Chapter Five: Unexpected Results

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Gabriela swallowed as she wiped the sweat from her head, she didn’t know what it was but she had been sick all morning and she had been forced to call in sick to work; she rested her head against the toilet seat as she waited for the nausea to leave.

“Are you sure that you don’t want me to call the doctor?” Tanya asked as she looked at her friend concerned, she had called around to get something that she had left at Gabriela’s apartment only to find that her friend was ill.

The blonde looked at her and nodded her head, she knew that she probably just had the bug that was going around and she doubted that the doctor would be able to help.

“I’m fine… I think it’s just a bug,” Gabriela said as she ran a hand through her hair as she pulled herself from the bathroom floor and moved to brush her teeth; she looked at herself in the mirror wondering what could be wrong with her.

“You know if I wasn’t one of your best friends, I would have thought that you were pregnant… I mean with the sickness, you’ve complained about your boobs being tender and you have been more tired than usual as of late,” Tanya said as she watched Gabriela for a moment, the blonde stopped what she was doing a she stared at her friend knowing that this wasn’t going to end well if she was.

Shaking her head as she leant against the sink, Gabriela tried to dismiss the thought; it had been four weeks since she had slept with Sergio and she didn’t want to believe that he had somehow managed to get her pregnant in just one night.

“Are you okay?” Tanya asked as she noticed just how pale her friend had gone after what she had said, she moved forward concerned as Gabriela looked at her with tears in her eyes.

“I’m late for my period,” Gabriela confessed as she started to cry, she didn’t know what she would do if she was pregnant; she knew that her parents wouldn’t be pleased if she was and she hated to think what they would do if she was.

Tanya blinked as she quickly hugged Gabriela, she knew that her friend wouldn’t be like this if there wasn’t a real chance that she was pregnant; Gabriela was like a sister to her and Kathryn more so than Irina was most of the time.

“It’ll be okay… no matter what happens,” Tanya said as she smoothed out Gabriela’s hair, she wished there was a way that she could really help her friend but she knew that she first had to take a chance to see if she really was pregnant.

“Okay… we have to get you a test so we know if you are or not and then we will think about what will happen next,” Tanya said as she tried to calm Gabriela, she knew that if her friend was pregnant then there was going to be a lot of trouble.


Pilar smiled as she laced her fingers with Sergio, she was pleased that he had pulled himself back together after what had happened; she could already see the change in her boyfriend and she was glad that he had snapped out of his slump.

“So what do you want to do now?” Pilar asked as they walked out of the restaurant where they’d had lunch, she had the afternoon off and she knew that Sergio didn’t have anything planned; she was pleased that he was making time for her.

The footballer shrugged as he wrapped an arm around his girlfriend, since he had apologised to Gabriela for stealing her virginity, he felt better about himself and he knew that his girlfriend had noticed.

He would never tell her of what had happened between him and the blonde and he hoped to put it in the past until the blonde wanted something from him and he knew that he would deal with it then.

“Whatever you want,” Sergio said as he kissed her lips, he knew that she wouldn’t be happy if she learnt that it was Gabriela that he had slept with while they were on holiday in Ibiza; he knew that she would be far from pleased and would cause him a lot of trouble.

Pilar smiled at his words before she started to talk about some shopping that she wanted to do, Sergio nodded his head along with what she was saying; he watched her for a moment wondering if he was lucky having her in his life.

The footballer disengaged himself from his girlfriend as they reached his Audi Q7, he knew that Pilar didn’t like sports cars and she always refused to get into his Audi R8; he nibbled on his lip as he thought about their relationship.

Sergio had thought when he first started to go out with Pilar that dating the older woman would be good for him, he had been hurt when his relationship with Lara Álvarez had ended and Pilar had filled that gap in his life that she had left.

“So what do you think?” Pilar asked as she smiled at Sergio, he blinked as he looked at her, he hadn’t been listening to what she had been saying and he had a feeling that she wouldn’t be happy if he told her that he hadn’t been listening.

Sergio just smiled and nodded his head in agreement, it was the lesser of two evils and Pilar didn’t seem to notice before she continued talking again.


Gabriela blinked back tears as she stared at the positive pregnancy test, she couldn’t believe that this was happening to her; she looked at Tanya who was watching her sadly knowing that this was going to be hard for her friend.

“I’ll call your doctor and set up an appointment,” Tanya said as she offered her friend a small smile, she could see that she was upset and needed her right now.

Gabriela sniffed as she looked down at the pregnancy test in her hands, she knew that she had to tell Sergio about this; it was his child and he deserved to know even if he didn’t want to be involved.

Gabriela hiccupped as she tried to calm herself down, she wondered what her parents would do when they learnt that she was pregnant; she had a feeling that it would be the start of her problems and she knew that she would have to find a way to survive.

“Do you know what you want to do?” Tanya asked softly after she had called the doctor’s, she looked at Gabriela curiously wondering what her friend would do; she knew that once the doctor had confirmed that she was pregnant that she would have to make a decision.

“I want to keep it… I couldn’t have an abortion,” Gabriela said shaking her head as she looked at her friend, she didn’t like the idea of ending her baby’s life because it wasn’t planned; even though she knew that her parents wouldn’t be happy about this.

Tanya nodded her head as she watched Gabriela, she could see the clock turning in her friend’s head as she shook it.

“And I don’t think I would be able to give it away… it’s a part of me and I think I could be a good madre,” the blonde said as she nibbled at her lip, she knew that she would be probably doing this alone and she hoped that she would be able to cope with the pressure of becoming a mother.

“It’ll be okay… besides, it’ll have the best auntie in the world,” Tanya cooed as she moved to hug Gabriela, she knew that the two of them would stick together over this and that Gabriela needed a lot of support now that she was going to be a mother.

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