Chapter Fourteen: Meddling Girlfriend

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Pilar smirked to herself as she pulled her white Audi S5 Convertible up outside the unfamiliar apartment block; she had searched through Sergio’s office to find out the address for where Gabriela was living.

The brunette reporter knew that Sergio didn't want her meeting the other woman but she couldn't help herself; she needed to know what she was up against and if there was a way to drive her away.

Checking her hair in the mirror, Pilar climbed out of the car and walked around to the passenger side and collected the basket that she had put together for the blonde; she was going to use it as the perfect excuse to befriend the younger woman.

Pilar locked her car and started to walk towards the elevator so that she could get to the apartment where Gabriela was living; in the two weeks since Sergio had learnt he was going to have a little girl, he had become a different person and Pilar worried that he was growing bored with her.

It didn't take her long to locate the apartment; she rang the doorbell before she painted a smile on her face as she waited for the blonde to answer the door.

The brunette kept her face straight as Gabriela opened the door, Pilar could see that the other woman knew who she was and she kept a smile on her face as she pushed her way into the apartment.

“It’s nice to finally meet you Gabriela,” Pilar said keeping her voice light and friendly, she couldn't help but look the blonde over and hold back a scoff; Gabriela was wearing a grey knit skater dress with black lace detail paired with black crocodile print heeled long boots as if she had plans to be somewhere.

“Pilar? What are you doing here?” Gabriela asked softly, she had never met Sergio’s girlfriend before and it made her curious about why she had come to her apartment without the footballer.

“I came to see you… Sergio told me the wonderful news that you are expecting a little girl,” Pilar said as she set the basket down on the dining room table; she looked at the blonde who was watching her confused about why she was here to see her.

Gabriela swallowed as she tried to shake the bad feeling that the brunette was up to something; she didn't trust the other woman and she knew that Sergio hadn't wanted the two to meet so it made her wonder why Pilar had come to her.

“Now I’ve brought you some stuff for the baby… vitamins, lotions and that sort of thing,” Pilar said as she waved her hand over the basket that she had brought with her, she could see that Gabriela didn't trust her but if she wanted things to go her way then she needed to gain the blonde’s trust.

“You didn't have to do that,” Gabriela said as she eyed the basket warily, she knew that the older woman was up to something and she was going to get rid of the basket as soon as Pilar had left; she didn't know what it was but she found it a little strange that she was trying to gift her with stuff.


Sergio furrowed his brow as he looked around his home wondering where his girlfriend was; she was meant to meet him for lunch and hadn't even shown up at the restaurant, which had meant he had been stood up.

The Spaniard frowned angrily wondering why she had done something like that without warning him; he ran a hand through his hair annoyed before he headed into his office to see if there were any messages or appointments that needed to be attended.

Stepping into his office, Sergio frowned when he saw that things on his desk had been moved; he carefully walked over and checked it before he realised something was missing.

Sergio carefully checked through his things as he tried to figure out what was missing, he didn't know why Pilar had been through his things but it did make him worry.

It didn't take long for him to realise that it was the piece of paper that had Gabriela’s address on that was missing; Odi and Africa looked at the footballer as he cursed as he realised that Pilar had taken the address, he quickly checked his phone and noticed several messages from Gabriela all containing the same content about Pilar being at her home.

Sergio took an aggravated breath as he realised that his girlfriend had ignored his request that she stayed away from Gabriela, she hadn't been happy with the pregnancy and he wondered what she would do if she was alone with the blonde.


Gabriela looked relieved as she opened the front door to Sergio, she glanced behind her as she allowed him into the apartment; the blonde wasn’t sure how much more she could take of Pilar’s kind gestures, they made her feel guilty about getting pregnant.

“Sese what are you doing here?” Pilar asked as she appeared holding a cup of coffee, she smiled at her boyfriend knowing that he wasn’t happy with what she had done; he had asked her to not get involved and she had.

“I think I should ask you that,” Sergio seethed as he glanced at Gabriela, his eyes warming at the sight of the bump before he looked back at his girlfriend; he knew that she was up to something and he had a feeling that she had come to meddle.

“I just brought some things for Gabriela,” Pilar said shrugging innocently, she knew that he wasn’t happy with her after she had stood him up for lunch especially since she had come here instead; she put an innocent smile on her face as she kissed his lips making Gabriela look away.

“We’ll talk about this at home,” Sergio said furious that she had come to the blonde like this, he didn't know what she was playing at but he knew that Pilar hadn't come to be nice with the pregnant blonde.

“Of course amor,” Pilar said as she fluffed her brown hair, she fought back a smirk as she looked over at Gabriela who was pretending to look around the room; she hoped that this would be the start of the driving wedge between the blonde and her boyfriend since she didn't want to lose Sergio.

Pilar collected her coat as Sergio turned his attention to Gabriela, he ran a hand through his hair as he realised that things were still awkward between them after he had kissed her two weeks ago.

“I’m so sorry,” Sergio said shaking his head as they stood next to each other, he didn't know what to say and he hated that Pilar had done this without giving him some warning; there was a reason that he hadn't wanted Pilar to meet Gabriela and he could already see it happening.

“It’s fine,” Gabriela said softly as she felt the guilt build in her stomach, she looked down at her hands as she tried to ignore the feeling that seemed to overpower her; she had known that he had a girlfriend but she never thought that Pilar was going to be nice to her, it only made things worse for her that way.

“Gabby…” Sergio said as he reached out, he didn't want her feeling bad about what had happened, it had been his fault that they had ended up in this situation; however before he could continue Pilar interrupted him saying that she was ready.

The reporter smiled as she realised that her visit had been effective; she just hoped that it would be enough to drive the blonde away.

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