Chapter Fifty-Seven: Finding Aoife-Belle

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Sergio grumbled as he rolled over in bed, he glanced at his girlfriend who was sleeping soundly by his side before he reached for his mobile; he didn’t know who could be calling him at this hour but he knew it had to be important.

“Hola,” Sergio said as he carefully moved away from Gabriela so that he didn’t wake her, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes knowing that he wouldn’t be able to fall back asleep now.

The footballer sat at the edge of the bed as he listened to the person on the other end of the phone speak to him; his heart leapt with joy at the news that he was given.

“You’ve found her,” the Sevillian whispered as he got to his feet, he didn’t want to wake Gabriela since he knew she as a mess right now and he didn’t blame her.

The blonde was blaming herself for what had happened to their daughter and now he had a chance to bring Aoife-Belle home to his girlfriend as a surprise.

Sergio ran a hand through his hair as he looked at Gabriela as a smile filled his face, the past week had been a nightmare that he had wanted to wake up from and finally there was some good news.

“Where?” Sergio asked as he started to dress, they hadn’t gone and gotten Aoife-Belle from Kendra yet but he wanted to be there when they did.

The footballer knew his daughter would need to be checked over and then he wanted to bring her home to her mother; he knew how much it would mean to Gabriela for him to bring her home.

Sergio quickly started to dress, he could hear his mother making breakfast and he knew that she could help Gabriela get cleaned up so that she didn’t look a mess when he brought their daughter home.


Kendra bounced Aoife-Belle up and down as she tried to get the infant to be quiet, she didn’t know what was wrong with her but she couldn’t take it anymore.

“Por favor be quiet,” Kendra begged as she tried everything to get the eight month old to be silent, anyone could come looking and she knew it wouldn’t be good if she was caught.

They would take her baby from her and she would never see her again; Aoife-Belle would be forced to go back to that couple that didn’t even love her.

“Por favor Aoife.” Kendra said as she looked at her daughter, she sniffled exhaustedly as she tried to make the baby be quiet; she felt her hands shaking knowing she was going to lose her temper just like she did last time.

Kendra swallowed as she thought about her first baby, it had been an accident and she hadn’t meant for it to happen; she just lost her temper and couldn’t stop shaking her.

The court had said that she had mental problems and had tried to lock her away in a mental hospital, but she had escaped and that was how she had found Aoife-Belle her new daughter.

“Por favor stop crying for madre,” Kendra said as she heard someone knock on her apartment door, she sniffled as she wondered who it could be since no one knew she was there.

The brunette made her way towards the door as she tried to quieten down Aoife-Belle, she hoped it wasn’t one of her nosey neighbours since she didn’t want to deal with anyone right now.

Kendra slowly opened the door with a smile painted on her face as she slowly came face to face with a police officer and he wasn’t alone.

“Kendra,” the woman beside the officer said as the brunette slowly started backing away from them, her grip tightening on Aoife-Belle wondering how they had found them; she wasn’t going to let them take her baby.

“We’re here to help you,” the woman said as she walked closer, she knew that they had to be careful since the last thing that they wanted was for Kendra to jump with the baby in her arms.

Kendra shook her head as she felt tears pouring down her face, she should have known it had been too quiet that morning when she had woken up but she had thought that it was just a good day.

Aoife-Belle screamed louder as Kendra stared at the woman and the police officers; it was almost as if the infant sensed that she was going home, that her father was waiting for her to take her home to her mother.

“I won’t let you take her,” Kendra said with a shake of her head, her brown eyes wildly looking around for an escape; she knew she couldn’t let them take her baby from her, not again she was a good mother.

The woman looked at the police officers, she had been reading up on Kendra’s file and wondered how Sasha Allen hadn’t noticed that there was something wrong with the woman when she had hired her.

Sasha was currently in a lot of trouble and it wouldn’t get better anytime soon, Kendra had been hired without the correct paperwork and Sasha hadn’t looked it up.

“We’re not going to take her, we just want to check that she’s okay,” the woman reassured as she eyed the screaming infant, she knew that there had to be something wrong if Aoife-Belle was making all of this noise; she wondered what Kendra had been feeding her and looking after her.

The apartment was a mess and an unfit place to raise a child in especially one as young as Aoife-Belle was.

“Can I look at her? She doesn’t look well,” the woman said as she moved even closer to Kendra who had stopped backing away, the brunette stared at her for a moment before she nodded her head.

Carefully handing Aoife-Belle over to the woman, Kendra sniffled as she watched her daughter with a smile knowing that she could get help and keep her baby.

“She just won’t stop crying,” the brunette whispered as she brushed some hair from her face as she watched the woman like a hawk; she was exhausted and glad for the help.

The woman slowly moved away from Kendra allowing two police officers to arrest her, she watched the brunette knowing that she was going to get the help that she needed.

“What are you doing?” Kendra said panicking as she realised what was happening, she struggled as she watched the woman leaving the apartment with her daughter.

Kendra started to sob violently knowing that she wouldn’t be seeing Aoife-Belle again, she was carefully led out of the apartment minutes after the infant had been to put some space between them; she walked in silence wondering why they were doing this.

The woman smiled as she stepped out of the apartment block, her eyes easily finding Aoife-Belle’s pacing father who she had spoken to before she had gone inside to speak with Kendra.

Sergio’s head snapped towards the sound of his screaming daughter, relief flooding his face as he moved forward to take her.

“She is fine señor Ramos,” the woman reassured the footballer knowing that the family had been in shock after Kendra had nabbed their daughter; she had explained to the couple that the brunette was mentally ill and she was actually meant to be getting help right now.

Sergio nodded his head as Kendra was pulled from the building, he ignored in completely as the social worker allowed him to take his daughter in his arms.

The woman smiled as she watched Sergio with his daughter knowing that everything would be okay once the doctor had checked Aoife-Belle over; the infant had a bit of a temperature but it wasn’t anything serious.

Sergio held his daughter close knowing that he and Gabriela would never leave her alone again, he just couldn’t believe she was back safely. 

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