Chapter Forty-Seven: Talking About Work

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“No,” Sergio said as he glared at his girlfriend, he couldn’t believe that she was even considering going back to work even if it was only part time; the Sevillian was far from pleased about this conversation and he didn’t want to talk about this.

Gabriela sighed as she settled Aoife-Belle on her lap and looked at Sergio, she had known that he was going to protest her return to work especially with her former boss trying to get her to come back to his publishing firm.

“Por favor Sese… I’d only be going back part time,” Gabriela said as she tried to sooth her boyfriend, she could see that it was going to take some convincing to make him okay with what she wanted to do.

The blonde watched Sergio as he glared at a wall as if that would change her mind, she could see that he was now going to fight this at every chance that he got.

“But you don’t have to work amor,” the footballer said as he looked at Gabriela, he didn’t care if she never worked again as long as they were together; he didn’t want some stranger watching their daughter and he was determined that they could work this out.

Gabriela sighed as she shook her head, she didn’t want to be one of those women that relied on their spouse for money; she knew that the press would have a field day if she quit her job now and she wasn’t going to let them torment her over that.

“I can provide you with whatever you need,” Sergio said seriously, he had more than enough money that she didn’t have to work and he loved the idea of her being at home with their daughter; he knew it was a little old fashioned but he couldn’t help it.

Gabriela shook her head, she felt guilty enough when she spent Sergio’s money and she only did that if it was for Aoife-Belle; the blonde hated to be this dependant on her boyfriend when they had only been together for four and a half months.

“As odd as it sounds… I miss going to work, I love spending time with Aoife but I’m with her so much that I worry I’ll become one of those obsessed parents,” Gabriela said carefully as she watched her boyfriend, she couldn’t recall a time that she had truly been away from the little girl for more than a few hours.

Sergio watched the blonde knowing that he couldn’t truly stop her if this was what she wanted, he sighed as he looked down at Aoife-Belle understanding where his girlfriend was coming from even if he didn’t like it.

“It’ll only be part-time?” Sergio asked making Gabriela nod her head, she knew that there was no way that she could deal with going back full-time right now; she still wanted some time with their daughter before the little girl went off to school in a few years.

The footballer sat quietly as he thought about this, he knew that René had cost his girlfriend her original job and right now he was thankful for that.

Jack Hernandez had been constantly calling since the couple had returned from Seville to offer Gabriela her job back as his assistant and it quickly became clear that he was only interested in the publicity that her working at the company would bring.

Sergio was glad that he had put an end to the book deal that he’d had with the publishers, he hadn’t wanted anything too with them after Jack had fired Gabriela at René’s demand.


“When will you go back?” Sergio asked as he helped Gabriela prepare dinner, he was still not happy that she was going back to work but he was glad that she had at least talked to him about it before she had gone back.

The blonde smiled as she wrapped her arms around him and cuddled him, she loved him even more for not stopping her doing this and had told him that she’d pay for a nanny to watch over Aoife-Belle when she went back to work; something that Sergio had refused.

“Three weeks… Sandra’s given me an extra week off to help search for the right nanny,” Gabriela said as she kissed the footballer, she felt him smile against her lips knowing that everything was going to be fine; she was only doing a few days a week and even with his football career they would manage.

Sergio wrapped his arms around Gabriela knowing that he was going to make this work, he would do anything to keep her happy and he would support her when she returned to work even if he didn’t like it.

“René has set up some interviews for next week,” the blonde said as she pulled back from her boyfriend to check on the dinner, she glanced back at him as he nodded his head thoughtfully.

“Promise me that you won’t fall in love or anything with the nanny,” Gabriela said making Sergio chuckle and shake his head, his brown eyes looked at her knowing that he hadn’t been able to look at another woman since they had started dating.

The only other person that he looked at in a similar way that he looked at Gabriela was Aoife-Belle, they were both his girls and he loved them both; they meant the world to him and he wouldn’t change anything for the world.

“I promise… you are the only woman I see,” Sergio said as he kissed his girlfriend softly, he would never allow anything to come between them and he knew that no matter how hot the nanny could be; she would never replace the woman that was the mother of his daughter.

Aoife-Belle’s cries made the couple pull apart making Gabriela laugh softly as Sergio hurried out of the room to get their daughter ready for dinner; she could tell that she had nothing to worry about with him or any other woman.


“So Gabby is going back to work?” Vania asked as she sat down next to her husband and looked over the list that René was compiling for the blonde; she was a little pleased to her that Gabriela wasn’t going to live off Sergio’s money forever.

René nodded his head as he glanced at his wife, he felt a little guilty about having cost the blonde her job and this was his way of making things right with Gabriela; it was clear that Sergio was serious about making things work with the mother of his child.

“I’m just compiling the names of the short list of nannies for them,” René said as he kissed his wife, he knew that his brother was going to make a go of things and even in the short four and a half months that they had been together it was clear that things were going well for the couple and their daughter.

Vania smiled, she had to admit that while she did like Gabriela she had worried that the blonde would take advantage of the fact that Sergio didn’t want her working; the footballer was clear that he wanted her at home with Aoife-Belle.

“She’s good for him,” Vania said knowing how much her brother-in-law had changed since he had not only become a father but he had begun to date Gabriela; the blonde brought out a good change in him there was no denying it.

“She is,” René agreed as he looked at his wife, he was thrilled for his brother and he knew that there was nothing that he could say that would state just how happy he was for his brother.

He had always thought that Sergio would end up with Pilar or Lara but right now he was glad that his brother hadn’t end up with either of them.

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