Chapter Forty-One: Andria Covas

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Gabriela swallowed the lump that formed in her throat as she stepped into her mother’s hospital room, she stared speechless at the black and blue face that was swollen in some many places that it didn’t really look like her anymore.

The only comfort that Gabriela had right now was that her father had been taken into custody, she didn’t want to think of him running around free after what he had done; Josep was a threat to his family and the blonde hoped he’s go away for a long time.

Gabriela took a deep breath as she calmed her nerves, she knew that everything was going to be okay; she had been lucky to find Sergio when she had otherwise it could have been her.

“Madre,” the blonde said softly as she walked towards the battered form of her mother, she felt tears fill her eyes as images and memories flickered through her mind; ones that she wished to bury deep inside of her and forget.

Gabriela felt her hands shake as she took her mother’s hand, she stared at her wondering why this had happened; her father had always focused on her as a child to batter and abuse, she had never seen her mother like this before.

The blonde closed her eyes as she slipped her mother’s wedding ring off, it only stood as a reminder of the promises that her father had broken to the both of them.

Gabriela looked down at her in disgust and shook her head before throwing it in the bin, she knew that she was wrong to do so but she wanted to make sure that she never had to see that man again.

“I’m so sorry madre,” Gabriela said shaking her head, she wished that she would have acted sooner to prevent something like this happening; she just didn’t know what she would have done.


“How is she?” René asked as he looked at Gabriela, his brown eyes glanced at the unconscious form in the hospital bed; he swallowed surprised how badly Andria had been beaten by her husband, he knew that it was going to be a long recovery for the mother.

The Spaniard handed Gabriela a cup of coffee, he knew she was going to need it especially since she had to come home to Aoife-Belle yet; the blonde hadn’t wanted to take her daughter to the hospital since she wasn’t prepared to allow her mother anywhere near the little girl until everything had been sorted out.

“The doctor’s keeping her sedated for a couple of days… just so she doesn’t hurt herself,” Gabriela said as she took the coffee gratefully, she looked at her mother knowing that things were different now; she wasn’t the same little girl that had fallen pregnant and she was going to do whatever it took to protect her own daughter.

René nodded his head as he stared at the unconscious brunette, he had promised his brother that he’d look after Gabriela and Aoife-Belle until he returned from Brazil and hopefully as a world cup winner.

“And your padre?” René asked as he looked at her concerned, the last thing that he wanted was Josep getting bail and coming after Gabriela and his niece; he wanted them safe since they were a part of his family now and he knew how his younger brother felt about the two of them.

Gabriela looked at René, she was aware that he was worried and he had every right to be; no one knew why this had happened but it was clearly that Josep wasn’t in the right frame of mind when he had nearly killed his wife.

“He’s been arrested… but they want to see what madre says before they take the next step,” Gabriela said disgusted, she knew her mother would defend her father and it made her sick; he needed to rot in jail for this but he wouldn’t if her mother didn’t press charges for what he had done.

René frowned as he looked at Andria, he truly hoped that the woman did press charges against her husband for assault; there was no way a man like that should be allowed free.

Gabriela sipped on her coffee as she thought about what she would do if her mother didn’t press charges; she couldn’t allow her parents anywhere near Aoife-Belle if they were a threat to the little girl.

“I would cut contact again if she didn’t… I would never forgive her for taking him back,” the blonde said as she ran her fingers through her hair, she knew that she would do anything for her daughter and that meant focusing on her safety and wellbeing above anything else.

René nodded his head, he was glad that he didn’t have to worry about her trying to help someone who didn’t want to be helped; he wanted to focus on keeping them safe no matter what happened now.


Sergio sighed as he got off the phone with his brother, he couldn’t wait to go home and be with his girlfriend and their daughter; he hated that they were so far away from him again even if he understand why they weren’t with him.

“How’s Gabby’s madre?” Iker asked as he looked at Sergio, everyone had heard about the attack and someone had even leaked the story to the press about how Josep had nearly killed his wife; it was clear everyone was shocked that someone could be capable of something like that.

Sergio sighed as he sat down and looked at his friends, he ran a hand through his hair as he tried to wrap his head what he had been told; he couldn’t help but worry that Josep would get away with what he had done and then he’d come after Gabriela and their daughter.

“She’s doing fine… they’re going to keep her sedate for a few days,” the Sevillian said as he remembered what René had said to him about what the doctors had said; he hoped that everything was going to be okay especially when Andria woke up and learnt that her husband had been arrested for nearly killing her.

“That’s good,” Iker said nodding his head as he watched his friend, he knew that Sergio was probably worrying about his girlfriend and daughter; they were so far away from him that if something happened then he wouldn’t be there to help them.

The Sevillian nodded his head, he knew that there was something he was missing; he gritted his teeth annoyed that this had happened now, he couldn’t believe that Andria had stayed with her husband so long if he was capable of this.

“You’ll be home before you know it… we only have the final left to play,” Fernando said as he smiled at his friend, he knew that he was missing his girlfriend and daughter; there was no way that he couldn’t since it was clear that they weren’t used to being apart for very long.

Sergio nodded as he opened his bottle of water and took a drink, he couldn’t wait to be home with his girlfriend and daughter again; they were already planning to go on holiday to Seville and he wasn’t going to allow anything to put a stop to that.

The footballer wanted to take Gabriela and Aoife-Belle where he grew up, he wanted to show them Seville while he had time off and even take his daughter to the beach while he had the chance; there was so much that he wanted to do with Aoife-Belle and Gabriela.

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