Chapter Thirty-Eight: Spending Time with Papa

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Sergio grinned as he held Aoife-Belle, he had sent Gabriela to get some sleep since he knew how tired she was; the footballer settled down on his bed as he looked at his daughter knowing that he never wanted to be far from her again.

Fernando chuckled as he walked through their shared hotel room, he was surprised about this side of his best friend; he had never seen Sergio like this before and he had to admit that he was proud of the Sevillian.

“She looks like you,” Fernando mused making Sergio look at him, he shook his head as he glanced back down at his daughter; he had always thought that Aoife-Belle looked more like her mother, he couldn’t see himself in the little girl apart from her hair.

Sergio shifted his hold on his daughter and sighed, he didn’t know what he would do if he had never become a father; he knew that if he hadn’t of had the one night stand with her mother then he would never have her.

“Sese?” Fernando said as he sensed something was bothering his friend, he tilted his head curious about what could have worried the Sevillian; he knew that everything was going well between Sergio and Gabriela and it made him wonder what was going on.

Sergio shook his head as he looked at his friend, his eyes watched him for a moment before he turned his attention back to Aoife-Belle.

“I was just thinking about how my life was changed because I made a mistake… if I hadn’t of had the one night stand with Gabby then I wouldn’t have her or mi princesa,” Sergio said softly knowing that it could have all been so different; he didn’t like the thought that he could have never have meet Gabriela or have become a father to their daughter.


“She’s adorable,” Pepe Reina said as he moved towards Sergio, he cooed softly at Aoife-Belle, who had drawn a lot of attention to her since Sergio had brought her down to the team meeting and Vicente seemed quite relaxed about the arrival of some of the spouses and children.

Sergio nodded his head as he settled her down on his lap, he grinned as he bounced her on his knee knowing that he was lucky to have her; he didn’t think that he could ever feel like this about anything else but Aoife-Belle.

Iker chuckled as he sat down next to his friend and smiled at the little girl, everyone could see the change in Real Madrid’s resident bad-boy after he had become a father; he’d cut down on the amount of red cards and fouls that he used to make.

“So when do we get to meet her madre?” Juan Mata asked as he cooed at the infant, not many of the national team had seen Sergio’s girlfriend and they were all a little curious about her; Gabriela had become a massive part of Sergio’s life that they all wanted to know more about her.

Sergio looked at his team-mates and chuckled, he wasn’t surprised that they were all interested in Gabriela; she was a complete mystery to some of them and he liked it that way, she wasn’t used to the media attention that came from being his girlfriend and mother of his firstborn.

“Soon,” Sergio murmured knowing that Gabriela needed rest, she’d had a long flight with a restless Aoife-Belle and while the infant had napped on the trip; Gabriela hadn’t and he wanted to give her time to recover.


“Hola,” Gabriela cooed as she lifted Aoife-Belle up and held her close, she smiled as she cuddled her daughter making Sergio chuckle as he watched them; he smiled to himself as he watched the two most important women in his life.

Aoife-Belle cooed making the blonde smile softly as she held her close, she wasn’t used to being away from her daughter for so long; Gabriela spent a lot of time with the little girl and she was never truly away from her.

“She missed you,” Sergio said as he walked over to his girlfriend, he paused a little away from her and carefully brought his hand up to brush some hair from Aoife-Belle’s face, he was surprised how quickly her hair was growing and he was sort of excited that one day soon she’d have her first haircut.

Gabriela smiled at him as she pulled her attention from their daughter, she allowed Sergio to wrap his arms around her and held them both close; she shifted her hold on Aoife-Belle so that he could hold them both close.

“I love you,” Sergio whispered as he rested his head against hers as he held his small family close to him; he didn’t know what he would ever do if something happened to them, he would do anything to ensure that they would be okay.

Gabriela looked at him confused, she knew that something was on his mind and it made her curious; she rested her head on his chest as Aoife-Belle played with their entwined fingers.

“I love you too,” Gabriela said as she smiled softly, the footballer grinned as he pressed a kiss to her head as he cuddled his small family close; he looked down at his daughter and thought about the future that she would have.

“Sergio is everything alight?” Gabriela asked making him look at her, he nodded his head as he kissed her softly; he didn’t know what it was but he could almost sense something coming and it unsettled him slightly, especially after what they had been through with Pilar.

Aoife-Belle made a small noise making her parents look down at her, they smiled softly before there was a knock at the door making them pull apart; the infant pouted as her father moved to answer the door and Gabriela sat down on the hotel bed.

Sergio smiled to himself knowing that he wasn’t going to allow anyone to take apart his family, he had done everything in his power to make things work for them and now he was determined for them to be a family forever.

Opening the door, Sergio stared shocked at the sight of his ex-girlfriend standing outside; he frowned wondering what she was doing here since he hadn’t seen or spoken to her since they had broken up.

“Lara? What are you doing here?” Sergio asked defensively, he knew that if Lara Álvarez was here then there was going to be trouble; they had broken up two years ago after the Euro 2012 and she had been his girlfriend before he had been with Pilar.

The brunette smirked as she pushed herself into the hotel room, she knew that he hadn’t been expecting him and he couldn’t help but be pleased that she had tracked him down.

“I wanted to see you,” Lara said as she smiled at him, she doubted that he would be pleased to hear that she had been sitting next to his current girlfriend on the flight out to Brazil; she had been thrilled when she had realised that she had gotten close to Gabriela and Sergio’s daughter.

The footballer frowned as he stared at her, he’d had a feeling that she had flown out to Brazil when he had heard about what had happened on the plane; he had even warned Gabriela that he thought that it was Lara.

“Why?” Sergio asked as he continued to watch her, she had been the one to break up with him since she didn’t want to move forward with their relationship and now she was back in his life when he had moved on and had started a family.

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