Chapter Thirty-Nine: The Ex-Girlfriend

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Lara smiled as she made herself comfortable, she watched Sergio as he spoke softly with his current girlfriend; his hand rested carefully on the back of their daughter’s head, he was clearly telling Gabriela who she was.

The brunette chuckled knowing that the blonde had, had no idea when she was sat next to her own the plane who she was and what was coming but now she did and she knew that this was going to make things interesting.

Lara looked away bitterly as Sergio kissed Gabriela as the blonde prepared to leave with their daughter; she hated seeing the footballer with other women, she knew that it was her own fault that they were in this position now.

“I’ll see you later,” Sergio promised as he looked at his girlfriend, he knew that this couldn’t be easy for her but the last thing that he wanted was for Lara to be anywhere near her or Aoife-Belle since he knew that she was dangerous to his small family.

Gabriela smiled softly as she gave him a small kiss, she knew that this was best left for him to deal with especially when it came to one of his former girlfriends; she quickly left knowing that it was for the best and she didn’t want Aoife-Belle around Lara.

“You have a hermonsa hija,” Lara said as Gabriela left, she smiled as she pushed herself to her feet and walked towards the footballer; she ignored the look that he shot her in warning knowing that he wasn’t going to welcome her with open arms.

Sergio stepped back away from Lara and glared at her, he didn’t know why she thought that he would be pleased to see her after how things had ended between them; he’d asked her to marry him and she’d run off with some television presenter.

“What is it you want Lara?” Sergio said annoyed that he wasn’t able to spend more time with his girlfriend and daughter; the last thing that he wanted was to deal with was her messing with his life in any way, shape or form.

Lara huffed as she crossed her arms, she stared at the footballer knowing that this was going to be far from easy; she wanted him back now that she was single and she knew that she needed him back.

“I want you back… we had a magical two years together and I miss those times,” Lara said as she smiled at him, she brushed aside her hair as Sergio looked at her before he shook his head as he stepped back from her.

The brunette sighed as she watched him, wishing that there was something that she could do to make him see that she was the one for him; she knew that this wasn’t going to be easy but she was sure that in the end he would see things her way.

Sergio snorted as he stared at Lara, he didn’t believe her for a moment and he knew why she had come crawling back to him; her career had sort of dropped lately and she needed some sort of boost.


“So you left your boyfriend alone with his ex-girlfriend?” Sara asked as she looked at the blonde, she was a little worried that Lara was here to cause trouble; she knew that they hadn’t ended in the best of ways and she didn’t want Gabriela to be hurt in anyway if Lara decided to meddle with her relationship.

Aoife-Belle frowned as she felt her mother hold her closer, the blonde took a deep breath as she worried about what was going to happen; she worried that she was going to lose Sergio and she didn’t need Sara to tell her that this was dangerous territory.

“I know,” Gabriela said as she took a deep breath and looked down at her daughter, she didn’t want to raise Aoife-Belle without her father but if things went south then she was going to have to; she would have to find some way of supporting herself if this happened and find a home for them.

“You can stay with us if things go bad,” Sara offered as she shifted her hold on Santiago, she knew that this couldn’t be easy for her friend but Lara was a threat and if things ended between her and Sergio then she needed somewhere to go.

Gabriela looked at Sara unsure what to say as someone knocked on the hotel room door which wasn’t locked before Sergio stepped inside; he looked at Sara nervously as he closed the door behind him.

“I’ll leave you two alone,” Sara said as she smiled at Gabriela, she knew that they needed to talk alone and she hoped that Sergio hadn’t done anything stupid; the blonde was the best thing that had ever happened to him and he would be an idiot to let her slip through his fingers.

The footballer waited until the door had closed behind Sara before he approached his girlfriend, he knew that Lara’s presence would have put everyone on edge but he truly had no interest in his ex-girlfriend and he loved Gabriela too much to mess this up.

“What did she want?” Gabriela asked as she looked at her boyfriend, she shifted her hold on Aoife-Belle as she wondered how bad things could be; she knew that she was no competition for the brunette and it scared her that she would be pushed out without a thought.

Sergio sighed as he sat down next to Gabriela and pulled her into his arms, he knew that she was worried but she had no need to be; he smiled down at Aoife-Belle.

“She thought she could have me back… I had security drag her out of the hotel,” Sergio said softly as he rested his head against Gabriela’s, he smiled knowing that he would never trade the blonde in and Aoife-Belle was his little girl, she was his little girl and he would never allow her to grow up without a father.


Lara huffed annoyed as she stood outside of the national team hotel, she couldn’t believe that Sergio had her thrown out of the hotel like that; she had known that he wouldn’t welcome her with open arms but she had never considered he’d throw her out like that in a million years.

“Stay away from Sergio,” Sara said as she approached the brunette, she had heard what had happened and couldn’t resist going to warn Lara that she wasn’t welcome anymore; the two had once been on good terms but after what she had done to Sergio, Sara was going to do whatever it took to protect the footballer.

Lara frowned as she turned to look at the reporter, her brown eyes moved over critically as if she was unimpressed with how she was dressed.

“He loves Gabby and they have a family together, so don’t you dare ruin that for him,” Sara threatened as she moved to stand directly in front of Lara; she stared at the younger woman knowing that she wasn’t really listening to her but that didn’t mean that she was going to allow her to hurt anyone else.

The brunette rolled her eyes as she wondered why Sara cared so much, she had heard rumours of how close Gabriela had gotten close with a few of the other Real Madrid spouses.

“He belongs with me Sara… we were so good together and I won’t rest until I have him back,” Lara said smiling as she looked at her former friend.

She knew that this wasn’t going to be easy but all she had to do was get rid of Gabriela and she had a feeling that it was going to be easy; she had already seen how she could cause problems for the couple.

Sara stared at her knowing that this wasn’t going to end well, she knew she’d have to warn Sergio and Gabriela that this was far from over.

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