Chapter Twenty-Four: The Date

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Sergio sighed as he watched Gabriela prepared for her date, his stomach churned at the thought of her dating someone else now that he was single; his feelings for the blonde had only gotten stronger lately.

“You look nice,” Sergio said as he tried to keep the bitterness from his voice, he looked at Gabriela who was wearing a purple maternity boyfriend T-shirt and maternity skinny jeans with stretch waistband paired with white lace up trainers.

“Gracias,” Gabriela said as she smiled at Sergio, she was surprised that he was okay with her going on a date while she was carrying his baby; she had at least thought he’s disapprove in some way.

Sergio ran a hand through his hair, he wasn’t sure what to do if this became a serious relationship but he knew that he didn’t want this man playing step-father to his daughter; if he could do anything he would make sure that this man wouldn’t get the chance.

“So what are your plans today?” Gabriela asked as she turned her attention to Sergio, she collected her black duffle bag with suede fringing as she prepared to leave; she chewed on her lip nervously wondering if she was prepared to date while pregnant.

“Nothing much… I’ll probably watch the match,” Sergio said shrugging, he hadn’t done a lot since he had broken up with Pilar and if he wasn’t at training then he was at home with Gabriela; he wanted to be prepared for when the baby came.

“Are you sure that you don’t want me to stay home? I’m sure Jace won’t mind if I cancel,” Gabriela said feeling guilty as she considered leaving him alone while he was dealing with his break-up; she still had feelings for the footballer even if she was trying to bury them by going on a date with Jace.

“Don’t be silly,” Sergio said shaking his head as he looked at the blonde, he watched her for a moment curious about why she would offer to cancel her date for him; he didn’t want her to do it if it was out of pity.

Gabriela looked at him wondering if he was being serious before she sighed and kissed his cheek, she knew that he would never see her the way she saw him; she just had to move on with her life and hope that her feelings for him would go away.

“Okay,” the blonde said reluctantly making Sergio smile as he felt a spark as she kissed him, he knew that there was no way that she could share his feelings and he knew that he had to allow her to have a life.

Gabriela flashed him a small smile before she collected her keys and prepared to leave for her date; she wasn’t sure if she was ready to take this next step in her life.


“So how have you been?” Jace asked as they were seated, he hadn’t seen much of the blonde lately and he was pleased that he had accepted his offer of a date; he had liked her for a while and had wanted to ask her out for ages.

“I’ve been good,” Gabriela said softly as she sat down, her blue eyes looked around curiously as she took in the atmosphere of the restaurant; she had to admit that the place looked nice and a little fancy.

Jace nodded his head as he watched the blonde, he felt a little awkward dating her while she was pregnant but he had been pleased to hear that she wasn’t in a relationship with the father of her unborn child.

“So what are you up to these days?” Jace asked after they had ordered their lunch, Gabriela sipped on her water as she looked at him; a lot had changed in her life since she had last seen him, she was going to be a mother soon and wasn’t sure what was going to happen next.

“Not much just preparing for the birth and I’m working as an assistant at a designers,” Gabriela said as she shrugged, her life seemed wrapped around Sergio and she’d been forced to take time off because of the media presence in her life; she knew that it would be a while before they got bored with her an moved on.

The two spent their time talking and were enjoying their time together before Gabriela realised that they were being watched; she furrowed her brow as she recognised the man that was watching them.

“Excuse me for a moment,” Gabriela said as she flashed Jace a smile before she stood from their table and walked over to the man that had been watching her; she glared at him annoyed that she was being spied on like that and that he had the nerve to follow her on her date.

“René what are you doing here?” the blonde hissed annoyed as she stopped in front of him, she didn’t know if Sergio had sent him or not but she was far from pleased that she had been followed; she liked Jace and she didn’t think that he was a threat in any way.

René smiled at her knowing that she was upset, he didn’t blame her but he knew that while his brother was happy to let her live her life that there was no way that this was just a coincidence that she had been asked on a date like this.

“Did you really think that we wouldn’t keep an eye on you… you’re having my brother’s baby, even if he has said this is okay, I have to protect his interests,” René said as he stared at the blonde, he might not have liked her to begin with but she was still having Sergio’s baby and he didn’t want this man getting the wrong idea about Gabriela.


Sergio sipped on his beer as he watched the match when he heard the front door opened and closed with a slam, he glanced over at the door to see an angry Gabriela followed by his older brother.

“You had him follow me?” the blonde snapped furiously as she stared at the footballer, she couldn’t believe that this was going on; she had never thought that he would sink this low.

Sergio looked at her confused before he turned his attention to René, wondering what was going on; he had never asked his brother to do anything of the sort.

“He didn’t have me follow you… I decided to do that myself,” René said as he looked at the blonde, he could understand that she was upset about what had happened; however he had done it for the right reasons, he didn’t trust Jace and had a feeling that he was up to something.

Sergio blinked as he looked at the blonde before she huffed and stormed off to her bedroom, he flinched as he heard the door slam as he wondered why his brother had done something like this.

“René?” Sergio asked as he turned his attention to his older brother, he was curious since he didn’t know what was going on and why René had done this for him.

The older Ramos brother sighed as he sat down next to his brother knowing that he was curious about why he had done what he had; he just hoped that it would make things right between them.

“I figured you wouldn’t want her getting close to Jace while she was having your baby…” René said shrugging as he smiled at his younger brother; he didn’t want anyone thinking that they could come between Sergio and the unborn child.

Sergio smiled at him softly, he had a feeling that the next few weeks were going to be interesting and he hoped that Jace wasn’t going to pose a threat to him when it came to Gabriela or their unborn daughter.

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