Chapter Sixteen: The Ramos Garcia Family

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Gabriela checked herself in the mirror one more time as she looked at the dress that her friends had helped her pick out; the blonde was going to meet Sergio’s family and she was more than nervous.

“It’ll be fine,” Tanya said as she watched Gabriela, she knew that her friend was nervous and she wished that there was some way to ease her mind; none of this was easy on anyone and she hoped that Sergio’s parents wouldn’t cause to much trouble for Gabriela.

The blonde glanced at her and nodded before turning her attention back to what she was wearing; Tanya and Kathryn had chosen a black jersey dress with tie belt paired with black high heels for her to meet Sergio’s parents in.

“Are you sure that this looks okay?” Gabriela asked as she rested a hand on her bump, her blue eyes looking at her friends questioningly as she nibbled on her lip nervously; she knew that she was being silly but this was worse than meeting a boyfriend’s parents.

Tanya rolled her eyes as she nodded her head, she knew that her friend was worried about how Sergio’s parents would react to her; René was going to be there and in the blonde’s eyes that could only mean trouble.

“You look perfect… I’m sure today won’t be that bad,” Kathryn said as she tried to reassure Gabriela, she offered her a warm smile as she gave her a hug and pulled her away from the mirror.

The blonde nodded her head as her friends smiled at her, she knew that she was being silly but she knew that René wasn’t going to make this easy on her; she hadn’t seen him since he had kicked her out of his car and she doubted that he was going to be nice to her now.


“Madre, Padre this is Gabriela,” Sergio said as he introduced Paqui and José María to the blonde, he watched her as she stared at her wondering what she was going to say; he already knew that she had been talking René about her.

“Gabriela, this is my madre Paqui, and my padre José María,” Sergio said as he glanced at the blonde, he could see that she was nervous and he knew that she had every right to be; René had been talking to Paqui a lot recently and there was no doubt in the younger Ramos’s mind that his brother had been bad mouthing the blonde.

“It’s nice to meet you,” Gabriela said as she looked at between the two, she swallowed nervously as she wondered if this was going to end badly before José María smiled at her; he glanced at his wife, knowing that she was going to be far from easy on the blonde.

“Let’s eat shall we?” José María suggested as he looked at Paqui, she pursed her lips as she nodded her head before she moved to take a seat at the dining room table; Sergio looked at his father relieved that this was going to be okay.

“So Gabriela… tell us about yourself,” Paqui said making Sergio shot her a warning look, he knew that she was trying to protect him but he didn’t want her upsetting Gabriela over nothing; the blonde wasn’t doing anything wrong and she didn’t deserve the third degree.

“There’s not much to tell really… I’m an assistant at a design firm, I’ve lived in Madrid all of my life,” Gabriela said as she shrugged her shoulders as she spotted René; she knew that he would have told them already that he had cost her, her original job at the book publishers in an attempt to get rid of her.

“Surely that can’t be everything? What about your parents? What do they do?” José María asked curiously, he furrowed his brow as he watched the blonde stiffen while Sergio looked at her; he knew very little about her parents apart from the fact that they had disowned her.

Paqui perked up slightly as she sensed that Gabriela was uncomfortable; she looked at the blonde interested as she shifted uncomfortably as she thought how best to answer that question.

“My padre is a priest while my madre helps him with the church,” Gabriela said softly, she didn’t want to talk about her family; she had suffered a lot growing up and she hadn’t even told Sergio that her father had nearly beaten her for being pregnant.

José María looked at his wife before turning his attention back to the blonde, he wasn’t sure what to think of the fact that the blonde was from a religious family; he doubted her parents would have been pleased to hear that she was having a baby out of wedlock.

“How did they take your pregnancy?” Vania asked as she sat down, she didn’t know much about the blonde since Sergio refused to speak with his brother after what René had done.

“They disowned me,” Gabriela said trying to keep it short, she didn’t want to share too much about her family; it was a sensitive subject for her and always had been, she just hoped they wouldn’t ask her too many questions about her past.

“That’s a shame… I was looking forward to meeting them,” Paqui said as she tapped her fingers on the table, she had hoped to meet with Gabriela’s parents to discuss what they thought of this mess; however she could understand why they had disowned their daughter for getting pregnant out of wedlock.

“Madre,” Sergio warned as if sensing where his mother was going with this, she had spent the morning since she had arrived from Seville trying to convince him that he shouldn’t be doing anything for the blonde that was carrying his child.

“What I’m just curious about how you are both going to manage?” Paqui asked as if she didn’t have another reason why she would want to speak with Gabriela’s parents; Paqui didn’t trust the blonde and wanted to be sure that her son was safe.

René watched the blonde as she spoke with his parents, he still didn’t trust or like her but it hurt him that his brother only spoke to him when he had to; Sergio hadn’t forgiven him for what he had done and he hoped that he would soon.


“You okay?” Sergio asked as he drove Gabriela home after dinner, he was pleased that his sister and Vania had warmed to the blonde quickly while his mother and brother had been far from welcoming.

“I’m fine,” the blonde said as she flashed him a small smile, the footballer watched her for a moment; he hated that she was sort of alone in this and he hoped that he could do something to fix her relationship with her parents; she was twenty-two weeks pregnant and he didn’t want her doing it alone.

“I’ve been thinking and how about next week we go and see your parents together… maybe if we talk to them they’ll be happier about this,” Sergio suggested, he didn’t like that fact that Gabriela had become disowned because of what he had done; he knew it took two to tango but this was his fault since he had even bothered with protection.

Gabriela blinked as she looked at him, she stared for a moment before she shook her head and offered him a weak smile.

“I doubt it… don’t worry about it too much Sergio,” the blonde said as they pulled up outside of her apartment block, the blonde stared up at the building knowing that she couldn’t let Sergio met her parents; she knew it wouldn’t end well and with her father’s temper she was sure that something would go wrong.

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