Chapter Eleven: The Paternity Test

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It took until Gabriela was fifteen weeks pregnant before her doctor would agree to perform the prenatal paternity test; the doctor hadn’t been happy about it but with a little persuasion and a donation to the hospital he did it.

Sergio bounced his knee as he sat in the waiting room, he hadn’t seen Gabriela since she had been tested and he was starting to get a little anxious about what was going on; the footballer’s head snapped up as a nurse passed making his lawyer glare at him.

“Would you just relax? You’re making me nervous,” he hissed as he looked up from his paperwork, everything was in place if the test came back positive; the last few days had been difficult for him and he just wanted the results now.

Sergio looked at him and sighed before he spotted Eleazar appear, he watched the lawyer closely as he passed them on the phone; he didn’t even look at the two men as a doctor appeared with Gabriela.

Sergio perked at the sight of the pregnant blonde, he was pleased to see that she was okay and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her as she chatted happily with the doctor before the doctor signalled for Sergio and his lawyer.

Gabriela looked at Sergio as he moved towards her, she knew that he wanted the results and now that he would have them she was curious about what would happen next.

“Shall we?” the doctor said as he looked at the footballer and then his lawyer before signalling for the three to step into a private room; Eleazar and Gabriela already knew the results since they had been called in early to get them.

“Okay so this is the paternity case for you Senor Ramos,” the doctor said as everyone was seated, the footballer nodded his head as he glanced at Gabriela; he was starting to get a little impatient for the results.

“Okay… Senor Ramos the baby is yours,” the doctor said as he handed the footballer the results that confirmed that Gabriela was carrying his baby; Sergio nodded his head as he looked at the blonde knowing that he was going to support her.

Sergio’s lawyer took the results and looked at them, he knew that this changed things for his client; he just hoped that Sergio was prepared for the backlash when this came out.

“Gracias,” Sergio said nodding at the doctor, who looked between the would-be parents; he knew that it wasn’t his place to get involved but he could see that there was something between them and he hoped that it wouldn’t make any trouble for the unborn child.

“So our agreement stands,” Sergio’s lawyer said as the three left the private room, Gabriela nodded her head as Eleazar approached them; he smiled at the blonde before he turned his attention to Sergio and his lawyer.

“Okay so now that you know the truth… we’ll be in touch,” Eleazar said as he prepared to take Gabriela home, Sergio stopped them from leaving knowing that now was a good a time as any to put his plan in motion.


“You didn’t have to do this,” Gabriela breathed as Sergio pulled his car up outside an apartment block in Mirasierra, Madrid; the footballer had insisted that she join him and Eleazar had hesitantly agreed.

The footballer had only just told her what he had done for her since she was carrying his child and she was a little in awe at the sight of the building as Sergio climbed out of his Audi Q7 and looked at Gabriela.

“I did,” Sergio said feeling a little guilty that his older brother had been the reason that she had lost her apartment and job; he wanted to make things right one way or another for her and to provide for his child.

The footballer led Gabriela up to the seventh floor of the apartment block and handed her the keys as they stood outside apartment 7b, he nodded at her making the blonde stare at him a little taken back.

“I want to provide for you and our baby… I know that I won’t always be able to be there but I will try my best,” Sergio said as he allowed Gabriela to open the apartment that Sergio had gotten for her; she was speechless and knew that he didn’t need to do any of this.

“Two bedrooms, three bathrooms, kitchen, living and dining area with a balcony,” Sergio said as they stepped into the apartment, the blonde swallowed as she tried to think of what to say now.

“Garcias,” Gabriela said softly as she looked at Sergio, she knew that she couldn’t stay with Sasha and Eleazar for much longer; but between her new job and the baby’s needs she hadn’t had time to do any searching.

“The apartments in your name… I thought it might give you some piece of mind,” Sergio said as the two moved to the dining room table, he was aware that none of this was going to be simple but he would do anything for the blonde now that he knew for sure that the baby was his.

“You really didn’t need to do any of this Sergio, but Gracias,” Gabriela said as she rested her hands on the table as the footballer watched her; he had asked his lawyer to give Eleazar the relevant paperwork about what he had gotten for the blonde and their baby.

“It’s nothing… besides I sort of owe you after what happened with René,” Sergio said as he thought about his older brother, now that he was sure that the baby was his; he wasn’t going to allow René to cause him any trouble.

Gabriela blushed slightly before Sergio fished another set of keys from his pocket and pushed them towards her, he smiled gently knowing that a lot had happened today.

“Car keys for the car parked in the underground parking bay, it’s an Audi A6,” Sergio said shrugging as Gabriela stared at him a little speechless, she wasn’t sure what to say other than it wasn’t necessary.

“I’ll have a new mobile and stuff dropped off in the week,” Sergio said as he thought for a moment if there was anything else that Gabriela would need; he knew that he might have been going a little overboard but he didn’t care.

The blonde nibbled on her lip as she thought about what he was doing, she didn’t want him wasting all of his money on her but she doubted that it was even putting a dent in his bank account.

“I live about eighteen minutes away in La Finca,” Sergio said as he watched the blonde, he knew that he lived in an upscale area and he doubted that anyone would even realise that he was spending a lot of time in Mirasierra from now on.

“Why are you doing all of this?” Gabriela asked as she looked at the footballer, she didn’t know why he was being so generous with her; she hadn’t expected or asked for any of this and yet he kept on giving to her.

“Because I can… I don’t want you or the baby to go without, if you need anything then you have my number, just give me a call,” Sergio said as he took Gabriela’s hand, he smiled at her sweetly before his phone rang making the blonde pull back reluctantly; she hated herself for developing feelings for him.

The footballer sighed as he pressed a couple of buttons as he offered her a small smile.

“I have to go Pilar wants to have dinner…” Sergio said feeling an ache in his chest at the thought of leaving Gabriela but he knew that he couldn’t avoid his girlfriend; he had to tell her that he had fathered a child even if it would bring him trouble.

Gabriela bit her lip at the mention of his girlfriend, she knew that when the other woman found out there would be trouble.

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