Chapter Seven: From Bad to Worse

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Gabriela swallowed as she walked up the path to her parents’ home, she knew that this wasn’t going to be pleasant and she was glad that Tanya had come with her as she prepared to tell her very religious parents that she was pregnant.

“Are you ready?” Tanya asked as she looked at her friend, she knew that this wasn’t going to be pleasant and she could see that Gabriela didn’t want to do this; however the blonde knew that she couldn’t hide this from her parents.

“As I’ll ever be,” Gabriela whispered as she rang the doorbell, she offered her friend a weak smile before the door opened to reveal Andria who smiled at the two young woman as she moved to hug her daughter; Tanya swallowed wondering how she would react when Gabriela told her that she was pregnant.

“Gabriela it’s been far too long,” Andria said as she smiled sweetly at her daughter before she showed the two into the house, she pretended not to notice how nervous her daughter seemed to be; she knew that the blonde would open up when she was ready.

“Your padre is just finishing up some work at the church and he’ll be here shortly,” Andria said as she showed Gabriela and Tanya into the living room; she smiled as the two were seated before she headed into the kitchen to put the kettle on.

Tanya swallowed as she looked around, the place was filled with religious items and she remembered how much it used to creep her out when she was younger and came to visit Gabriela.

“So how is work?” Andria asked as she walked back into the living room carrying a tray, she smiled at her daughter knowing that her choice of work wasn’t what she wanted her daughter to do; she could never understand why Gabriela didn’t want to join the church that she and her father worked out.

“Works been well,” Gabriela lied knowing now wouldn’t be the best time to tell her parents that she had been fired, she knew that it would only led to more trouble when she told her parents that she was having a baby.

Andria nodded her head stiffly as someone walked into the room, Gabriela went stiff as she looked at her father; she knew that he had a horrible temper when things didn’t go his way and she knew that it’d be him that she would have to be wary of.

Josep smiled as he kissed his wife softly before looking at his daughter, he didn’t know why Gabriela had come but he knew that it couldn’t have been a good thing; the blonde only came home when she was going to break bad news.

“So what do we owe to this little visit then?” Josep asked as his wife shot him a warning look, he knew that she wanted their daughter to come home more often but he didn’t know if that was a good idea; he was disappointed that she hadn’t come to work in church like they did.

Gabriela glanced at Tanya who nodded her head as she looked between Andria and Josep, she knew that this would be the best time to tell her parents that she was pregnant; she had chosen to wear a cream blouse with drop collar and contrast detail front and camel tailored shorts paired with black heeled sandals for the meeting.

“Madre, Padre… I’m pregnant,” Gabriela said softly as she looked down at her hands, she leant away knowing that this wasn’t going to be easy and that the explosion was coming.

“You filthy whore,” Josep snarled as he glared at his only child, he couldn’t believe that she had come into his home to tell him this; he hadn’t raised her to be like this and he knew that she was no longer his daughter.

Gabriela stared at her father terrified as she watched him, she knew that he wasn’t going to take this well and she was glad that Tanya had come with her.

Josep jumped to his feet and grabbed Gabriela by the hair, he pursed his lips as he started to drag his daughter towards the door before Tanya rushed at him and tried to make let her friend go; she couldn’t believe that Josep was doing this to Gabriela.

Josep grunted before he shoved Tanya out of the way causing her to fall to the floor, he didn’t look even look at her as he turned his attention to look at Gabriela; the blonde cried as her father slapped her before he moved to remove his belt.

“Josep por favor,” Andria said as she hurried forward and tried to stop him, she knew that it would make people talk if someone was to hear this.

Josep looked at his wife before he took a deep breath and threw Gabriela to the floor, she sniffed as she crawled away from her father as Tanya quickly hurried to her side.

“Get that whore out of my home,” Josep said as he rested a hand on Andria’s shoulder, she swallowed as she nodded her head making him smile before he pressed a kiss to her head then he walked away.

Tanya held Gabriela close as she stared at Andria in disbelief, she knew that it was going to be bad; she had heard stories of what it had been like for Gabriela growing up but she had never expected this.

“Madre?” Gabriela whimpered as she looked up at her mother, she needed her in her life right now and she wasn’t sure what she would ever do if Josep took that away from her.

Andria took a deep breath as she ran a hand through her brown hair, she closed her eyes as she thought about what she was going to do next; she knew that she was going to have to choose between her daughter and her husband.

“I have no daughter… get out of my house and never come back,” Andria said as she turned to look coldly at Gabriela, she saw the devastation on the blonde’s face at her words and she couldn’t bring herself to care.


René smiled softly as he watched Sergio playing with his daughter, the footballer always found time to spend time with Daniella and it was clear to see that one day he would make a good father.

René swallowed as he thought about Gabriela, he had told his wife about what had happened and he knew that she wasn’t happy about how he had reacted; Vania had told him that Sergio deserved to know that the blonde might be having his baby.

“When are you going to tell him?” Vania asked as she stood next to her husband, she glanced at him before she turned her full attention to Sergio; she smiled knowing that the footballer would make a wonderful father, if he was the father of the blonde’s baby.

René shook his head as he looked at his wife, he knew that there was no way that he could allow his younger brother to get close with Gabriela; he had a good thing going with Pilar and he was sure that the blonde was using him.

“I can’t… I don’t think he’d cope if he wasn’t the father,” René admitted, he knew how much Sergio wanted to be a father; he was already talking about starting a family with his girlfriend of a year and Pilar seemed thrilled about what he had planned.

Vania pursed her lips as she looked at her husband, she knew that he was trying to protect his brother however that only caused one problem; if the child was Sergio’s then he was going to miss out on so much.

“You tell him, or I will?” Vania warned as she walked away from her husband, she knew that Sergio deserved to know and if René wasn’t going to tell him then she would do it for him.

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