Chapter Eight: Helping Hands

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Sasha Allen was quick to usher her eldest daughter into her home before she turned her attention to Gabriela, she stared at the shaken blonde as she tried to understand what had happened.

Tanya hadn’t said much when she had called her and she could only guess what had happened and she knew that if it involved Gabriela’s parents then it wasn’t going to be pleasant.

“What happened?” Sasha asked as she hurried the two into her living room, she stared at a shaken Gabriela before she turned her attention to her own daughter; she wanted to know what had caused this and it worried her what had happened.

“Gabby told her parents that she’s pregnant… they disowned her madre but not before Josep lashed out,” Tanya explained knowing that her mother would understand, she had seen what that man was capable of and they had always wondered why Andria had stayed with him for so long.

Sasha stared shocked at her daughter’s words before she turned to look at Gabriela, she knew that the young woman didn’t deserve for her parents to do such a thing and she had a feeling that the blonde was going to need people to help her.

“I’m going to put the kettle on and then I want to hear what is going on?” Sasha said as she looked between her daughter and Gabriela, she had a feeling that there was something going on that she wasn’t being told and she knew that it had to be a big deal.

Tanya nodded her head as she moved to comfort a still quiet Gabriela, she knew that her friend was in shock and she needed her right now; the blonde had never expected that her parents would do this, she had thought that they would be mad but she never thought they would disown her.


“So let me see if I have this right, Gabriela had a one night stand with a footballer and now she’s carrying his child,” Sasha said as she looked at the two young women, she didn’t know what to think of what she was being told but she knew that Gabriela hadn’t done this on purpose.

Gabriela wasn’t the sort of person to do something like this to gain anything, she had fallen pregnant and now she was dealing with the bad consequences of what had happened; she knew that this was only the beginning and things could hopefully get better.

“That’s right,” Gabriela said softly, she knew that Sasha wouldn’t judge her for what had happened; it had been an accident and she was prepared to raise her child alone if that was what it took.

Sasha sighed as she ran a hand through her hair, she knew that they needed to speak with the footballer in question and she wondered if her husband would be able to help them; he was a high powered lawyer and Sasha knew that they were going to need his help.

“Madre?” Tanya asked as she watched her mother, she could see that the older blonde was thinking and she knew that it was some sort of plan.

Sasha looked at her daughter before she offered a reassuring smile to her, she knew that this was going to be difficult especially since the father was a high profile footballer who probably had heard this line before so he wouldn’t be quick to act until the child had been proven as his.

“I’ll speak with Eleazar when he gets home… he’ll know how to get the ball going with this footballer,” Sasha said as she looked at the two younger blondes, she just hoped that this wouldn’t cause much more trouble for Gabriela.

Gabriela blinked as she looked at Sasha, she had always saw the woman as the mother that she never had; Andria had never been the caring type and she had always been more interested in the family church than raising her own daughter unless it made her look good.

“I would also like to offer you a job Gabby, I don’t know why this René thinks he can get away with destroying your life but I don’t want to see you end up on the streets,” Sasha said as her mind quickly started to turn to what she could do to help the blonde, she knew that none of this was ideal but she was sure that she could find some way of making this easier on the blonde.

Gabriela looked at her gratefully, she knew that nowhere would hire her without a recommendation from Jack and she doubted that he would give her a good one; she knew that she was going to need a job for all the coming expenses that would come from being a mother.


Vania pursed her lips as she watched Sergio and René joke around, she crossed her arms as she thought about what she was going to say to her brother-in-law; he deserved the truth before things got out of hand.

“Is everything okay Vania?” Mirian asked as she looked at her sister-in-law concerned, she could see something was bothering her and she wondered if her and René had been having problems with their marriage; she knew that sometimes her brother was an idiot.

Vania bit her lip as she looked at the brunette, she needed so advice and she knew that Mirian would be the best option for her to talk to about this; she signalled for her sister-in-law to follow her before heading out of the room and away from the two brothers.

“You know a couple of weeks back Sergio had a one night stand with this woman,” Vania said making Mirian nod her head, she had already heard about her younger brother’s mistake from Pilar, so she wasn’t sure why she was hearing about the mistake again.

Vania moved to sit down in a chair as she looked at Mirian, she knew that this wasn’t going to be easy but she had a feeling that the brunette knew where this was going.

“And you know how bad Sergio felt for taking that from her virginity like that… well she got in contact with René last week and she wanted to see Sergio again, she told René that she was pregnant and he kicked her out of his car in the middle of a street,” Vania said as she summarized what had happened to Mirian who seemed shocked about what was going on.

“Oh my God… how’s Sergio dealing with this?” Mirian said as she ran a hand through her hair, she didn’t know what her brother would do with this sort of information since she knew how much he loved children and wanted some of his own.

“That’s just it… René’s refusing to tell him,” Vania said as she looked at her sister-in-law, she knew that this was a shock for the older woman and she knew that Mirian would know what to do in this situation.

The two women sat in silence for a moment before Mirian shook her head, she knew that René was trying to protect Sergio but she doubted that he had reacted in the best way; especially if the child in question was Sergio’s.

“Here’s what we do, René has until the end of the month to tell Sergio… if he doesn’t we will,” Mirian said knowing that it gave René six days to tell their brother the truth before she took it out of his hands; Vania nodded her head glad that she had told someone who would understand.

Mirian watched her for a moment, she knew that she was going to have to have a look into the life of the woman that was carrying her brother’s child; she just hoped that she wasn’t a gold-digger.

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