Chapter Twelve: Telling the Girlfriend

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Gabriela rested a hand on her small bump, she was sixteen weeks pregnant and she couldn’t believe how fast the last week had gone; the blonde hadn’t seen much of Sergio but he had stayed in contact as much as he could.

“So how are you feeling?” Tanya asked as she sipped on her drink, her blue eyes flickering around the apartment where her friend now lived; she didn’t know what Sergio was doing but she was worried that Gabriela would end up hurt.

“I’m fine…” the blonde replied as she sat down, she hadn’t heard from Sergio that day and she knew that he was going out with his girlfriend who had become a little clingy since the paternity had been confirmed; Gabriela had wondered when the footballer would tell his girlfriend about her pregnancy.

“And how are things with Sergio?” Tanya pushed, she wanted to make sure that Gabriela was okay and that the footballer was taking advantage of the fact that she was having his baby.

Gabriela sipped on her drink, she knew that her friend was only trying to help but she didn’t want to tell her that things had been pretty strained; Sergio had sent her things that she didn’t need and she wasn’t sure what to do now.

“Things have been good,” the blonde said with a small weak smile, she could see that her friend didn’t believe her and she didn’t blame her; she took a deep breath as she ran a hand through her hair wondering how to explain.

“Come one Gabby, you can tell me anything,” Tanya said as she took her friend’s hand, she wanted to be there for her friend and she didn’t want her to do this alone.

The blonde looked down at her hands as she thought about the gifts that Sergio had sent her; it had included laptop, mobile, tablet PC and an e-book, all of them had been brand new and Gabriela wanted to know what she should do.


Sergio licked his lips as he looked at Pilar as she prepared some lunch for them, he had decided that today would be the day that he told his girlfriend of a year that he was having a baby with another woman.

“Is everything okay amor?” Pilar asked as she moved to sit next to her boyfriend, she kissed his cheek and set down his lunch in front of him; he nodded his head wondering how he could possibly tell her that he had fathered a baby.

“There’s something that I need to tell you,” Sergio said as he took her hands, he smiled at her knowing that this wasn’t easy and he hoped that she would understand; he took a deep breath as Pilar looked at him curiously wondering what he had to tell her that suddenly seemed so important.

“You can tell me anything Sese,” Pilar encouraged as she realised that maybe he was going to tell her what was going on right now; she had noticed that Sergio wasn’t talking to his brother and even Vania seemed to be upset with René about something.

“Do you remember the one night stand that I had back in Ibiza?” Sergio asked softly, his brown eyes looked at Pilar who pursed her lips as she suddenly realised that this wasn’t going to be pleasant.

Sergio took a deep breath as he prepared to break the news that he was going to be a father; he could see the tears pulling in her eyes.

“I’ve been in contact with her and she’s having my baby,” Sergio said as he broke the news as best as he could, he flinched as he saw the cold look fill Pilar’s brown eyes as she watched him; he knew that she was going to be upset and he was prepared for that.

“Are you sure that it’s yours?” Pilar asked stiffly as she stared at her boyfriend, she didn’t know what to say but she wanted to be sure before she lashed out and told him how hurt that she was about this.

Sergio looked at her and nodded his head, his eyes taking in her tense form as he wondered how he could make this better; he hated that he was hurting her like this.

“I’m sure… Gabriela had a prenatal paternity test done last week, the baby is mine,” Sergio said as he nodded his head, he watched as tears formed in her eyes; Pilar sniffed as she realised that her boyfriend was having a baby with another woman.

The brunette pushed him away as she tried to wrap her head around the fact that Sergio was going to be a father while she wasn’t the mother; she closed her eyes as tears started to fall.

“I’m so sorry,” Sergio said shaking his head as he watched his girlfriend, he wanted to reach out and comfort her; he hated it when she cried and he wished that he could make things better.

Pilar sniffled as she looked at Sergio, she didn’t want his apology since it wouldn’t change anything; her heart ached as she realised that she would also have to deal with the fact that this other woman, this Gabriela was going to be spending time with her boyfriend.

“What does she want?” Pilar asked wondering if they could just pay the other woman to go away; she didn’t want to share Sergio with this other woman or the child. Sergio took a deep breath, he knew that she wasn’t going to like what he was about to tell her; he just hoped that she would understand.

“Gabriela doesn’t want anything… she just wanted me to know that I was going to be a padre,” Sergio said making his girlfriend snort, she didn’t believe that for a moment and she carefully started to plan on how to get rid of the other woman.


Tanya sighed as she hugged her best friend goodbye, she had spent the day listening to all of Gabriela’s problems; she was still worried about her and she knew that the only way make sure nothing went wrong would be to talk to Sergio.

“I’ll see you soon,” Tanya promised making Gabriela nod her head, she knew that her friend was only looking out for her and she was grateful for that.

Tanya watched her closely as she thought about what her friend was going through, she knew that Gabriela was going to have to stand on her own two feet; she didn’t want the blonde relying on Sergio if he was only going to let her down.

“Don’t worry so much… I’ll be fine,” Gabriela said as she tried to cheer her friend up, Tanya didn’t trust Sergio and Gabriela knew that it was going to take a little time before her friend did; she just hoped that Tanya wouldn’t cause any problems between in her and Sergio.

“I can’t help but worry for you,” Tanya said as she looked at her friend, she wasn’t going to allow anything to happen to her friend or that baby that she was carrying; she was going to be there even if it meant stepping on Sergio’s toes.

“Promise me you won’t go overboard,” Gabriela said knowing what her friend was like when she got an idea in her head; she loved Tanya like a sister but she didn’t want her to do something that would cause problems.

The blonde smiled at her innocently, she knew that her friend was already worrying about what she was going to do and she didn’t blame her.

“I promise… por favor, it’s like you don’t know me at all,” Tanya said as she kissed Gabriela’s cheek as she prepared to leave, she knew what her friend was trying to do and she wasn’t going to just sit around and let Sergio walk all over her friend while she was having his baby.

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