Chapter Twenty-Six: The Pay Out

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Gabriela looked at Jace confused as she opened the front door to him, she knew that they didn’t have any plans for that day and it made her curious about why he had come to the home that she shared with Sergio.

“Jace what are you doing here?” Gabriela asked confused as she allowed him into the house, she watched him as he smiled at her before they walked further into the house; she hadn’t been expecting him since she’d had a doctor’s appointment because she was thirty-five weeks pregnant.

The blonde was wearing a blue maternity T-shirt with knot front in neppi and maternity skinny jeans in mid vintage wash with knee rips paired with black quilted heeled ankle boots.

“I have some business with Ramos,” Jace said as he smiled, he couldn’t believe that the footballer had agreed to pay him off; he had thought he’d refuse and find another way to get rid of him without Gabriela finding out what was going on.

Gabriela stared at him confused, she knew that Sergio didn’t really like Jace and she wondered what sort of business her boyfriend of three weeks had with the father of her unborn child.

“Jace,” Sergio said as he appeared, his brown eyes filled with anger that the barista had wanted this done in his home where Gabriela was likely to find out about what he was doing; the Sevillian knew that he was doing this so that he could hurt Gabriela in some way.

“Let’s sort this out in my study,” Sergio said as he nodded his head in the direction of his study, he wanted this was over with as soon as possible; he wanted Jace gone before he could really hurt Gabriela.

Jace nodded his head and followed Sergio into the study, he didn’t look back knowing that once he had his money he was going to break Gabriela’s heart; she was a means to an end and he knew that this was for the best.

Sergio closed his study’s door and looked at Jace before he moved to collect the bag that held the ten million that Jace had demanded from him; he stared at him for a moment.

“Once I give you this money… I never want to see you again and I don’t want you contacting Gabriela,” Sergio warned him, he knew that he had to stay calm if he wanted this to work; he was going to protect Gabriela as much as possible; she was going to be hurt when Jace ended things with her.

Jace nodded his head as he watched the footballer, he knew that this wasn’t a man to be messed with; Sergio was going to protect the blonde and that was what Jace was counting on.

“There’s your ten million… now get out,” Sergio said as he handed over the bag, he knew that this could raise questions especially since he hadn’t given Jace a cheque instead but this was all part of the plan; he just needed the barista to leave his home as soon as possible so that this could all end.


“Is everything okay?” Gabriela asked as Sergio and Jace exited the study, she furrowed her brow at the sight of the bag that her boyfriend was holding; she knew that he hadn’t brought it with him and it made her wonder what had happened in the study.

“Everything is fine… I got what I came for,” Jace said smugly as the footballer moved to stand next to the blonde as she sat in family section of their home; her blue eyes flickered between the two men as a bad feeling started to settle in her stomach.

Sergio stared at Jace as he waited for him to leave, he didn’t want him in his home nor did he want him anywhere near Gabriela and his unborn child.

Gabriela looked between the two men wondering what was going on; she didn’t like the silence that had fallen over the room and she knew that this couldn’t be good.

“I’m breaking up with you,” Jace said as he smiled at the blonde, she stared at him speechless while Sergio stiffened and glared at him; he didn’t want to be blamed and have Gabriela turn on him over this.

The footballer had done what he could to protect her and he didn’t want her hurt over something that Jace had planned from the start.

“You’re breaking up with me?” Gabriela asked as her mind raced, she glanced at Sergio before she turned back to Jace wondering what was going on; he had really liked her and now this was happening.

“Of course… you were nothing more than a meal ticket to me, who wants to be involved with a whore who can’t keep her legs shut,” Jace said cruelly before Gabriela slapped him hard across the face; Sergio stared surprised that she had beat him to it, he had wanted to punch Jace for calling her that.

Gabriela took deep breathes as she tried to calm herself, she knew getting upset wasn’t good for the baby but she couldn’t believe that he had used her like that; the blonde glanced at Sergio wondered what this had cost him.

“I think you should leave,” Sergio said as he spotted Gabriela’s blue eyes filling with tears as she tried to keep herself together; he pulled the blonde into his arms as he comforted her as she started to crack.

Jace smirked as he made sure that he had everything before he walked away, he slammed the door behind him as he left them behind; Gabriela sniffled as she buried her head into Sergio’s chest.

“I’m sorry,” the blonde whispered as she wiped away some of her fallen tears while Sergio sat them down on the couch; he watched her knowing that this was going to get better and soon.


Jace smirked as he walked towards his car, he couldn’t believe how easy it had been to blackmail Sergio into doing what he wanted; there was no denying that the footballer had feelings for the blonde.

“That’s him,” René shouted making Jace look confused before several police officers descended; they quickly moved to cuff him and Jace watched as René collected the bag with money from the floor and smirked at him knowing that he wasn’t going to get away with this.

“Jace Hernandez, you are under arrest for the blackmail and extortion of Sergio Ramos,” one of the officers said as he started to led Jace towards the police car that had been hidden out of sight; Jace glared at René, he should have expected that there was no way that he was leaving with ten million.

“This isn’t over,” Jace said as he struggled a little as he was led away, he couldn’t believe that he was going to go to prison for this; he hadn’t considered that Sergio might have had this planned, he had thought he’d walk away without a worry when the footballer had given him the money.

“I think it is… you’ll have the next two years maybe to think about it,” René said as he stared at Jace, he hoped that the barista wouldn’t come back for revenge when he had served his time; Sergio was already considering what he would do when Jace was released to protect his daughter and Gabriela.

Jace frowned as he realised that he would be facing prison, he knew that his life was over now that he had been caught and his mind was already turning to what he would do to get revenge.

“Then I’ll be seeing you in two years,” Jace vowed as the police officer locked him in the police car, his eyes staring darkly at René knowing that this was far from over.

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