Chapter Twenty-Three: Mixed Feelings

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“How are you feeling?” Gabriela asked as she padded into the living room, it was getting late and now that everyone had gone home the blonde was curious about how he was coping with the fact that Pilar was gone.

Sergio looked at her as she sat down next to him, he offered her a weak smile knowing that he had been a fool; Pilar had tricked him and hurt him more than he had thought possible.

“I’ve been better,” the footballer said as he looked at her, Sergio knew that the best thing in his life right now was the blonde and the child that she was carrying; he didn’t know what he would do if she left him behind right now.

“It’ll all get better,” Gabriela said as she smiled at him, she rested a hand on her bump knowing that there was only so much that she could do to help him; she didn’t want Sergio getting the wrong idea while he was coping with the end of his relationship.

“Gracias,” Sergio said as he smiled at Gabriela, she nodded her head as she glanced at the television screen before she rolled her eyes at the sight of the football highlights; the blonde collected her book as she got to her feet and prepared to settle down in her room for the night.

“I’ve been thinking that we could repaint the nursery… you know from sweet pink to maybe a lavender or a lilac,” Sergio said as he stopped Gabriela from leaving, he didn’t want to be alone right now and he was starting to get a little sick of the colour of the nursery even though he was going to have a baby girl.

The blonde laughed amused as she sat down again, she had been expecting this at some point since she doubted that pink was Sergio’s favourite colour and a lot of the stuff that they had received for the baby was that colour.

“I like the idea… it’ll match all the pink stuff that we now have,” Gabriela agreed making Sergio chuckle and nod his head, he glanced over at all the stuff that they had and knew that they still had stuff to get.

Gabriela watched him as she felt the baby kick while the two dogs settled at their feet, she had a feeling that Sergio was going to spoil their little girl when she was born.

“We’ll have to sort through all of the gifts tomorrow and put them in the nursery,” the blonde mused as she stared at the stuff, she couldn’t believe how much people had gotten for them and she had a feeling that there was a lot of stuff that they still needed.

Sergio nodded his head in agreement as he watched the blonde, he knew that they had much to do now before the birth of their daughter and they still hadn’t decided a name for her yet.

“I’ll see you in the morning,” Gabriela said as she pushed herself to her feet, she kissed Sergio’s cheek before she waddled away and headed for her bedroom so that she could settle down for the night.

Sergio watched her go shocked that she had kissed him, even if it was only on the cheek; he swallowed as he tried to ignore all of the emotions and feelings that awoke at the feeling of her lips against his skin.


Iker stared at his friend as they prepared for training, he knew that Sergio was hurting because of the betrayal that he had suffered at the hands of his ex-girlfriend; he just hoped that the Sevillian would be okay.

“So how have you been?” Iker asked as he pulled on his training jersey, he knew that Sergio would try and play things off as if he wasn’t hurt by what Pilar had done but he hoped that the Sevillian wouldn’t rush into a new relationship while he was still hurt.

“I’m fine Iker… honestly it feels like a weights been lifted from my shoulders,” Sergio admitted as he sat down to pull on his footwear, he had done a lot of thinking the night before and he was surprised that he was already thinking about a future with Gabriela especially with the baby due in nine weeks.

Iker raised an eyebrow at his friend, he knew that it had something to do with the blonde that was carrying his baby but he hoped that Sergio wasn’t going to do something stupid and ruin things with Gabriela.

“It’s because of her… isn’t it?” Iker asked warily even if he did know the answer to what he had asked; he needed to be sure before he said anything else to Sergio.

“I’ve kissed her Iker… twice and both while I was still with Pilar,” Sergio admitted no longer feeling guilty for what had happened; he would have done anything for Pilar but Gabriela took a higher importance because she was pregnant with his child.

“You’ve kissed?” Iker said speechless as he looked at his friend not sure if he had heard right, he knew how close Sergio had been getting with the blonde lately but he had never thought that he’d kiss her.

The Sevillian nodded his head before he carefully went on to explain the feelings that he had felt when he had kissed Gabriela and why he had done so.

“Sese…” Iker murmured as he realised what was going on, he sighed running a hand through his hair as they headed out for training; it was a quiet day so neither of them had to worry about a difficult session.

“You really like her don’t you?” Iker said as he looked at his friend, it was clear that the feelings that Sergio hadn’t weren’t just because she was carrying his child; Sergio was developing feelings for the blonde and Iker had a feeling that this would only end in hurt for one of them.


“How was training?” Gabriela asked as she looked at Sergio as he entered the house, a smile quickly formed on his lips as he spotted the blonde as she lounged in the family area reading a baby book.

“It was fine… how was your day?” the Sevillian asked as he quickly sat next to her, he’d had a long talk with Iker and while he knew he couldn’t jump into things with the blonde; he was willing to wait to take the next step with her.

“It was nice… I went shopping for more maternity clothes and had lunch with Tanya, I was actually wondering if it was okay to go on a date?” Gabriela gushed making Sergio blink as he looked at her, his entire world turned upside down as the blonde started to tell him how she’d bumped into an old friend called Jace Hernandez, who’d asked her out.

“It’s fine,” Sergio said as he tried to control the feelings that bubbled inside of him as he realised that he had competition for Gabriela’s affections; he wondered if this was how she had felt when he had been with Pilar.

“Gracias,” the blonde said excited as she kissed his cheek, he smiled trying to hide the bitterness of the fact that someone else was making her this happy; he wished that there was some way that it could be him right now.

“So when is the date?” Sergio asked as he tried to keep calm, he knew that he had no right to tell her that she couldn’t date especially since he’s been with Pilar up until now even if she was having his baby.

“Next week… Jace wants to take me for lunch at this new restaurant,” Gabriela said excitedly before Sergio had come into her life she’d had liked Jace and since she doubted that the Sevillian had any feelings for her; she knew that she had to move on with her life.

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