Chapter Fifty: Returning to Work

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Gabriela took a deep breath as she climbed out of her Audi A6, it was her first day back at work after she had taken maternity leave early in her pregnancy due to the media attention that Pilar had brought on her.

The blonde was wearing a cream and navy pencil dress with wrap front paired with nude heeled shoes, she was a little nervous about coming back since she had never been far from Aoife-Belle and she wasn’t sure how her co-workers would react to her coming back.

Gabriela shouldered her tan multi facet stud satchel and locked her car, she smiled as she spotted Sandra waiting for her; she was a little relieved that she still had a job to come back to.

“Hola,” the blonde greeted the woman that had been like a second mother to her, she knew that Sandra wouldn’t fire her over something stupid and that relieved her.

Sandra smiled as she hugged Gabriela, she was glad to see a much more confident in herself and the designer knew that it was all down to her time with Sergio; the blonde had come into her own, now that she was a mother.

“Hola… how are you?” Sandra asked as they walked into the building, she smiled pleased that the blonde hadn’t conformed to the stereotype that was about of WAGs; she knew that Gabriela was better than that and wasn’t going to use Sergio for his money.

The blonde wasn’t the sort to ever use someone and it was clear for everyone to see that she truly did care for Sergio; they’d been together for five months now and everything was running perfectly for them.

“I’m good… a little nervous about coming back through,” Gabriela admitted as she remembered her first day, she could remember the whispers about her being pregnant and she knew that it would only get worse now that she was coming back and had a rich, famous boyfriend.


“Hola I’m Kendra, I’ll be your new assistant,” a woman said as Gabriela approached her office, the blonde was returning from the morning meeting and was surprised to find the dark haired woman waiting for her.

Kendra smiled as she showed Gabriela into her office, it hadn’t changed since the blonde had been forced to take time off and the ebony haired woman was excited to finally meet her boss; she couldn’t believe that she was working for Sergio Ramos’s girlfriend.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Gabriela said as she smiled at Kendra, she was a little surprised that Sandra had deemed her worthy enough to have an assistant since she was only a Public Relations assistant; but she doubted that she did enough work to earn an assistant of her own.

Kendra smiled as she watched Gabriela, she had been brought in since the blonde was only working part-time in her first year back; she had a beautiful little girl at home and the ebony haired woman couldn’t help but be a little jealous.

“Can I get you anything? Tea? Coffee?” Kendra asked eagerly, she knew that working for someone like Gabriela would allow her to reach higher places since it was clear that Sandra trusted the blonde a lot more than she trusted any of her other staff.

Gabriela eyed Kendra for a moment, she didn’t know what it was but she had a feeling that Sandra might have done something while she was away that she had yet to be told about.

“Coffee por favor,” Gabriela said making Kendra nod her head before she hurried out of the office, the blonde watched her go before Sandra stepped into the office with a smile on her face.

“I have an assistant?” Gabriela asked as she raised an eyebrow at the older woman, she could see that there was something going on and she didn’t know what it was; she had been an assistant and didn’t remind remaining that way.

Sandra smiled as she sat down across from Gabriela, she wanted to discuss this with the blonde privately since she knew that the blonde wasn’t going to like that she had been promoted for very little work since she’d been on maternity leave.

“Of course, I’ve given you a promotion… you are now one of my Public Relations managers,” Sandra said as Gabriela stared at her, she hadn’t been expecting a promotion since she had been away for months and it made her a little suspicious about why she had been promoted; the blonde didn’t want the promotion if it was because of her boyfriend.

Sandra knew that Gabriela would be suspicious, she knew that she was sort of using the blonde because of her boyfriend but she had given Gabriela the promotion because she was the most qualified to take over the position that had been left.

“One of the former PR managers quit and you were the most qualified person to take over,” Sandra explained as she kept away from the other benefits that came from having a footballer’s girlfriend working for her.


Sergio smiled as he returned home from training to the sight of Sandy playing with his daughter, he had to admit that he was sort of glad that Gabriela had chosen to hire him instead of any of the women that had applied for the job.

“Look Aoife… papa’s home,” the nanny said as he bounced the little girl on his knee, she squealed excitedly at the sight of Sergio; the footballer set down his training bag and headed over to them.

Sandy handed the little girl over to her father, he smiled as he got up off the floor knowing that his shift was over; he only worked while neither of the couple were home since Sergio was determined not to rely on the nanny too much.

“Was she okay?” the footballer asked as he held Aoife-Belle close, she was five months old and he knew that she was going to be up and about crawling soon; he couldn’t wait to see what would happen when she started walking and talking.

Sergio knew without a doubt that Aoife-Belle was going to be as beautiful as her mother when she was older, she had her mother’s beautiful big blue eyes and his dark brown hair; the mixture made him smile knowing that no man would ever be good enough for her.

“She was perfect… I’ll see you tomorrow,” Sandy said as Sergio looked at him, he smiled at the father before he moved to collect his things so that he could leave; the footballer nodded his head, he cuddled Aoife-Belle close as he moved to sit down on the couch.

“Your madre will be home soon,” Sergio said as Sandy left, he was a little worried about how her first day had gone since he didn’t want anyone using her because he was her boyfriend; he wanted the best for her, even if she didn’t want his help at work.

Aoife-Belle pouted as she looked at her father, he chuckled knowing that she was getting to an age where she was going to be fussy and a little clingy when it came to her parents; he sighed thinking about how fast the last five months had gone.

“Shall we see what is for dinner?” Sergio asked as he carefully stood up, he wanted to make a special dinner for his girlfriend knowing that she was probably tired after her first day back.

Aoife-Belle held onto her father as he headed for the kitchen, the footballer smiled knowing that she would always be his little girl and no one could take her away from him.

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