Chapter Fifty-Six: The Campaign

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Sergio pressed a kiss to his girlfriend’s head as he carefully climbed out of bed, he didn’t want to wake her especially since the last few days had been a nightmare and Gabriela had barely been able to sleep.

The footballer pulled on some sweatpants, his brown eyes watching her sleep knowing that she deserved to rest; she was going to make herself sick if she didn’t take things slow.

Sergio smiled sadly knowing that he needed to check on things with his parents, they had insisted on staying with the couple until Aoife-Belle had been found; they could see that the couple were struggling with what had happened to them.

Quietly leaving the bedroom, Sergio offered a small smile to his mother who was sat in the living room with his father; he was glad that they had decided to stay especially since he didn’t know what to do anymore.

“How did you sleep?” Paqui asked as she got to her feet, she was doing everything that she could to help the couple but she knew that there was little that she could do to truly help them.

Sergio shrugged as he ran a hand through his hair, he was doing everything possible to try and find his daughter and yet nothing seemed to be working.

Paqui sighed wishing that there was something, anything that she could do to help the couple; Gabriela was barely eating and she worried that the blonde wouldn’t last if they didn’t find Aoife-Belle soon.

“I’ll make you some breakfast,” Paqui insisted, she knew that her son needed to be strong right now; he hadn’t been to training since the abduction and if he wasn’t trying to help the search for his daughter then he was with Gabriela.


Iker took a deep breath as he offered a weak smile to his friend, he had come with a couple of the team to check on Sergio; everyone was worried for their friend and the shock of what had happened was still fresh.

“How are you?” Iker asked carefully knowing that his friend had probably been asked that enough times already, however there was little anyone could say right now that would make this better. Sergio had never been good with his emotions, he was renounced for having twenty red cards in La Liga and everyone had seen how easily that he got worked up.

“I’ve been better,” Sergio said softly as he sat down, he didn’t know why his friends had come to see him; he wasn’t much company right now and he didn’t like Gabriela alone, he was generally afraid of his girlfriend hurting herself.

Iker nodded his head, he didn’t know how his friend was feeling right now and he hoped that he never would; no parent deserved to have their child stolen like this.

“We had an idea,” Cristiano said as he looked at Sergio knowing that they would just sit in silence if someone didn’t take the led; they were all willing to help their friend and team-mate since they knew he would do the same for them if they ever needed it.

Sergio eyed the Portuguese, he didn’t know what they had planned but he knew that they had come to him first for a reason.

“We need a picture of Aoife-Belle, so that we can stick it on our social media accounts,” Cristiano said as he watched Sergio, he didn’t like seeing the Sevillian like this; he couldn’t imagine what the couple were feeling right now.

It made Cristiano think about his four year old son, he didn’t know what he would ever do if anything took Junior from him; he wanted to help his friend get his little girl back.

“We’ll start a campaign, we already have people from other clubs offering to help in any way they can,” Iker explained knowing that there were so many people that wanted to help in any way that they could.

Everyone wanted Aoife-Belle to come home safe and sound, the press conference that Sergio had done had been heartbreaking; they all could see that this was killing the couple not to have their daughter.

Gabriela hadn’t been to work since the day that Aoife-Belle had been taken, she hadn’t moved from the bedroom because of what had happened and it was clear that they needed help right now.

Sergio blinked as he looked at his friends, he really hadn’t expected them to rally around him like this; the last few days had been hard and he felt drained.

"You don’t have to do this,” Sergio said shaking his head, he knew that the police were doing their best; the offer that he had made had brought them a lot of details about the abduction but it still hadn’t brought their daughter home to them.

Iker rolled his eyes, he knew how Sergio could be and he knew that he was going to need a lot of support; they all wanted to do what they could to help bring Aoife-Belle home to her parents.

“Of course we do, you’d do the same for any of us,” Marcelo said with a smile on his face, they were all going to make sure that Aoife-Belle came home to her parents; he didn’t dare think what Kendra could be doing to the little girl.


Kendra pursed her lips as she hurried down the street, she couldn’t believe how much of a presence in her life that the police had become; she knew that she couldn’t be late since her little girl needed her.

The last week had been amazing and Kendra couldn’t believe that she had her baby back, she had taken her chance and it had worked out well; the only problem being the nationwide search for her that was happening.

Kendra had been shocked to see Sergio’s appeal when it had appeared on the news, she had been trying to feed a fussy Aoife-Belle; the little girl had been crying a lot and she didn’t understand why.

Kendra sighed in relief as she spotted the building where she was staying, she couldn’t stay in a hotel since everywhere was on red alert for her; she knew she’d be in trouble if she was caught by the police, they would take her baby from her and she’d never see her again.

The brunette didn’t know why Sergio and Gabriela wanted the baby back, they hadn’t loved her like Kendra did and she knew that she could give Aoife-Belle everything that she needed; she was her mother now.

Kendra pulled her hood up over her head, she had popped out to get some food so that they wouldn’t go hungry, she knew that it wouldn’t be long until the search would be called off and then she could start anew with her daughter.

The brunette didn’t waste a moment heading to the rundown apartment where she had left Aoife-Belle napping, she knew that no one had realised that she was still in Madrid; she’d wait till things went quiet before moving to somewhere new.

Stepping into the apartment, her eyes eagerly sort out Aoife-Belle who was whimpering making Kendra smile as she set down the bags.

The brunette walked over to the bed and picked Aoife-Belle up and held her close, she wasn’t sure when they would live in peace but she hoped that it would be soon; she was running low on money and she knew that this was going to affect their new lives.

“Don’t worry mummy is here,” Kendra cooed knowing that soon all they would have is each other and Aoife-Belle would never know anyone but her as her mother; Gabriela and Sergio would be forgotten.


Author's Note:

Only four chapters left of Baby of Mine x

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