Chapter Fifty-Eight: Reunited at Last

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Sergio smiled as he stepped into his home with Aoife-Belle cuddled close to his chest, he still couldn’t believe that his little girl was home safe and sound.

The footballer grinned as his family turned to look at him, their gaze focusing on Aoife-Belle in awe as they realised that she was finally home.

Paqui stifled a sob as she stared at her youngest granddaughter, she couldn’t believe that she was home;José María wrapped his arms around his wife as he smiled at his son.

“Where’s Gabby?” Sergio asked knowing that Aoife-Belle would want her mother, he couldn’t believe that she was in his arms; he hadn’t even let her go as a doctor checked her over so that she could come home.

Mirian and René smiled at their younger brother glad that everything had worked out for them, it could have turned out so much worse.

“Bedroom,” Paqui said knowing that the blonde would be thrilled to have her daughter home at last, no one had told her that Aoife-Belle had been rescued nor had they said anything about why she had to put some clothes on instead of moping about in her PJs.

Sergio nodded his head as he whispered softly to his daughter, he couldn’t have been happier that she was home in time for Christmas; the footballer wasn’t sure that Gabriela would have coped if their daughter didn’t come home.

The footballer headed for the bedroom knowing that he couldn’t keep Gabriela waiting, he wanted her to see that their daughter was okay.

Stepping silently into their bedroom, Sergio smiled at the sight of Gabriela wearing a coral V-neck jumper and white high waist skinny ankle grazer jeans paired with black trainers; he was glad to see her wearing something other than her PJs.

“Gabby,” Sergio said softly knowing that Aoife-Belle was excited to see her mother again, he grinned knowing that this was the moment that they had been waiting for.

“Sergio, what is going on?” Gabriela said as she turned to look at her boyfriend, her blue eyes quickly finding their daughter in his arms making her gasp in surprise.

Tears filled the blonde’s eyes as she stared at Aoife-Belle, making Sergio chuckle as he moved closer to her knowing that this was a wonderful surprise.

“She’s home,” the footballer whispered as he carefully handed his daughter over to her mother, he made sure that Gabriela wasn’t going to drop in her in shock.

Sergio watched as his girlfriend cuddled their daughter close and moved to sit on the bed, he smiled at the sight knowing that this was the most important thing to him in the world.

“What happened?” Gabriela asked as she looked up at her boyfriend, she couldn’t believe that their Aoife-Belle was home; she couldn’t believe that she was holding her daughter.

The blonde had been convinced that she would never see or hold her daughter like this again, she had almost been certain that Aoife-Belle had been lost.

“Kendra was arrested,” Sergio said shortly not wanting to talk about the woman who had stolen their daughter from them; he knew that Kendra wasn’t well but it didn’t make up for the pain that she had caused his small perfect family.

Gabriela nodded her head as she sensed that Sergio didn’t want to talk about what had happened, she grinned as she turned to focus on her daughter knowing that nothing could take her away from them now.


Gabriela brushed some hair from her face as she carried Aoife-Belle around the house, she had been pleased to hear that a doctor had checked the infant over and she was okay.

“Paqui?” the blonde said softly as she approached the older woman, she knew she had been a mess the last week and she wished to speak with Sergio’s mother alone; she knew that there was so much for her to thank her for.

Paqui might not have been fond of her but she had put up with her because of Sergio and had looked after her when she had broken down after the loss of Aoife-Belle.

“I wanted to thank you for all that you’ve done,” Gabriela said as she looked at Paqui, she doubted that she would have been able to cope if it hadn’t been for the woman and her family.

Gabriela hadn’t heard from her mother and her father was in prison right now, the blonde only had Aoife-Belle and Sergio for family now.

Paqui smiled softly as she looked at the mother of her granddaughter, she knew that she had never seen her son so protective before and she had to admit that she was proud that Gabriela was her granddaughter’s mother.

The blonde wasn’t anything like the other women that her son had dated, they hadn’t pushed him to become a better man; they had only tried to control him and what he was doing.

“It was nothing… you are family now,” Paqui said knowing that, that was what Gabriela was now; she wasn’t just Aoife-Belle’s mother anymore, she was a part of the family as much as Vania was.

The blonde blinked a little taken back at Paqui’s words, she hadn’t known that that was how she felt about her; Gabriela had been a little worried about what Paqui might say to her when she decided to speak with her.

Sergio approached his girlfriend and wrapped his arms around her knowing that they were going to be okay, he smiled at his mother as he cuddled his small family close.

The footballer hadn’t been able to allow either his girlfriend or their daughter out of his sight, he had noticed a couple of odd things about Gabriela but he knew he’d be able to talk to her about them later.

“I’ll get dinner started,” Paqui said with a wink at the couple before she walked away, she couldn’t help but wonder when Gabriela would notice that there was something different about her.

The older woman had noticed it when she had first arrived and she knew her son would be thrilled when the blonde found out.

Gabriela looked at Sergio who shrugged before she allowed him to take Aoife-Belle from her; she smiled knowing that they wouldn’t be letting her out of their sight for a while now.

“I wonder what that was about,” Gabriela said as she crossed her arms and smiled at her boyfriend, she still couldn’t believe how well everything had worked out for them.

Sergio shrugged as he cooed at Aoife-Belle, he was glad that his girlfriend had gotten her appetite back now that they had their daughter home; he had begun to worry about her since she had been ill for the last week.

“So Christmas?”José María said as he approached his youngest son and girlfriend, he wanted to spend the holidays with his family and he knew that there would be no point returning to Seville.

Sergio chuckled knowing that they had something to look forward to, he couldn’t wait for Aoife-Belle’s first Christmas; the footballer grinned as he looked at his girlfriend knowing it would be perfect.

“We’ll sort something out,” Gabriela said knowing that there was only two weeks until Christmas, she couldn’t believe how quickly the last week had been even if it was a nightmare.

Sergio nodded his head knowing that he wanted the holidays to go perfectly, he knew it would be a celebration and he couldn’t wait to spend it with his family.


Author's Note:

Only two chapters left.

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