Chapter Fifty-Four: Abduction

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Gabriela smiled as she spotted Sandy carrying Aoife-Belle, she had to admit that she loved her daughter’s visits to her work place and everyone seemed pleased to see the eight month old.

“Look who it is,” Sandy cooed as he handed over Aoife-Belle to her mother, he smiled as he watched Gabriela and he loved bringing the infant to see her since it helped with their bond.

The blonde cuddled her daughter knowing that it would be her first Christmas in three weeks and she couldn’t help but be excited, she was actually looking forward to having the family around for the holidays.

“Have you been a good girl for Sandy,” Gabriela said as she shifted her hold on her daughter, she pressed a kiss to her head as Kendra appeared; the blonde missed the look on her assistant’s face as she looked bitterly at her for holding Aoife-Belle.

Gabriela was wearing acolour-block pencil dress paired with silver metallic court shoes, she had an important meeting this afternoon and she liked looking professional.

“I just have to run to the bathroom,” Sandy said making Gabriela nod, she smiled as the nanny hurried away before she headed into her office with her daughter; she was missing Sergio since he was away playing a match and wouldn’t be back until tomorrow.

The blonde was glad that he got a couple of weeks off for the holidays so that they could be together; she knew that he wouldn’t want to miss a moment of his daughter’s first Christmas.

Gabriela looked over some paperwork and frowned at something, she sighed as she shifted her hold on her daughter knowing that she had to run and see Sandra for a moment.

Stepping out of her office, Gabriela chewed on her lip knowing that she couldn’t take Aoife-Belle with her since Sandra was in a meeting with some investors.

“Kendra… could you mind Aoife for a moment?” Gabriela asked as she smiled at her assistant, she knew she wouldn’t be long and Sandy would be back at any moment to take the infant.

Kendra looked at her boss and quickly nodded her head, she smiled as she got up from her desk and moved to take Aoife-Belle from the blonde; she couldn’t believe that she was finally getting to hold the infant.

“I won’t be a moment,” Gabriela said as she checked that Aoife-Belle was okay with her assistant before she hurried away, she didn’t want to be long and she was sure that everything would be okay while she was away.

Kendra smiled as she admired the two piece cotton rich knitted dress and tights outfit that Aoife-Belle was wearing; she glanced around pleased that Gabriela had trusted her like this, she had been plotting this for ages and now everything had fallen into place.

The assistant carefully collected her bag and coat, she knew that if she didn’t leave now then she wouldn’t get another chance at this; Sergio didn’t like her and she knew the footballer would stop her if she tried to take his daughter while he was around.

“Time to go,” Kendra said quietly as she shifted her hold on Aoife-Belle and hurried away from her desk, she could see Sandy returned and she knew that he would stop her if he had the chance to see what she was doing.


Gabriela furrowed her brow as she returned to her office to find only Sandy waiting for her, she looked around confused wondering where Aoife-Belle was; she was sure her daughter couldn’t have gotten far.

“Everything okay?” Sandy asked completely unaware that there was a problem, he had come back from the toilet to find no one around and had thought that Aoife-Belle was still with her mother.

Gabriela looked at him as a bad feeling pooled in her stomach as she tried to spot her assistant, she wondered where Kendra had gotten to.

“Where’s Aoife?” the blonde asked slowly as she turned to look at the nanny, she had been gone less than five minutes and couldn’t understand what was going on; she could feel her panic building as she realised that she couldn’t find Kendra.

Sandy looked at her confused, he had thought that the little girl was with her and clearly she now wasn’t; he looked around knowing that Gabriela wouldn’t have left her daughter alone with anyone that she didn’t know and trust.

“I left her with Kendra for a moment,” Gabriela said as she felt her hands shaking, she didn’t know what was going on but she didn’t like it; she knew that Sergio would be furious with her if anything had happened to their daughter.

“Señorita López,” the security guard said as he approached Gabriela, he had seen her assistant leaving in a hurry with her daughter and he was curious if everything was okay since the little girl had come with her nanny.

Gabriela turned to look at him wondering what he wanted, he never usually came up to this floor since he worked on the door downstairs; she felt sick as she realised that she knew what he was going to say to her.

“I just saw your assistant leaving in a hurry, I usually wouldn’t be concerned but she did so with your daughter,” the security guard said making Gabriela pale as Sandy quickly moved to phone the police; this wasn’t going to be pleasant but they knew that they had to act quickly.

Gabriela opened her mouth speechless as she moved to sit down before her legs gave way, she could hear people whispering and she couldn’t believe that this was happening; Kendra had abducted her daughter.


“Sergio we need to talk to you in private,” Carlo Ancelotti said as he approached the defender, he hated to be the bearer of bad news but he knew that Sergio would want to return home when he learnt what had happened.

The Sevillian nodded his head as he noted the seriousness in the manager’s voice, he looked at Iker who shrugged before he got to his feet and followed after Carlo out into the corridor of the hotel; he wondered what was going on.

“I’ve had a call from your brother… it’s about Aoife-Belle,” Carlo said knowing that René had his hands full trying to calm a distraught Gabriela; he had heard the blonde’s cries when René had called him.

Sergio looked at him concerned, he knew it had to be important if his brother was calling; he had seen his little girl just that morning before they had travelled to Almería for their match that night.

“Is she okay? Why hasn’t Gabby called me?” Sergio asked worried, he knew that if there was something serious wrong then his girlfriend would have called him directly; he knew it had to be bad if she hadn’t done so.

Carlo sighed as he watched the defender, he wasn’t sure how he was going to break this to him; he knew that it was something that no parent should hear and he felt his heart go out to Gabriela who was clearly terrified right now.

“Sergio… I am sorry to tell you this but your daughter has been abducted,” Carlo said carefully as he revealed the news that he had been given, he only knew so much from René and he knew that the police were involved; he couldn’t believe that Kendra had done this.

Sergio felt his world crash around him at the news he had been given, he placed a hand to steady himself on the wall; he didn’t know what to say

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