Chapter Two: The Morning After

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Gabriela groaned as she sat up slowly, her entire body ached and she knew that she had done something stupid; she ran a hand through her hair as she looked around the hotel room that wasn’t hers.

The blonde swallowed as she realised what she had done, she blinked back tears as she realised that she was no longer virgin; she took a deep breath as she looked at the man that was sleeping next to her, she cursed herself as she wondered why she had been so stupid.

Gabriela stared at him as she wondered why he looked so familiar to her, she knew that she had seen him somewhere before and it made her feel sick that she couldn’t remember.

Biting her lip as she climbed out of bed silently, Gabriela carefully reached for her dress and hurried into the bathroom so that she could get dressed and leave; she knew better than to stay especially since she didn’t know anything about the man that she had slept with.

Staring at herself in the mirror, Gabriela sniffed as she rubbed her eyes; she knew how disappointed her parents would be that she didn’t save herself for marriage, she doubted that the man that she had slept with knew that she was a virgin and she doubted that he cared.

Gabriela carefully redressed in her berry tulip dress with embellished shoulder as she tried to make herself look presentable; she didn’t want anyone to realise that she was doing the walk of shame, she sighed as she realised that there was little she could do about that.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Gabriela paused as she realised that the man was now awake and was dressed; he glanced at her for a moment before sighing and running a hand through his short brown hair.

“Mañana,” the man said as he went back to what he was doing, he knew that he had made big mistake in bring the blonde back to his hotel room with him; his girlfriend could have walked in on them at any moment.

“Mañana,” Gabriela replied nervously as she looked at him, she still didn’t recognise him and she cursed herself knowing that someone that good looking had to have a girlfriend; she quickly moved to find her shoes as the man watched her confused.

“I’m sorry I don’t remember your name,” he said as he wondered why she wasn’t fawning over him like anyone else would, she didn’t even seem to recognise him; he watched her wondering why she wasn’t like any of the women that he knew that only wanted to know him because of who he was.

“Gabriela,” the blonde said as she turned to look at him, she offered him a small smile as she carefully pulled on her shoes; she had to get back before her friends noticed that she was missing, she nibbled on her lip as she stared at him.

“I’m Sergio,” the man said as he offered her a small smile as he wondered if she recognised him now, she smiled at him and nodded at him still not knowing who he was.

Sergio stared at her as he realised that she still didn’t know who he was, he blinked taken back as she prepared to leave; he glanced at the clock knowing that if she left then he would never see her again.


Pilar Rubio pursed her lips as she stepped into her boyfriend of a year’s hotel room, she wasn’t stupid and she knew that he had brought someone back with him; however she hoped that he would finally come back to his senses.

“Did you have fun last night?” Pilar asked as she looked around the hotel room, her nose wrinkling in disgust as she thought about what he could have done with the other woman; she pursed her lips knowing that she was going to have to make him see things her way from now on.

Sergio sighed as he looked at his girlfriend, he knew that Pilar wasn’t going to be happy; she never seemed to be happy with him these days, she was always pushing him to do better at his work and he had a feeling that she was only interested in his fame.

“I know that you brought a girl back here last night… I’m not stupid and it’s time to stop this pity party of yours,” Pilar snapped as she looked at Sergio, he stared at her wondering what he could say that could ease her mind but it was clear that she wasn’t finished with him.

“I get it… you’ve had a bad season and you thought that winning the confederations cup would make things right, but you need to wake up; this isn’t the end of the world,” Pilar said as she moved to sit down on the chair in the corner of the room, she didn’t want to sit on the bed since she knew that he’d fucked someone else there.

Sergio blinked as he stared at his girlfriend, he knew that she was right and that he had spent most of their holiday together moping and drinking to help him get over what had happened; last night had been a mistake and he knew it.

“I love you Sergio but if you continue this way then I can’t continue with this relationship,” Pilar said shaking her head, she knew that she needed him so that her career would survive but if he was about to ruin his career then she knew that she needed to end things now to save herself.

Sergio blinked as he stared at Pilar, he knew that she was right and he had been an idiot if he allowed her to get away; he sighed as he pushed himself to his feet.

“I’m sorry,” Sergio said softly as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her softly, he knew that he had done a horrible thing and he hoped that he could make things right.


Gabriela sighed as she ignored Irina’s ramblings about what she had done, she knew that she had been stupid and that if her parents learnt what she had done then she was going to be in a lot of trouble.

“Would you leave her alone Irina,” Kathryn said as she looked at her sister, she knew that Irina was annoyed and that she didn’t know when to stop; she hated that Irina spoke to Gabriela as if she was below them, the blonde was their closest friend and deserved better.

Irina huffed before she stalked away as Tanya appeared and saw down next to Gabriela, she offered the blonde a smile as she sipped on her coffee.

The Allen triplets had been Gabriela’s best friend since primary school and even now that all three of them had gone on to be models, they still were close with Gabriela and saw her as their sister.

“Ignore her, she’s having a bad time with Laurent,” the blonde model said as she smiled at Gabriela, she knew that her friend hadn’t meant to sleep with the man; she knew that she probably regretted it now.

Gabriela sighed as she messed with the hem of her top, she wished that she hadn’t of slept with Sergio; she had a feeling that it was going to come back and haunt her.

“So come on… what was he like?” Kathryn asked as she took a bite out her toast, she grinned as Tanya rolled her eyes as she looked at her younger sister who was engaged; she smiled knowing that she was trying to make Gabriela feel better.

“I don’t know… it’s a little blared,” Gabriela admitted as she looked down at her lap, she didn’t remember losing her virginity and she knew that it was nothing to be proud of; she bit her lip knowing that it was for the best that she wouldn’t be seeing Sergio again.

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