Epilogue: The Best till Last

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Raising his hands above his head as he clapped, Sergio Ramos couldn’t keep the smile off of his face as he made his way across the pitch.

The footballer gave a nod at several of his team-mates as he walked over to where his family was waiting for him; he couldn’t believe that they had won the Supercopa de España.

“Papa,” Aoife-Belle cried as he hurried towards him in her kit, her arms held up eagerly as she hurried away from her mother and towards her father.

Sergio chuckled amused as he ducked down to collect the sixteen month old in his arms and cuddle her for a moment as he continued to walk towards Gabriela who was waiting for him.

“Were you a good girl for your madre?” Sergio asked knowing what a little madame Aoife-Belle could be when he wasn’t around; she was clearly a daddy’s girl and Sergio hoped that she would remain that way forever.

Aoife-Belle nodded her head as she smiled up sweetly at her father, her finger clutching at his jersey as they approached her mother; her eyes suddenly glaring at the small bundle in her mother’s arms.

Aoife-Belle had actually been quite excited about becoming a big sister as she got old enough to understand that there was going to be another baby in the house; however no one had expected her to burst into tears when she was finally introduced to her baby brother two weeks earlier.

Eoin Ramos López had been a pleasant surprise for the couple since Sergio had just returned from pre-season friendlies in America when Gabriela had gone into labour.

“Is he okay?” Sergio asked as he moved to check on his son, he was thrilled that he had a little boy even if he did adore Aoife-Belle; he still couldn’t believe how small Eoin was.

“He’s fine,” Gabriela said with a small laugh, she couldn’t help but find it amusing that he constantly worried about their son.

Eoin made a small noise as he cuddled closer to his mother making Sergio smile as he shifted his hold on Aoife-Belle; he couldn’t have been happier that both his children had been at the stadium to see the team win.

Eoin like his sister favoured his father’s genes over his mother’s, already there was a tuft of brown hair on top of his tiny head but his eyes were showing no signs of changing colour instead only matching the shade of Gabriela’s.

"Papa,” Aoife-Belle whined as she tugged at her father’s hair for attention, she wasn’t overly fond of her new brother and was a little disappointed that she didn’t have the baby sister that she had wanted.

Sergio looked at his daughter knowing how jealous Aoife-Belle had been getting of everyone’s attention being on Eoin.

“Why don’t we pick up some ice cream on the way home?” the footballer suggested as he flashed Gabriela a smile, they were doing their best to include Aoife-Belle as much as possible and Sandy had been a great help to the couple now that they had two children.

The nanny had taken care of Aoife-Belle while Gabriela had been in hospital having Eoin with Sergio loyally by her side; he had even been the one to bring in Aoife-Belle when it was time for her to finally meet her new baby brother.


Pressing a kiss to the top of Aoife-Belle’s head, Sergio smiled down softly at his daughter as he tucked her in to bed; the sixteen month old slept peacefully unaware of the world around her.

“Dulces sueños princesa,” Sergio whispered as he turned on Aoife-Belle’s night light before he made for the door, he was still glad to this day that she was too young to remember what Kendra had done even if it was only eight months ago.

The footballer glanced back at his daughter knowing that he would never be able to forgive Kendra for what she had done even if she had been mentally ill.

Stepping out of the nursery, Sergio flicked the light out and stepped into the hallway with a smile on his face before he headed over to Eoin’s bedroom which was across the hallway from Aoife-Belle’s.

The Sevillian peaked inside making sure that his son was son asleep in his crib, he leant against the door watching the slow rise and fall of Eoin’s chest before he moved away so that he didn’t wake Eoin up.

Heading into the living room, Sergio smiled as he looked at his girlfriend of sixteen months; he was surprised how time had flown by with her at his side.

“Aoife’s sleep,” Sergio said as he moved to sit down next to Gabriela, he wrapped an arm around her and cuddled her close knowing that he wouldn’t change anything.

They had been through so much to be together and have their family and it had only made them stronger for it. Gabriela nodded her head as she continued to flick through a photo album that she had been putting a new picture in, she smiled to herself as she admired some of the pictures.

“I can’t believe it’s been twenty-five months since we first met,” the blonde said with a shake of her head, she looked at Sergio as she wondered how she had gotten so lucky; there was so much that could have gone wrong and yet it hadn’t.

Sergio nodded his head as he ducked down and pressed a kiss to her lips, she smiled into it knowing she wouldn’t change anything for the world.

“The best twenty-five months of my life,” Sergio admitted as he pulled back, he had never thought that this was what his life could be like and he knew that he was the luckiest man in the world right now.

Gabriela smiled up at him as she brushed her fingers through his hair, she was sort of glad that he hadn’t gone blonde again, there was only room for one blonde in their family right now.

“Let’s hope the future is just as happy then,” Gabriela whispered as she rested her head against Sergio’s, she couldn’t help but be happy that everything had worked out so well.

Sergio nodded his head as he looked down at the picture that his girlfriend had stopped on, it was a picture taken just weeks ago of his small family; one that seemed to sum up everything for him.

Neither of them knew what the future would hold but they were sure that whatever came their way that they would face it as a family.



Author's Note:

Thanks to everyone that has read, commented and rated this story. I couldnt have done it withourt any of you.

Keep an eye out for my new Sergio Ramos Story coming soon.

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