Chapter Thirteen: Unexpected Feelings

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Gabriela swallowed as she walked into the doctor’s office, it was time for another scan and she was a little nervous since she was nineteen weeks pregnant meaning that there was a chance that she’d find out what she was having today.

The blonde quickly checked herself in before she sat down in the waiting area, she glanced around at the couples that were all in difference stages of their pregnancies and she couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.

Sergio wasn’t coming with her for the appointments since he didn’t want the press to catch him with her as he was keeping the fact that he had fathered a child a secret; Gabriela understood but it didn’t make this any easier on her.

The blonde slowly turned her thoughts to the coming holidays, since it was the middle of November it had become clear that she wasn’t going to see her parents anytime soon so Sasha had insisted that Gabriela spent the holidays with the Allen family.

“Senora López,” the midwife called making the blonde look up, she nodded her head as she pushed herself to her feet and hurried into the room; she pretend not to notice some of the looks from some of the nurses as she went into the office alone again.

“So how have you been Gabriela?” the midwife asked as the blonde took a seat, she looked down at her hands as she composed herself before she started to answer the midwife’s questions; she knew that she would have to get used to this since Sergio would never have a lot of time for their baby.

“Okay… everything looks good so far,” the midwife said as she checked Gabriela’s weight and the size of her bump, she was pleased with how everything was going and she could tell that the baby was going to be healthy.

“Now on to the scan,” the midwife said as she signalled for the blonde to get onto the table, she smiled at Gabriela as she moved and settled onto the table for her scan; she knew how nervous some women were when they reached this part of their pregnancy.

The midwife was silent for a moment before she smiled and looked at Gabriela.

“Would you like to know the gender?” she asked making the blonde look at her and nod her head as she looked at the screen and smiled at the sight of her unborn child. The midwife checked her file for a moment before she looked at the screen.

“Congratulations… it looks like you are having a little girl,” the midwife said making tears fill Gabriela’s eyes as she stared at her baby.

She couldn’t believe that she was going to have a little girl, she wiped away tears as the midwife smiled at her; she could tell that this baby was going to be loved and she hoped that Gabriela was ready for motherhood.


Stepping into her apartment, Gabriela smiled to herself as she set down her bag on the small table by the front door and headed for the kitchen; she opened her fridge and pulled out a bottle of fruit juice before she headed back out and towards her living here.

“How was the appointment?” Sergio asked from his place on her couch making Gabriela jump in surprise and rest a hand over her heart as she stared at him; she hadn’t spotted his car when she had arrived and hadn’t even realised that he was in her apartment.

“It was fine,” Gabriela replied as he shot her an apologetic look, the footballer watched as she moved to sit down on the couch away from him; she hadn’t expect him to show up like this.

Sergio nodded his head as he watched her, she was wearing a cream lace yoke top and pepe flared jeans paired with white trainers; he had to admit it was nice to see someone who didn’t dress up all the time as if they were going on a night out.

“I have a couple of scan pictures if you’d like one,” Gabriela offered as she sipped on her drink, Sergio’s brown eyes sparkled at the idea of having a picture of his unborn child; the blonde moved to get her colour block cross body bag.

Sergio watched as she carefully took out the scan and handed it to him, he swallowed as he stared at his baby; it seemed so much bigger than the last time that he had seen it.

“He’s beautiful,” Sergio murmured as he stared at the 3D image of his baby, he hadn’t really thought about it as his child since he didn’t get a lot of time with Gabriela but this made him think about the little baby that would need him soon.

“She,” the blonde corrected making Sergio look at her, he furrowed his brow wondering why she had said that; he tilted his head as Gabriela smiled at him softly.

“It’s a girl,” Gabriela said as she smiled at him, she watched him wondering how he would feel about the fact that he was going to have a daughter; she figure that he’d want a son since he was a footballer.

“We’re having a little girl,” Sergio said as he looked back down at the image, he couldn’t believe that he was going to have a little girl; he couldn’t stop the smile on his face as he thought about becoming a father, he didn’t care that he was going to have a little girl.

The Sevillian couldn’t stop himself before he pulled Gabriela into a kiss, he wrapped his arms around her as he held her close; his mind took a moment or two to catch up with what he had just done before he pulled away from the blonde.

Gabriela stared at him speechless as she tried to wrap her head around what had just happened; she blinked as she wondered why he had done that.

Sergio swallowed as he looked at Gabriela, he didn’t know what had come over him but he hadn’t expected to kiss her like that; he ran a hand through his hair.

“I have to go,” Sergio said knowing that he needed to get away and clear his head, the footballer didn’t wait to hear Gabriela’s response before he walked out of her apartment.


Pilar fluffed her hair as she waited for Sergio to come home, she had spent the last few days trying to keep him away from Gabriela so that she wouldn’t lose him to her; the brunette didn’t trust the other woman and didn’t care that she was having his baby.

Pilar glanced around the bedroom, she had locked his two dogs in one of the spare rooms and knew that they would be alone tonight since she had arranged for no one to interrupt them.

The brunette smiled as she heard Sergio returning home, she didn’t know where he had been but she had a feeling that he had been to see Gabriela; Pilar glanced in the mirror one more time before she headed out to see what he was doing.

It didn’t take her long to find Sergio who was rummaging through the cupboards; she smirked as she leant against the door knowing that he wouldn’t be expecting her.

“How was your day?” Pilar asked as she strutted towards her boyfriend, she smiled seductively as she approached him; she felt pleased as his brown eyes flickered over her body before she stopped in front of him.

“It was good… Gabriela’s having a baby girl,” Sergio said as he tried to ignore the guilt that coursed through his veins, he knew that he couldn’t tell Pilar what had happened between him and the blonde; it would only upset her and make things worse.

Pilar forced a smile, she didn’t care what the brat was going to be as long as it didn’t get in her way. 

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