Chapter Thirty: Baby Ramos López

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“She’s perfect,” Sergio whispered as he held his daughter, he couldn’t believe that she was finally in his arms; the newborn was only about an hour old and he was thrilled that she had arrived on her due date.

Gabriela smiled at him tiredly as she watched him with their daughter, she couldn’t believe that she had been in labour for five hours and that it had resulted in something so beautiful.

The blonde had changed out of her original nightie and was now wearing a sky blue nightgown because of the mess that had been made when she had given birth; she was surprised just how much liquid had come out of her when the little girl had been born.

“She still needs a name,” Gabriela said as she looked at her boyfriend, he nodded his head as he looked at her with a smile; he didn’t think any of the names that they had picked out suited her.

Sergio nibbled on his lip in thought knowing that she needed a name and soon, he stared down at his daughter trying to think about the perfect name.

“She doesn’t look like a Belinda, nor does she look like a Chloe or a Amelia,” Gabriela mused as the newborn made a small voice, she smiled as she looked at her boyfriend who carefully handed the baby back to her; he knew that she was going to need feeding soon.

Sergio watched the blonde with his daughter and smiled, he wasn’t sure what he was going to do when it came to being parted from them in a few days’ time for a match but he knew that he was going to do whatever it took to be there for the two of them.

“I have no ideas,” Gabriela admitted making the footballer chuckled as he watched her, he knew that they would name their daughter when the time was right; they just needed the perfect name for her.


Sergio rubbed his eyes tiredly as he looked at Gabriela, who was sleeping in the hospital bed; he smiled softly glad that she was finally getting some rest while she could before they had visitors.

The footballer fought back a yawn as he pushed himself out of the hospital chair and stretched before he quietly moved towards his daughter and checked on her; he smiled to himself knowing that he had been extremely lucky when it came to his girlfriend and their little girl.

“Hola,” René whispered as he quietly slipped into the private hospital room, he smiled at his younger brother as he approached him; he had decided to wait for a couple of hours before he came to the hospital.

Sergio nodded at him before he turned his attention back to his newborn daughter, René chuckled as he moved to stand next to his brother and look down at his niece.

“Have you decided on a name yet?” René asked knowing that the two had been struggling to name the newborn before she had even been born; he smiled as Sergio shook his head as he didn’t even look up from the sleeping baby.

René patted his brother on the back before he smiled knowing that they would think of a perfect name sooner or later; René turned to the resting blonde knowing that they had a difficult year ahead of them with the newborn.

“So how are things between the two of you?” René asked as he turned to look at his brother, he didn’t know why Sergio hadn’t told her yet how he felt but he knew that with a baby that it would make things a lot easier for the two of them.

The footballer smiled as he glanced over at his sleeping girlfriend, he couldn’t believe that she was finally his after all these months.

“Things are fine… she’s my girlfriend,” Sergio said as he held back a smile, René looked at his brother surprised before a smile formed on his face; he was thrilled for his brother and he couldn’t believe that things had worked out for him.

A small whine from Sergio’s daughter made him look down concerned before he carefully picked her up; he held her in his arms knowing that she was special to him and she always would be.

René chuckled as he patted his brother on his back, he could see that the newborn already had her father wrapped around her little fingers.

“I called madre and padre… they said they’d get the first flight out with Mirian,” René said as he watched Sergio with the newborn, he could tell that they were all going to love her when they saw her; he cleared his throat making the footballer look at him for a moment before his attention went back to his daughter.

“So what are you getting Gabby as a gift?” René asked making his brother look at him, he could tell that Sergio hadn’t thought of that especially since the couple hadn’t been together for more than twenty-four hour; however the Spaniard knew that there was no way that Sergio could miss out on getting a blonde a gift for what she had done for him.


Gabriela huffed as she read through the baby book, she was trying to find a name for her newborn daughter while Sergio as running errands; she knew he wouldn’t be long and it gave them both time to think of a name for the baby.

The sound of Sergio returning made the blonde look up, she blinked surprised as her boyfriend smiled at her sheepishly as he held up the bouquet of pink roses as he watched her.

“Sergio… you didn’t have to do that,” the blonde whispered as she looked at the footballer, she couldn’t believe that he had done that for her.

Sergio chuckled as he moved towards his girlfriend and gave her the flowers, he kissed her softly knowing that he had to get her something for giving him a beautiful daughter.

“I did and that’s not all,” Sergio said as he pulled a small square black box from his pocket and handed it to her, he knew that he couldn’t give her enough for what she had done for him.

Gabriela carefully opened the box and stared speechlessly at the 9ct white gold one carat diamond tennis bracelet that lay inside; Sergio chuckled as he carefully to the bracelet and put it on her wrist.

“I wanted to get you something nice… you’ve given me the most hermonsa daughter and I can never thank you enough,” Sergio said softly as he smiled at her as she paused for a moment and looked at her; they wanted something unique for their daughter and she had suddenly had an idea.

The footballer looked at his girlfriend as she reached for the baby book and started to look through it before she stopped and grinned at him; she wondered why she hadn’t thought of this before.

“Aoife-Belle,” Gabriela said as she smiled at her boyfriend, Sergio carefully took the book from the blonde and looked down at the name that his girlfriend was talking about; he furrowed his brow confused about how to pronounce the name.

“Aoi-fe?” Sergio said as he tried out the first part of the name, he looked at his girlfriend confused wondering if it was the right name for their daughter. Gabriela smiled at him and shook her head before she took the book from him.

“No EE-fa… it means beautiful,” Gabriela said as she watched her boyfriend, she smiled as he mouthed the name before he grinned at her.

He didn’t know what it was but Aoife-Belle Ramos López had a nice ring to it and he knew that there wouldn’t be any confusion about whose daughter she was with that name.

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