Chapter Forty-Nine: Sergio Meet Sandy

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Sergio smiled as he listened to Gabriela talk about the nanny that she had hired, he was pleased that she had found someone suitable to look after their daughter while she returned to work.

“So when does she start?” the footballer asked as Gabriela paused and tried to hide her smile, she composed herself knowing that the look of surprise on her boyfriend’s face would be worth it when he found out that Sandy was a man; the blonde had a feeling that it would be fun when he discovered the truth himself.

“Tomorrow… Sandy wanted to get a head start on bonding with Aoife-Belle,” Gabriela said as she stopped what she was doing and looked at her boyfriend, she smiled at him knowing that no man would ever compare to him in her mind; he was the father of her daughter and he would always be special to her.

The couple prepared for bed as they both thought about their daughter, she had clearly changed their lives for the better; Sergio looked at his girlfriend knowing that if it wasn’t for their daughter then he would have her.

“I love you,” Sergio said making Gabriela stop what she was doing and look at him, the smile of his face reassured her as he walked towards her knowing that none of his ex-girlfriends made him feel like this.

Even Pilar who had seemed like the perfect partner, she hadn’t been able to make him feel confident and content about who he was; she had wanted to change him into the perfect man for her while Gabriela loved him for him.

“I love you too,” Gabriela said wrapping her arms around Sergio’s neck, she didn’t know what bothered him but she hoped that all was well.


“Lo Siento who are you?” Sergio asked as he opened the front door to find a dark haired man standing on the doorstep; he furrowed his brown confused knowing that the nanny would be here at any moment and he wanted to meet her before he had to go to a late training session.

“Hola I’m Sandy Fernandez, the new nanny… you must be the padre,” Sandy said as he held out his hand to Sergio, he could see the footballer was a little shocked and he guessed that Gabriela hadn’t mentioned that he was a man to her boyfriend.

Sergio blinked as he stared at Sandy, he was so sure that Gabriela had told him that they had hired a woman; he swallowed as he heard his girlfriend approaching with their daughter in her arms.

“Hola Sandy… it’s great to see you again,” Gabriela said with an amused smile on her face, she moved forward knowing that it was going to take a moment for the shock to wear off; she glanced at her boyfriend, who stood speechlessly by the door.

Sandy nodded his head as he side-stepped the footballer and moved to greet Gabriela while he cooed at Aoife-Belle, he had arrived early so that he could get a sense for the day-to-day things that the blonde did with her daughter.

“This must be Aoife-Belle… isn’t she adorable, can I hold her?” Sandy asked making Gabriela smile and nod her head as she handed her daughter over to the nanny as the shock started to wear off Sergio; he frowned at the sight of the man holding his daughter and making a fuss of her.

Gabriela caught the look on her boyfriend’s face, she knew he wasn’t good at allowing other men to hold his daughter; none of his team-mates had been able to touch her when they’d had the lap of honour when Aoife-Belle had been two months old and it certainly hadn’t changed now.

“Why don’t you head inside with Aoife? I have to have a talk with Sergio,” Gabriela said as she sensed trouble brewing, Sandy nodded his head as he continued to coo at the five month old; he had a feeling that this was going to be an interesting talk between the couple.

Sergio watched as the nanny headed into the main house with Aoife-Belle before he turned his attention to his girlfriend, he frowned as she shifted nervously as if she knew what he was thinking.

“Are you mad?” Gabriela asked as she eyed her boyfriend warily, she wasn’t sure how he was going to react now that they were alone in the entrance lobby; she took a deep breath as she carefully moved towards him.

Sergio took a deep breath, he had looked over Sandy’s CV and he had to admit that while he wasn’t pleased that he was a man; he was the best candidate that they could find to look after their daughter.

“I’m not mad… a little surprised, but not mad,” Sergio reassured her, he wrapped his arms around her and held her close; he took a deep knowing that as long as Gabriela didn’t have any interest in the nanny then he would accept that Sandy was going to be looking after his daughter.


Gabriela spent the day showing Sandy around the house and showing him how things worked in her home, Sergio had watched them for a while before he had headed off to training; he had made sure to kiss Gabriela while Sandy was watching to show a clear message.

“And this will be the bedroom where you’ll stay if you are needed overnight,” the blonde said as she stepped into bedroom that was next to the nursery, she had discussed this with Sergio and they both felt that in case the need arose it would be best if Sandy had a room in the house.

Gabriela allowed Sandy to look around, she was a little surprised at how well Aoife-Belle had taken to her nanny; Sandy was clearly very lovable and the blonde knew that she had made the right decision in selecting him as her daughter’s nanny.

“It’s a beautiful room,” Sandy said as he looked around, he felt at home with the couple and he liked to feel that when he took a new job like this; it was important that they all got along for Aoife-Belle’s sake.

Gabriela nodded her head, she was pleased that her boyfriend had allowed her to do a little redecorating when she had moved in and they had started to date; a lot of the house had Sergio’s mark on it and even had Pilar’s from her short stay.

“There’s an en-suite bathroom… through there and you are welcome to bring in some pieces so that you feel more at home,” Gabriela explained making Sandy nod his head as he shifted his hold on Aoife-Belle; he had bonded well with the five month old and when the blonde returned to work, he would be ready.

Gabriela was due back at work in a matter of days and she was starting to feel a little nervous about it, it would be the first time that she had been without Aoife-Belle and she knew that it would be a good thing for the both of them to spend some time apart.

“I think I’m going to like working here,” Sandy said as he looked at Gabriela, he loved working with new families and he had a feeling that working with Sergio and his girlfriend would open up doors for him when he had finished.

Gabriela smiled pleased with what he had said, she hoped that Sandy would be able to cope with the presence of the paparazzi in their lives; she couldn’t remember a time that she hadn’t been followed by them since Aoife-Belle had been born.

The blonde was just glad that the horrible names had stopped being shouted at her since she’d become a mother. 

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