to leave them behind but he had no choice; Vicente didn’t want any of the WAGs flying out before the team reached the semi-finals.

“I wish that I didn’t have to go,” Sergio said as he wrapped his arms around her and drew her close, he smiled as she cuddled into his arms and chest; he was going to be a way for a long time and he wasn’t sure if he was ready or not yet.

Gabriela nodded her head as she moved closer to him, she wished that there was some way that they could make this easy on them all; Aoife-Belle was a daddy’s girl and was sometime fussy when Sergio wasn’t around.

“It’ll be okay… besides we’ll be flying out to see you before you know it,” Gabriela said as she pulled back and looked at him with a smile; she kissed his lips before they heard the doorbell ring.


Andria quickly hurried away from the door and into the bushes, she brushed some hair from her face as she looked at the box that she had left on the doorstep; it had taken her days to trace where her daughter was living and she hoped that everything would be okay.

The brunette watched as the front door opened and Sergio stepped out, he looked around confused before he looked down at the box confused; she hadn’t left a note or anything since she didn’t want anyone to know that it was from her, she knew that Gabriela would figure it out when she saw what was inside.

The footballer carefully picked up the box and headed inside making Andria sigh in relief, she waited for a moment before she quickly headed for the place where she had gained entrance to the property; she needed to get home before Josep realised what she had done.

Climbing back up and over the wall, Andria glanced at the house one last time knowing that her daughter was safe; she knew that this was for the best since Josep would do something drastic if he was allowed near Gabriela and her baby.

Andria sniffled as she headed back to her car, she wanted nothing more than to see her first grandchild; she was missing out on so many important moments but she couldn’t leave her husband.

Josep needed her and she knew that she could never leave him, she had been through so much in the thirty years that they had been married that she couldn’t leave him; it didn’t matter to her that he had been abusive since they had been married she loved him.


“What is it?” Gabriela asked as she came out of the nursery carrying Aoife-Belle, she looked at her boyfriend confused as he appeared carrying a box; he shrugged as he carefully set down the box wondering what was going on.

The blonde headed towards him, she looked at the box as he opened it causing her to stop; her blue eyes stared as he pulled out a rainbow striped pram blanket, she knew that blanket anywhere and she was surprised that it was here.

“It’s just some baby stuff… I’ll get rid of it,” Sergio said not noticing the look on his girlfriend’s face, the last thing that he wanted was for some fan to be getting obsessive with his daughter; he carefully moved to close up the box before Gabriela stopped him.

Sergio looked at her confused as she handed him Aoife-Belle and took the blanket from him, she stared into the box while her boyfriend watched her wondering what was going on.

“It’s all my old baby stuff, my Madre knitted this while she was pregnant with me,” Gabriela said softly making Sergio’s face soften, he moved closer to her knowing how much this meant to her.

She had lost her family when she had become pregnant with Aoife-Belle and while he was glad that she was away from that abusive environment, he was sad that she didn’t have her family to turn to if she needed anyone.

Gabriela was speechless for a moment, she knew that the only person that could have dropped this off was her mother; her father would have destroyed anything of hers when he had disowned her.

“Amor?” Sergio asked as he watched her, he knew that this was a shock for her and he wished that there was something that he could do to make this easier on her in some way.

“I’m fine… just a little shocked,” Gabriela said as she looked at Sergio, he nodded his head as he smiled at her; he could see that this meant the world for her even if it was a surprise for them.

However that didn’t mean he trusted her parents, they had been far too eager to turn their backs on her and since Gabriela had told him what it was like growing up, he refused to allow them back into her life.

“How about this… I’ll put these in the wash and I think Aoife could do with her nappy changing,” Sergio said as he wrinkled his nose making his girlfriend laugh and nod her head, he loved his daughter more than anything but he still wasn’t used to changing her when needed; he did it because he had to when Gabriela was busy.

The blonde carefully took her daughter before she pressed a kiss to Sergio’s cheek, she smiled at him before she headed off to change Aoife-Belle; the footballer watched her go knowing that this was far from good.

Sergio waited for a moment before he pulled out his phone and pressed it to his ear, panic building in his chest as he thought about why someone would drop something like this without wanting something in return.

“René… it’s Sergio, I need a favor,” the Sevillian said as he moved the box into the kitchen so that he could wash some of the items to the utility room; he knew that with him going to Brazil that Gabriela and Aoife-Belle would be unprotected.

The footballer didn’t trust his girlfriend’s parents and the last thing that he wanted to happen while he was gone was for Josep and Andria to come back into her life; he needed to protect his small family.

“I need you to keep an eye on Gabby and Aoife… I think her parents are going to make a reappearance,” Sergio said as he looked down at the blanket, he picked it up knowing that this was special to Gabriela; he sighed as he stuck it carefully into the washing machine.

The footballer nibbled on his lip wondering what he would do if he wasn’t able to protect his small family.

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