Chapter Ten: Talking Face to Face

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Gabriela nibbled on her lower lip as she was ushered into the building by Eleazar, she was a little nervous about seeing Sergio again and she wasn’t sure how he would deal with her pregnancy.

“Are you sure about this?” Gabriela asked as she looked at Eleazar as they walked towards the room where they would be meeting with Sergio and his lawyer; the footballer was determined to meet with the blonde and Eleazar wanted to be prepared for anything to happen.

“It’ll be fine… we have discussed this, I only have your and the baby’s interest at heart,” Eleazar said with a small smile as he looked at Gabriela as they finally reached the room; he knew that this wasn’t easy for her and at ten weeks pregnant he didn’t wish to stress her out in anyway.

Gabriela nodded her head as she watched Eleazar open the conference room door and step inside, she followed after her nervously; she looked down at her hands as Sergio and his own lawyer came into view.

“Buenos días gentlemen,” Eleazar said as he nodded at the two of them, he had been the one to suggest that Sergio brought his lawyer so that the footballer wouldn’t try to turn things against Gabriela in the future if things didn’t go his way.

Sergio ignored the lawyer as he turned his attention to the blonde that carried his child, he watched her as she sat down wondering how things had gotten like this; he glanced at his lawyer who was glaring at the blonde.

“How are you?” Sergio asked curiously making his lawyer turn to look at him, he had been warned not to say anything unless his lawyer told him so but he didn’t care; he knew that he was responsible for that child if it was his.

Gabriela blinked as her blue eyes snapped up to look him, she didn’t know what she had expected from all of this but she didn’t expect this; deep down she had thought that he’d want her to terminate the pregnancy.

“I’ve been good,” Gabriela said as she brushed a hand against her lower stomach, she had a couple of weeks before her next doctor’s appointment but she knew that they were keeping an eye on her.

Sergio offered her a small smile, he could see that she wasn’t showing yet and since she was still in the early stages of pregnancy he knew it would be a while before she did.

“Okay let’s get down to business… what do you want?” Sergio’s lawyer asked as he stared at Gabriela, he needed to protect his client and he was going to do whatever it took; Sergio looked at him while Gabriela swallowed knowing that she had to be careful what she said.

“I don’t want anything… I just wanted you to know that I’m having your baby, what happens now is up to you,” the blonde said as she ignored Eleazar, who had told her to ask for some sort of support from the footballer but she didn’t want any of his money.

Sergio looked at Gabriela, he was grateful that she wasn’t making any sort of demands and it only made him more willing to do anything for her and their baby.

“Would you be willing to consent to a prenatal paternity test?” Sergio’s lawyer asked as he looked at the blonde, he didn’t trust her and he knew that his client needed to know if the child was his before he did anything else.

Gabriela looked at him for a moment before she nodded her head, Eleazar stared at her annoyed before he moved to protest; in his eyes Gabriela didn’t have anything to prove.

“It’s okay… I get why you need this,” the blonde said as she reassured Eleazar, she offered a small smile to Sergio who looked ready to punch his lawyer.


“Where are you staying?” Sergio asked as their lawyers talked through the final agreement, he knew very little about Gabriela but he knew only what Eleazar had told him when he had found out that the blonde was pregnant.

Gabriela brushed some hair from her face as she looked at Sergio, she watched him wondering what he would do when she told him of her lack of home.

“I’m staying with Eleazar and his wife, they’re old family friends and have taken me in,” Gabriela said shrugging her shoulders as she looked at the footballer, she nibbled on her lip as Sergio nodded his head as he breathed through his nose; his lawyer wouldn’t let him help the blonde in anyway until the paternity test proved that the baby was his.

“I want to be involved as soon as the results show positive,” Sergio said as he looked over at his lawyer, he was already thinking about what he would do to provide for the child and the first thing that he wanted to do was find her a place to live.

Gabriela smiled at him softly, she could see that he was a little excited about being a father even if the situation did make things difficult for him; she hated to think what would happen when his girlfriend of a year found out that he had gotten another woman pregnant.

“So we will met again in four weeks for the test,” Sergio’s lawyer said making the footballer’s heart lurch as he realised that he wouldn’t see the blonde again or experience any of her pregnancy until the test had been done.

Gabriela moved away from him as she walked back over to Eleazar who smiled at her as he glanced at the footballer that looked torn about the idea of not seeing Gabriela; he looked at his lawyer who seemed determined to make sure that this stuck.


Pilar pursed her lips as she walked into Sergio’s home in La Finca, she didn’t know what was going on but she knew that her boyfriend of a year was hiding something from her and she didn’t like it.

The brunette presenter ignored Sergio’s two dogs as they growled at her as she headed straight for the theatre room, she frowned as she found Sergio watching television before he turned to smile at her.

“Is everything okay?” the footballer asked as he looked at his girlfriend concerned, he didn’t want to tell her that he had fathered a child until the results were back and he knew that she wouldn’t be happy when she learnt the truth.

“You tell me… I haven’t seen you all day, your brother wouldn’t tell me where you were and your family is talking about me behind my back,” Pilar snapped making Sergio stare at her, he swallowed as her blue eyes stared at him accusingly before he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He knew that she thought that he was cheating on her.

“It’s nothing like that Pilar… you have nothing to worry about,” Sergio said resisting the urge to tell her about Gabriela; he didn’t want to lose his girlfriend over this and he hoped that she would understand.

The presenter watched him for a moment before she sat down at his side, she didn’t want to believe that he was spending time with another woman but everything pointed to that; he didn’t even offer her any explanations for what was going on.

“Promise?” Pilar asked worried that he had found himself a younger woman, she was eight years older than he was and she didn’t know what to make of the idea that he was keeping things from her.

“I promise,” Sergio said as he kissed her lips, he smiled at her knowing that she was one of the best things in his life and that would all change if Gabriela was carrying his child; he just hoped that it wouldn’t change his life to much.

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