Chapter Forty-Three: Making Things Clear

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Sergio took a deep breath as he stepped into the private hospital room, his brown eyes flicked to the injured woman that lay in the bed; he hadn’t told Gabriela what he planned to do but he wanted to make things perfectly clear for Andria Covas.

“Hola, can I help you?” Andria asked as she looked up at the footballer, she didn’t recognise him and was curious about why the young man had come to see her; she closed her book as she carefully pushed herself up.

Sergio took a deep breath, he knew that he needed to do this if he wanted to protect his family; he wasn’t about to allow Gabriela or Aoife-Belle to be hurt by this woman or her husband.

“You can… I’m Sergio,” the footballer said carefully as he eyed her cautiously wondering if she remembered their last meeting; he didn’t care that she was laying in hospital right now, he wasn’t going to allow her to drag Gabriela down.

Andria looked at him for a moment before she remembered that she had meet the man before, she nodded her head as she recalled that he was the father of her granddaughter; she couldn’t help but hope that this meeting was going to bring her closer to her daughter again.

“I just wanted to make things perfectly clear on where we stand right now,” Sergio said as he sat down, he watched Andria as she nodded her head confused; she wasn’t expecting any type of serious conversation but she was curious about what he was going to stay.

Sergio took a calming breath as he remembered that he was doing this for his girlfriend; the last thing that he wanted was for Gabriela was for her to be hurt.

“I don’t want you anywhere near Gabriela or Aoife if it was up to me, you would disappear completely,” Sergio said making Andria stare at him taken back that he had come to see her like this and say something going on.

“However it isn’t up to me… so if you ever mess with my family, I’ll make sure that your life isn’t worth living,” Sergio snarled knowing that Gabriela wasn’t going to be happy if she found out about this; however he didn’t care, he was going to protect his small family and if this was the only way that he could do it then so be it.

Andria glared at the footballer, she couldn’t believe that he had come to her hospital bed and threatened her like that; the brunette had thought it was going to make things better between her and her daughter.

“How dare you come here and threaten me,” Andria said furiously as she reached for the button to call the nurse, she wanted the footballer gone and when she was better then she would make sure that she was involved with her daughter and granddaughter as much as possible.

“I don’t want to see Gabby hurt again… you disowned her and now when you have no one else, you’ve come back and I won’t let you hurt my girlfriend or my daughter,” Sergio said making Andria stop and look at him, she could see that the footballer cared for her daughter.

She stared at him as she tried to wrap her head around the fact that someone loved her daughter and was trying to protect her from getting hurt.


Gabriela smiled as she spotted Sergio returning home, she bounced Aoife-Belle on her knee making the little girl laugh; the blonde knew that he had been to see her mother and she had a feeling that she knew what he had done.

“Everything okay?” Gabriela asked as she stood up and balanced Aoife-Belle on her hip, she looked at her boyfriend worried that he had done something stupid; she didn’t want him doing something that he would later come to regret.

Sergio smiled as he looked at his girlfriend and daughter, he knew that he had done the right thing to protect them both; Andria might mean well but she had disowned Gabriela and now she wanted her back when things had gone wrong. “

Fine,” Sergio said as he carefully took Aoife-Belle, he smiled as he cuddled his daughter close knowing that he would do anything for her; she didn’t need her mother’s past haunting her and he was going to spoil her rotten.

Gabriela eyed him concerned knowing that whatever he had done, it had been for the right reasons; she knew that he worried about her and she was grateful for that.

The blonde stepped forward and kissed him, she knew that whatever he had done was for her benefit and for their daughter; she just hoped that he hadn’t lost his temper and done something stupid.

“Gracias for whatever you did,” Gabriela said as she brushed some hair from his face, it was starting to grow long again and she wondered if he would consider cutting it again; the footballer smiled as he kissed his girlfriend again knowing that she had no idea what she had done.

Sergio smiled as he drew the blonde closer, he knew that she was the best thing that had ever walked into his life; Aoife-Belle was the result of the best night of his life and he wouldn’t change anything for the world.

“I love you,” Sergio said seriously as he brushed his lips against hers, he wished that he could show her just how much; Aoife-Belle pouted as she ran her fingers through her father’s hair making him pull away from her mother.

“And I love you too Aoife,” Sergio said as he smiled at her, he kissed her knowing that everything would work out; they were the people that meant the world to him and he wasn’t going to let them go.


Andria sighed as she looked at the only picture of her daughter that she had, she blinked back tears as she thought about how she had messed things up; the brunette had always thought that she would have time to make it right that she had forgotten one important thing.

Gabriela was a grown up now and not her little girl anymore, she had always thought that she would have a chance to make things right between them; but her talk with Sergio had proven that, she was a mother now herself and Gabriela had to think about what was best for her on daughter now.

"So what do you want to do when you leave hospital?” a nurse asked making Andria put down the picture, she didn’t have any pictures of her grandchild but she knew that she needed to start thinking about the future; the brunette looked at the nurse knowing that she needed to get back on her feet and soon.

“I’m going to get better start to live my life for me and then make things right with my daughter,” Andria said as she smiled as she thought about what she was going to do; she wanted to be a part of Gabriela’s life and Sergio had made it clear that it wasn’t going to happen unless she sorted herself out.

The footballer had been generous to offer the apartment in Mirasierra, Madrid for her to stay in and offered to fund her new life for six months so that she could get back on her feet; something that she was grateful for.

“That’s nice,” the nurse said as she moved to leave the room as Andria carefully picked up the book that she had, a smile forming on her face as she thought about her future.

She couldn’t wait to meet her granddaughter for the first time and she knew that she was going to make a wonderful grandmother.

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