Chapter Nineteen: Hormones or Feelings?

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“I can’t believe how big I’m getting,” Gabriela moaned as she rested a hand on her stomach, she was twenty-seven weeks pregnant and she couldn’t believe how quickly it seemed to be passing her by; Tanya and Kathryn were already organising her baby shower for her.

Since Christmas and the New Year had passed, the two were excited about the fact that Gabriela was over six months pregnant now and that they could finally organise her a party to celebrate her pregnancy to Sergio.

“You look fine,” the footballer reassured as he looked at the blonde, he swallowed as he watched her knowing that everything had been going so well for them as of late.

Gabriela looked at him and chewed on her lip, she didn’t know if it was the pregnancy hormones or something else but she had slowly found herself developing feelings for the man that had fathered her daughter.

“So how are things between you and Pilar?” the blonde asked curiously, she had seen a lot of Sergio’s girlfriend lately who was starting to make her presence known and was starting to visit with Sergio whenever she got the chance; it was if she was trying to remind them both that she was in the picture.

“Things are going well,” Sergio said as he looked at her, he wasn’t sure how to tell her that his girlfriend was moving in with him; he had noticed a couple of days ago that she was sneak moving in and he had a feeling that it had been happening for a while.

Gabriela nodded her head as she rested a hand on her stomach, she tried to ignore the feelings of jealously that arose as she thought about his girlfriend; the blonde hated that Pilar was spending more time with Sergio which meant less time for her.


“I don’t know what is happening anymore Tan… I’m getting jealous over nothing and he isn’t even my boyfriend,” Gabriela whined as she looked at her best friends, she had called them after Sergio had headed home to have dinner with Pilar; she needed answers and she knew that they would have them.

Tanya laughed softly as she looked at her sister, she had said that this was going to happen sooner or later; she had seen the signs even if Gabriela hadn’t.

“It could be the pregnancy hormones… you and Sergio are going through something special, it’s obvious that you would get attached to him,” Kathryn said as she smiled reassuringly at Gabriela, she knew that her friend was worried and she didn’t blame her especially with Pilar still in the picture.

The reporter was a massive problem and Kathryn knew that she was going to do everything in her power to keep Sergio from Gabriela; she just hoped that Pilar wouldn’t do something stupid especially when the birth came.

“Kathryn’s right… it’s to be expected,” Tanya said as she grinned, she knew that none of this was going to be easy and she hoped that her friend wouldn’t get to attached to Sergio; it was highly unlikely that he would feel the same way about her when he had Pilar at home for him.

“So these feelings are normal… it’s just all hormones from the pregnancy and they’ll go away,” Gabriela said hopefully, Sergio wasn’t hers to love and she didn’t want to get stuck in a hole where she loved him because she was having his child.

Tanya and Kathryn both nodded their heads in hope, they hoped that Gabriela wasn’t going to end up in love with the footballer; she would only get hurt and he didn’t want that.

“So are you excited about your baby shower next month?” Tanya said changing the subject, she knew that they had been working on it for a couple of weeks now and the blonde knew that a couple of members from Sergio’s family were coming in an attempt to the baby shower.

Vania had been the first to learn about the shower and had spread the word to Mirian and Paqui, who had contacted Kathryn so that they could attend the shower; they might not have been pleased about what was going on but they weren’t going to miss out on something like this.

“Sort of,” Gabriela said as she looked at her friends, she was a little nervous wondering what her friends had planned especially since she had no idea what they were going but she knew that it was going to be some sort of big party.

“Don’t look so worried Gabby… everything will be fine,” Kathryn said as she flashed an innocent smile at her friend, she knew what the blonde was worried about and she was aware why she was worried.


“So how is Gabriela?” Pilar asked as she set dinner down in front of Sergio, she smiled at him sweetly as she sat next to him; she was thrilled that he had come home early to have some time with her.

Sergio looked at his girlfriend, he wasn’t sure why she was so interested in what happened with Gabriela but she was slowly starting to annoy him; now that she was living in the same house as him things were coming unbearable.

“She’s doing well… the baby’s perfectly healthy,” Sergio said as he thought about the blonde, he hated that he couldn’t go to scan’s with her like any other father could; he wanted nothing more than to be there for her and because of the media, he couldn’t be there.

Pilar nodded her head as she watched him, she had become clingy in an attempt to hide drive the other woman away, she had a feeling that Gabriela was getting attached to Sergio and not in a good way.

“That’s good… you should start thinking of baby names, I had a few ideas myself,” Pilar said as they started to eat dinner, Sergio stopped and looked at his girlfriend as he suddenly felt unsettled; he didn’t want her naming his daughter with Gabriela, it didn’t feel right.

“I was thinking something along the lines of Natalia, Lola, Lucia, Piper, Olivia, Sophia, Penelope…” Pilar said as she started to list the names that she had thought of for Sergio’s daughter; she wasn’t going to mention that she had searched for names that were linked to her own.

“Gracias but no,” Sergio said stiffly as he looked at his girlfriend, it rubbed him up the wrong way that she was thinking of naming his daughter; he didn’t want her involved in that why and it didn’t feel right.

Pilar blinked as she looked at him taken back, she hadn’t expected him to say something like that; she watched Sergio curious about why he didn’t seem happy with her.

“Don’t take this the wrong way amor… but naming my daughter is between me and her madre, I don’t want you involved in anyway right now,” Sergio said as he pushed his dinner away from him, he suddenly didn’t feel hungry and wanted some time to himself.

Pilar watched him leave knowing that she had overstepped a line, she wasn’t sure what to do now especially since she knew that she had to keep getting involved; if she stepped back then Gabriela would worm her way into her heart.

Pilar pursed her lips as she pulled out her phone, she needed help and her friend was always good at coming up with ideas; she just hoped that it would all pull off and go her way and that she would finally get rid of the blonde and have Sergio to herself again. 

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