Chapter Forty-Eight: Hiring a Nanny

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Gabriela rolled her blue eyes as René showed another nanny out of the house before she moved to glare at her boyfriend, who looked at her sheepishly; he hadn’t been able to keep his eyes off the woman’s cleavage, which had been spilling out of her shirt in an unappealing way.

“Defiantly not her,” Sergio said as he swallowed knowing that he would probably end up doing something that could risk his relationship with his girlfriend; he didn’t need that sort of temptation at home when he had Gabriela in his life to keep him happy.

The Sevillian knew that they had been through this every day this week and Gabriela was far from pleased with how several of the nannies had acted when they had seen the footballer; he had spent a lot of time showing her that she was the only one on his mind after they all left.

“Agreed… I never thought that looking for a nanny could be this hard,” Gabriela mused as she looked at Aoife-Belle, she sighed knowing that in a weeks’ time she would be due back at work and Sergio had to leave soon for a match; the footballer nodded his head as he rubbed her back wishing that they could find one with ease.

René stepped back into the room making Gabriela look at him, they still had a couple more interviews to go and if they went the same way as the last then she wasn’t going to lash out.

“Just two more,” René said cheerfully as he looked at his brother and his girlfriend, he ignored the wary look that Sergio gave him knowing that they had to like at least one of the nannies that he had chosen; they didn’t have a lot of time left and Gabriela would be returning to work soon.


“And I love children so much, they are my life,” the nanny said making Gabriela nod her head as she glanced at Aoife-Belle who was now sitting on Sergio’s lap; the blonde smiled softly as she watched them for a moment before she turned her attention to the woman across from her.

“When would you be able to start?” the Sevillian asked as he looked at the nanny, this was the first one that actually seemed capable of looking after their daughter; he had been worried that they would never find one that they both liked and wasn’t doing this to get close to him.

The nanny smiled at the couple as she replied that she would be able to start that weekend so that Aoife-Belle could adjust to her before Gabriela returned to work; the woman’s hand twitched making Sergio furrow his brow lightly wondering if she had a tick or something.

“I think that’s all of our questions,” Gabriela said as she looked at Sergio, she was pleased at how well this interview had gone since her boyfriend had to leave for his match; she hoped that they had finally found a nanny that they liked.

Sergio nodded his head, he didn’t have any more questions to ask and he was glad that the woman hadn’t fawned over him like all of the others had done.

“Do you have any questions for us?” Gabriela asked as Aoife-Belle started to get fussy, she smiled as Sergio huffed and shifted the little girl on his lap; he smiled back at his girlfriend as the nanny thought for a moment before she shook her head and smiled at the couple.

“Okay then… we’ll be in touch,” Sergio said as he handed Aoife-Belle to her mother and stood to show the woman out of the room; he had a feeling that they had finally found the perfect nanny for their daughter.

Gabriela nodded her head as she watched them leave as cuddled Aoife-Belle close knowing that this could go well for them, she didn’t want to be interviewing more nannies when Sergio left her alone; she doubted that she had the patience to do so without him.

“Oh there was one thing… how often do you do random drug tests?” the nanny asked making Gabriela’s eyes widen while Sergio looked at her shocked, the couple looked at one another as the nanny smiled innocently; she had seemed so perfect right until that moment.

The couple had been impressed with her glowing references and how she had answered the questions that they had for her; however they didn’t want some drug addict looking after their daughter.

“If you do decide to do them… then I’m going to need a twenty-four hour warning,” the nanny said before René showed her out of the study where the interviews were being held; he swallowed at the glare that Sergio shot him over that choice.


“Okay this is the last one… Sandy Fernandez,” René said as he handed the CV over to Gabriela as she nodded her head, she was now alone in the search since Sergio had left for his match against Real Betis and wouldn’t be back until late.

The blonde looked over the CV as she sipped on her drink, she sighed wishing that her boyfriend had been able to stay with her; Aoife-Belle had gone for a nap and wouldn’t be awake for a while.

“Hola,” said a voice making Gabriela blink as she looked up to find a man standing in the study with a smile on his face; the blonde stared at him for a moment as she realised that this was Sandy Fernandez.

Gabriela was a little surprised that a man had sent forward his CV to be interviewed for the position, she had been interviewing a lot of women since she had convinced Sergio to let her go back to work and she had never expected to interview a man for the job.

“Hola… sorry it’s been a long day,” Gabriela said as she shook Sandy’s hand before she quickly offered him a seat as she glanced down at the CV again; she was just as impressed as the last CV that she had seen.

Sandy bounced his knee as he waited for the blonde to finish, he smiled at her as she looked at him a little taken back at his references and past experience; he knew that not a lot of men went into this profession.

“What made you want to be a male nanny?” Gabriela asked curiously, she watched him as René slipped out of the room just as surprised as she was that Sandy was a man; they had been expecting women to just apply but this was a welcome change for the blonde who was tired of interviewing women.

“I love children and I wanted to mould the future of our world,” Sandy said with a smile on his face, he watched as Gabriela as she smiled at him; there was something about the man before her that gave her a good feeling about him and hiring him.

The blonde nibbled on her lip to stop herself from smiling as she realised that this would also be the perfect way to ensure that Sergio didn’t have a fling with the nanny.

Gabriela quickly went through each of the questions that she had asked the other nannies that she had interviewed and she slowly found herself falling for Sandy; he was clearly the best choice to look after Aoife-Belle when she went back to work.

“When can you start?” the blonde asked as they finished, she was determined that Sandy was going to be the nanny that they hired; she didn’t care what Sergio thought he was the best that they had interviewed in the past few days.

“I can start tomorrow,” Sandy said with a smile on his face as Gabriela’s face lit it, it was perfectly clear that he had gotten the job.


Author's Note:

Sandy Fernandez is inspired by the Nanny from Friends.

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