Chapter Twenty-Nine: Those Three Words

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Gabriela moaned in pain as she rested a hand on her swollen stomach and took a deep breath as she looked at the clock; she frowned as she wondered how long it would be now until she was really ready.

The blonde knew that Sergio was due home from his football match at any moment and she couldn’t wait; she had been having contractions for about two hours now and while her water hadn’t broken yet but she knew that it couldn’t be long now until it did.

“Gabby I’m home,” Sergio called making the blonde sigh in relief, she glanced at the clock as she timed her contractions; they were getting closer together even if her water hadn’t broken just yet.

The footballer frowned as he looked at the blonde sensing that something was wrong, he could tell that something was wrong and it worried him.

“I’ve been having contractions for two hours,” Gabriela said as she felt another contraction, her blue eyes glanced at Sergio knowing that he was going to worry about her; she chewed on her lip as he dropped his bag and hurried over to her side.

“Why didn’t you call for me?” Sergio asked as he took her hand, his brown eyes looking at her concerned knowing that he should have been here with her; he cursed himself wondering how he couldn’t have known that she had gone into labour.

“My water hadn’t broke yet… so I didn’t want to worry you,” Gabriela whispered as she looked down at the floor, she closed her eyes as she felt a sudden gush; she peaked at Sergio as he looked down confused before he stared at her panicked as he realised what had happened.

“Let’s get you to the hospital,” Sergio said as he quickly moved to help the blonde to her feet, she smiled at him as he kissed her softly; she had taken to wearing sanitary pad to protect her in case something did happen.


Sergio helped Gabriela change out of her beige maternity exclusive jumper dress in cocoon shape and black western boots so that she could change into her grey lace maternity nursing nightie before helping her into the hospital bed.

The footballer had barely left her side and was quick to settle into a chair next to the bed while he sorted her clothes out and put them into the black duffle bag that contained everything for the birth of their daughter.

“Everything looks okay… things are moving along quickly,” their midwife said since Gabriela had been in labour for around three hours now, things seemed to be going well for the blonde and she was pleased with how things were going; even if there was still a long way to go.

Sergio watched the midwife leave before he looked at Gabriela, he had sent his brother a message since he knew that the paparazzi will have followed them to the hospital.

“Have you heard back from René?” Gabriela asked curiously as she relaxed back on the bed, she’d had an epidural and was now able to deal a bit better with the pain; she watched Sergio wondering what they would do when the baby was born.

“Not yet… I’m sure he’s dealing with the press since you are sort of a day early,” Sergio said as he glanced at the clock, their actual due date wasn’t until the next day and he wondered if their daughter would hang on until after midnight to be born; Gabriela nodded her head as she watched him as she felt a surge of emotion.

“Gracias,” the blonde said making Sergio look at her confused, she smiled at him as she took his hand knowing that this was the happiest that she had been in a long time.

“What for?” Sergio asked as he looked at her, his fingers lacing with hers as she smiled at him; he didn’t know where she was going with this because he knew that in a few hours she was going to be cursing at him.

“For everything that you have done… you didn’t need to do any of it,” Gabriela said as she watched him, she had always thought that once Sergio became involved that she would hardly see him however he had done everything and more for her since the prenatal paternity test confirmed that she was having his baby.

The blonde hissed as she felt another contraction as Sergio moved to sit on the bed next to her, his brown eyes watching her as he kept a hold of her hand; he knew that he wouldn’t change anything that had happened between them.

“It’s fine… I did it because I love you,” Sergio said softly, he eyed the blonde wondering how she would take what he had said; he knew it was risky especially since they were due to have a baby at any moment but he couldn’t help himself anymore.

Gabriela blinked as she looked at him, her heart leapt into her throat as she wondered if he felt the same way or if he loved her in a different way.

“I know you probably don’t feel the same for me but I’m in love with you Gabby and I have been for months,” Sergio admitted, he had talked a lot with his father and he had worked out his feelings while back in Seville and he was glad that he was finally telling her how he felt; he looked at her concerned when she didn’t say anything straight away.

“Sergio… I love you too,” Gabriela said as she watched him, she had never thought that he felt the same; she swallowed as something dark flickered through his eyes.

“But not the same,” Sergio said negatively, he knew that he shouldn’t be thinking like that but he couldn’t help himself; he had a feeling he had just ruined everything between them and it made him nervous.

Gabriela shook her head as she squeezed his hand and smiled at him, her blue eyes watched him knowing that this was weird and that now really wasn’t the time for this sort of talk.

“I feel the same way that you do… I’m in love with you,” the blonde said as she watched him, she smiled at him as he stared at her for a moment before he smiled and leant forward so that he could kiss her; he had never thought that this was going to work out.

The two of them kissed silently before Gabriela pulled back and winced in pain making Sergio look at her concerned; he kept a hold of her hand as he watched her wondering how long this was going to take.

“I love you,” Sergio said again as he kissed her lips, a smile graced his lips as he looked at her; he knew that he wouldn’t get tired of saying it anytime soon, he just wanted one thing before their daughter was born.

“Gabby will you be my girlfriend?” Sergio asked softly as he held her hand, his brown eyes looked at her curiously wondering how this was going to happen; he wanted to be a family with her and their baby no matter what happened.

“Yes,” the blonde whispered as she smiled at him, she couldn’t believe that he had asked her that, there was no way that she was going to say no now that she knew how he felt about her.

The footballer grinned as he looked at her, he knew that everything was going to be difficult between them; they had a lot of work to do on this relationship for it to work while they had a newborn in their lives.

“So we really need a name for her,” Sergio said as he rested a hand on her bump, he wasn’t sure that they were prepared for the birth completely; he couldn’t wait to be a father, he just hoped that he would be able to give her everything that she needed. 

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