Chapter Nine: Letting Daddy Know

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Gabriela smiled as she walked towards her new office, she was grateful for everything that Sasha and Eleazar had been doing for her and she knew that this wasn’t going to be easy especially when Sergio learnt that she was having his baby.

It had been six days since her parents had disowned her and Gabriela had started to look into building herself a life and she knew that she was going to have to focus on the baby that she was carrying; she was nine weeks pregnant and already so much had happened to her.

The blonde knew that she was going to give her unborn child the best start in life possible and she didn’t care what it took; she was going to make sure that her baby knew that it was loved.

“Buenos días,” Gabriela said as she smiled at Sasha, she knew that the older woman was curious about her doctor’s appointment and how everything looked; she had booked Gabriela in since she was worried about how the stress of being disowned would affect the baby.

“So the doctor says that everything is fine,” Gabriela said smiling as she smoothed out her top, she wasn’t showing yet since it was still early but the blonde couldn’t wait to be carrying her bump with pride; she knew that it would only seem real then.

Sasha smiled as she nodded her head, she had hoped that everything was okay with the baby and now that they knew for sure she was going to help Gabriela in any way that she could to make sure that they didn’t have any worries in the future.

“Eleazar called… he’s just finishing up the paperwork and then he’ll be off to see Sergio about the baby,” Sasha said making Gabriela pause nervously, she knew that there was a chance that this wasn’t going to go down well when this came out.


Sergio furrowed his brow as he stared at the lawyer that had called to meet with him and René, he already had a lot on his mind with the sudden tension between everyone in his family; he knew that this wasn’t going to be pleasant and he wondered what is going on.

“So what can we do for you Senor Allen?” René asked as he stared at the lawyer, he knew that this was official business and he hadn’t really been listening to what had been said when the appointment had been made; he had been too busy worrying about keeping his sister and wife quiet.

“I’m here as Senora López’s lawyer… about the information that she passed to you three weeks ago,” Eleazar said as he looked at René, he had a feeling that the older brother hadn’t told his client about what had happened and he watched as Sergio looked confused before he turned to René wondering what was going on.

“What information? You told me that she had left Madrid,” Sergio said as he tried to figure out what was going on, he knew that his brother had kept something from him about what had happened but he had never expected a lawyer to turn up over it.

René opened his mouth as he tried to find the words to say something that could make this go away, he knew if Sergio found out like this then it wasn’t going to end well and he knew that his brother wouldn’t forgive him for this.

“Gabriela contacted you to tell you that she was pregnant with your child, she passed the information to your brother when he refused to let her see you,” Eleazar said as he looked between the two brothers, he could see that this wasn’t going to end well and he had a feeling that this was going to get interesting from this moment forward.

“Gabriela’s pregnant?” Sergio breathed as he remembered their night of passion, he knew that they hadn’t used protection during their night of passion so he wasn’t surprised that this had happened; he was only shocked that his brother had tried to hide this.

“Nine weeks,” Eleazar confirmed with a short nod, he watched the footballer who seemed completely shocked at the news that he was going to be a father; René sat quietly still not believing for a moment that the child could be his brother’s.

Sergio opened and closed his mouth for a couple of times before he shook his head and looked at her brother furious about being kept in the dark about this.

“How could you keep this from me?” Sergio snapped as he turned his attention to René who was sat next to him, he knew that René would have a good reason but he never thought that he would go that far.

René sighed as he looked at Sergio, he had hoped that it wouldn’t come to this and that with Vania and Mirian’s silence that his brother would never have to know about this but it was clear that forces were against him.

“We don’t even know if the baby is yours and you want to get involved with that whore… I am protecting you, what do you think will happen if this got out?” René snapped as he stood from his seat and looked at his brother, he knew that he had done the right thing even if Sergio couldn’t see it right now.

However he didn’t expect Sergio to slam him into a wall, Eleazar was quickly on his feet as he stared at the two brothers; he could tell that René had overstepped some sort of line.

“Don’t ever call her that…” Sergio snarled as he glared at her older brother, he knew that there was a chance that the baby wasn’t his but he still had a right to know what was going on.


“So what does Gabriela want me to do?” Sergio asked as he looked at Eleazar prepared to leave, he knew that he needed to start thinking about what would happen if the baby was his.

Eleazar paused as he looked at the footballer, he knew that Gabriela didn’t want anything from Sergio; she had no interest in anything that he had, she had only wished to tell him that he was going to be a father.

“Gabriela wants nothing from you… she just wanted to tell you that she was expecting your child,” Eleazar said as he looked at the footballer, he ignored the snort of amusement from René who was sat quietly in the corner nursing a bruised shoulder.

Sergio stared for a moment, he should have expected that from Gabriela but this was new territory between them; he could see that he was going to have to do something.

“Is she okay?” Sergio asked as he tried to think of what he should do, he was already willing to do anything for the mother of his unborn child and even that surprised him; he watched Eleazar who paused slightly at the query that he had been asked.

“She’s fine… your brother cost her, her job… her parents have disowned her… and she was evicted from her apartment,” Eleazar said making Sergio glare at his brother, he knew that this wasn’t over between them; he had things that he wished to discuss with René when they were alone.

Sergio ran a hand through his hair as he thought about what he had just been told, he wanted to provide for his child and he hoped that he would get the chance; he looked at Eleazar knowing that this man held the answers that he wanted.

“I need to see her,” Sergio said knowing that nothing mattered more than the child that she was carrying, he knew that he was going to be a father one way or another.

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