Chapter Thirty-Seven: Baby's First Flight

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Gabriela checked that she had everything for her flight to Brazil, she was due to leave with Aoife-Belle to join Sergio for the tournament and the blonde knew that her boyfriend was thrilled that they were coming out earlier than originally planned.

Mirian smiled as she watched Gabriela packing, she had spoken to her brother about how much he was missing his daughter and girlfriend; she was a little surprised that he hadn’t made it a couple of weeks without the pair by his side.

“Everything packed?” Mirian asked as she cuddled Aoife-Belle close, she was going to miss her niece when they went to Brazil but she knew how much her brother was missing her; he adored the little girl and she was clearly going to be spoilt when she was older.

Gabriela nodded her head as she smiled at her, she had bonded closely with Sergio’s family while he had been away and had started to feel like part of the family; even Paqui had warmed to her in the last few weeks and had started to spend more time with Gabriela since Aoife-Belle had been born.

“I think I have everything… but I’m hoping Aoife will sleep on the plane,” the blonde said as she turned and looked at Mirian, she smiled softly as she looked at her daughter; she couldn’t believe how big she was getting and she was sure that Sergio wasn’t going to let her go.

Mirian nodded her head knowing that the little girl was probably going to be fussy and the blonde was going to have to deal with her alone; she was making the trip without anyone to help her.


Carefully bouncing Aoife-Belle on her knee, Gabriela tried to settle the three month old as she whimpered; take-off hadn’t been easy on the pair and the blonde had felt horrible that she hadn’t been able to comfort her daughter.

She was wearing a cheeky blue top and blue smoking trouser paired with black heeled sandals and a black polka dot backpack mid-volume, Gabriela cuddled Aoife-Belle close; she couldn’t wait to see Sergio again and she knew that this was going to be an interesting meeting.

“It’s okay,” Gabriela whispered as she tried to calm the infant, she glanced at the woman next to her apologetically as she continued to attempt to calm her daughter down however Aoife-Belle wasn’t having none of it.

The woman next to the blonde chuckled as she cooed at the infant, she knew that the young woman was probably going to need some help in settling the infant; she could tell that this was the baby’s first flight and wasn’t going to calm anytime soon.

Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, Merry merry king of the bush is he,” the woman sang making Gabriela look at her, the song playing on her mind as if she knew it from somewhere; she watched as her daughter started to settle at the sound of the woman singing softly to her.

Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, Gay your life must be!” the brunette next to her continued making Gabriela sigh in relief as Aoife-Belle was silent for the first time since they had gotten onto the plane; she chewed on her lip as she wondered what she was going to do to entertain the little girl for the rest of the flight.

“Gracias,” Gabriela said gratefully as she shifted her hold on Aoife-Belle, the woman nodded at her knowing that this wasn’t an easy trip for anyone especially a new mother to take.


Aoife-Belle pouted in her sleep as Gabriela shifted her hold on her, they were half way through their flight and the blonde had settled the infant down and was now talking to the woman that was sat next to her.

“So are you going to Rio for the world cup?” the blonde asked as she glanced down at Aoife-Belle, the last thing that she wanted was for the infant to wake up and start crying again; she wasn’t going to be able to sleep until they arrived in Rio and Gabriela knew that Sergio would be able to watch their daughter while she rested.

“Of course isn’t everyone,” the woman joked making Gabriela nod her head and smile at her, she was sure that nearly everyone travelling to Brazil was going for the world cup; Sergio had spent a small time telling her about the tournament and she was surprised how big it really was.

“So what about you and this little one?” the woman asked making Gabriela look down at Aoife-Belle, she knew better than to reveal that she was dating a footballer; since what happened with Jace, she had become more careful about who she allowed into her life.

“We’re flying out to see her padre,” Gabriela said keeping things vague, she didn’t want the woman knowing that she was dating Sergio and then to go running to the press when she had the chance.


Sergio grinned as he spotted his girlfriend and daughter, he hurried forward and pulled them into his arms; he couldn’t believe that they were finally here in Brazil with him at last, he had worried that it would be a little while longer.

“I’ve missed you,” Sergio said softly before he pulled back and took Aoife-Belle from Gabriela, he held her close knowing that he had missed her so much; he cuddled the little girl knowing that this was going to make this tournament easier for him.

“How was she?” Sergio asked as he looked at Gabriela, he had been a little worried how his girlfriend would cope with their daughter on the flight; he hadn’t wanted to think of how difficult this was going to be for his girlfriend.

“Restless,” Gabriela replied honestly, she would tell Sergio later on about the woman that she had been sat next to; she sighed as she watched her boyfriend with their daughter knowing that he had missed the both of them.

The footballer nodded his head as he held Aoife-Belle close, he had the afternoon off and was thrilled that he got to spend it with his girlfriend and daughter; a couple of the other WAGs had arrived and he knew that there was a dinner the next day for the couples that had arrived.

“You look tired,” Sergio murmured as he handed Aoife-Belle back to her mother, he moved to collect her suitcase knowing that once they got back to the hotel he would have more time with his daughter while Gabriela rested.

The blonde laughed softly and nodded her head, she looked at Aoife-Belle knowing that there was no way that the infant would be going back to sleep; she sighed hoping that everything was going to be okay while they were in Brazil.

“So how has the tournament been?” Gabriela asked as they started to head out of the airport, she knew that once they were outside that the paparazzi would be all over them trying to get a picture of the small family; however unnoticed to the couple, the woman that had been sat next to Gabriela was watching them.

The brunette pursed her lips as she watched Sergio leave with the blonde and their daughter, she hadn’t known what to believe when she had seen all of the stories on the news and in magazines about him but this wasn’t it.

Pursing her lips, the woman wondered how Sergio would take the news that she was coming back into his life after over two years of being gone.


Author's Note: 

Song: Kookaburra - Australian nursery rhyme - Doctor Who [02x11]

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