Chapter Fifty-Two: Mummy and Daddy Time

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Gabriela grinned as she looked at the clock on the wall, she knew that Sergio would be home at any moment and with Aoife-Belle staying with Vania and René for the night; so that her parents could have some allow time.

The couple had been so focused on their daughter and their jobs that neither of them had time for one another, they had been dating for seven months now and Gabriela worried that their relationship was suffering and had decided to organise a romantic night in.

The blonde had prepared a romantic dinner for them and had gone out and bought some new lingerie that she was sure that Sergio would like; she couldn’t remember when they’d had last done something like this alone without Aoife-Belle.

“Okay,” Gabriela said as she did one last check, she had called Paqui to get the recipe of her boyfriend’s favourite dinner and she knew that this had to work out well; she didn’t want them to break up over nothing.

The blonde smiled as she heard the front door open, she smoothed out her purple kimono as she made sure everything was in place; she nibbled on her lip hoping that he’d had a great day at training

. “Hola I’m home,” Sergio called completely unaware what his girlfriend had planned, he set down his training bag in the foyer knowing that he would sort out his sweaty clothes later on; he wanted to greet his girlfriend and daughter since he knew that Gabriela had had the day off.

The footballer stopped what he was doing and blinked as his girlfriend of seven months stepped into view, he swallowed as he realised that she was wearing her kimono; it made him wonder what was going on.

“Hola,” Gabriela said with a smile on her face, she could see from the look on her boyfriend’s face that he hadn’t been expecting this; she was glad that he was surprised about what she had done.

Sergio opened his mouth to speak as he stepped closer to his girlfriend, the house was filled with a delicious smell and he didn’t have to guess what she had been making; his stomach grumbled as if on cue.

“I’ve been thinking and I think we deserve some private mummy and daddy time,” Gabriela said as she moved closer to her boyfriend, her blue eyes sparkled with mischief as she allowed Sergio to touch her; she grinned as she pressed a kiss softly to his cheek.

Sergio nodded his head as he wondered how long his girlfriend had been planning this, thinking back he couldn’t remember when they’d had some private time to themselves.

“Aoife is at your brother’s for the night and I have dinner prepared just for the two of us,” Gabriela informed him as she pulled back from him completely, she watched as he looked at her curiously wondering what she had planned.

The blonde smiled at him sweetly knowing that she had worked hard to make sure that everything was ready for their night alone; she just hoped that everything went as planned.

Gabriela lead him over to the dining room table and insisted that he take a seat before she continued, she wanted tonight to go perfectly for them since they needed a night to themselves.

“And after dinner… I have a very special surprise for you,” Gabriela teased as she opened up her kimono to reveal the burgundy and black boudoir satin and lace demi cup bra and bottoms; she grinned at the look on her boyfriend’s face.

Sergio stared speechlessly at his girlfriend for a moment, he didn’t know what had brought all of this on but he knew what he wanted right now.

Gabriela squeaked in surprise as the footballer got to his feet and threw her over his shoulder, she was suddenly glad that the dinner wasn’t cooking as Sergio headed straight for their bedroom.

“What about dinner?” Gabriela asked as she felt her boyfriend tighten his grip on her, she had known that there was a chance that he’d want to do this first; so she had made sure that there was nothing that needed turning off in the kitchen before he had arrived home.

“Dinner can wait,” Sergio declared as he pushed open their bedroom door and walked straight inside, his two dogs watched him as he kicked the door closed behind him; both tilting their heads at the noise that came from inside.


Gabriela breathed heavily as Sergio rolled off of her, his arms still holding her close to him as he tried to regain his own breath; he chuckled as he drew the blonde back to his body knowing they had both needed that.

“So dinner?” the footballer murmured making the blonde snort amused, she looked at him as he brushed his fingers carefully through her hair; his breathing nearly as heavily as hers as he ducked down to kiss her.

Gabriela wrapped her arms around his neck knowing that she wouldn’t change anything about her and Sergio; she was happy and she knew nothing could change that.

“Chicken with a leek and bacon creamy sauce with Cameros cheese and apple pastries with honey ice cream for dessert,” the blonde said when she pulled back from her boyfriend, she heard him chuckle as they both rested for a moment; they hadn’t thought they’d gone so long without being intimate and it was clearly taking its toll on the two of them.

Sergio rested his head against Gabriela’s knowing that he was going to have to do more to spend time with her, lunch time get-togethers just weren’t doing it anymore and with the run up to Christmas now being he often didn’t get chance to see her at a lunch time.

“I’ve missed this,” the footballer said quietly as if speaking louder would break the peace that had settled over their home, his brown eyes closing as he felt contentment settling down on him; he knew he would never find anything like this again.

Gabriela nodded her head as she moved slightly, she curled closer to her boyfriend knowing that she needed a nap now; she smiled softly as she felt Sergio hold her close to his chest.

“I love you,” the blonde whispered as she felt herself starting to fall asleep, her blue eyes closed knowing that dinner could wait a little longer; it wasn’t as if the dogs could get at it while it sat safely inside of the oven.

Sergio opened his eyes at her words and carefully moved to cover them up with the duvet so that they wouldn’t get cold; he held Gabriela close knowing that they would be okay.

“I love you too,” Sergio whispered as he yawned and looked up at the ceiling as he thought about his life with the blonde; he knew that they both wanted more children and it would be a while before they had another.

The couple wanted to have a settled relationship and for Aoife-Belle to be a little older before they fell pregnant again; he hoped their next little one would be a little boy.

He adored having Aoife-Belle as his daughter but he did want a son to follow after him as a footballer; he knew it was something that most men wanted and he was no different.

The idea of having more children with Gabriela was something that he wanted more than anything, she was perfectly suited to be his other half and he knew that no matter what happened that he would always have her and their daughter.

Sergio hadn’t admitted it to Gabriela, but he had put more thought into his future after football since they’d had Aoife-Belle than ever before.

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