Chapter Twenty-Eight: I Won't Say I'm In Love

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“Would you stop moping, he’s coming home tomorrow,” Tanya said as she looked at Gabriela, it had been two days since Sergio had gone to Seville and the blonde had been spending a lot of time with her friends as she prepared for the birth of her firstborn.

However during the time that she spent with them all Gabriela had been able to talk about was Sergio and now much she missed him; Kathryn and Tanya had shared amused looks as they realised that their best friend had fallen in love with the footballer.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” Gabriela said as she ran a hand through her hair and sighed, she nibbled on her lip as she thought about everything that she had been thinking a lot since he had gone away and the relationship between them had changed.

“Come on you know as well as we do what is going on… you’re in love with Sergio,” Kathryn said as she smiled at Gabriela, she knew that there was no denying that this wasn’t her pregnancy hormones anymore.

They had gone along with it at first because the footballer had been dating but now he was single they were going to help the blonde in anyway.

“I don’t love him… it’s just the hormones,” Gabriela protested as she looked at her friends, she didn’t want to believe that she had fallen in love with Sergio; she didn’t want to be in love with someone who wouldn’t love her back.

Tanya shook her head, she knew that her friend would deny it especially with everything that had happened with Jace; however she knew that this was different and she hoped the blonde wouldn’t be stupid.

“Who are you trying to fool? He’s all you have talked about since he went away,” Kathryn said as she sipped on her drink, her brown eyes watched Gabriela knowing that if she didn’t do something soon then she could lose her chance with the footballer completely.


Raising an eyebrow at Sergio, René chuckled as they drove away from the airport knowing that he shouldn’t have been surprised that his brother had wanted to come home early so that he could be with Gabriela.

“So when are you going to tell her that you love her?” René asked as he glanced at his brother, he knew how Sergio felt for the blonde and he hated to think what would happen if he didn’t act soon; he didn’t want his brother to miss out because he was too afraid to act on his feelings.

Sergio looked at René and shook his head, he didn’t want to upset the balance that the pair had gotten into by telling Gabriela that he loved her; he was happy with how things were working out for them right now.

“You know that I can’t… it would ruin things between us,” the footballer said as he looked out of the window of his car, his brown eyes closed for a moment as he ignored the ache in his chest at never being able to call Gabriela his; he knew that it was for the best that he didn’t say anything.

“Do you really believe that?” René asked as he looked at his brother, he knew that there was no way it could ruin things between the pair; Gabriela was clearly in love with Sergio, as much as he was in love with her.

Sergio shrugged as he stared out of the window as he thought about the impending birth of his daughter, the press were going into a frenzy since they knew that the baby was coming soon.

“I have to… how could she ever fall for me?” Sergio said making René stop the car and look at him, he stared at his brother for a moment as if not believing what he had just heard.

“You can’t be serious,” René said as he watched Sergio, he knew that there was no way that the blonde couldn’t love his brother; the Sevillian sighed as he shrugged and stared out at the scenery, he didn’t want to talk about this.

“Sergio… I’ve seen the way that Gabby looks at you, she’s in love with you,” René said as he tried to reassure his younger brother, he didn’t want his brother to think like this; he knew that he couldn’t let Sergio mess this up no matter what happened.

The footballer looked at his brother, he didn’t want to get his hopes up when he knew that there was no way that the blonde would love him; he had nearly ruined her life by getting her pregnant and he knew that there was no way that she could have feelings for him.

“You’ll see I bet she’s excited to see you when we get back,” René said as he shook his head, he knew that there was little he could do to convince his brother that Gabriela loved him.


“You’re home,” Gabriela said excited as she pushed herself from the couch and waddled over to Sergio and hugged him; he wrapped his arms around her as René smiled as he brought in the bags, he looked at his brother pointedly before he moved to leave them alone.

“I thought you weren’t back until tomorrow,” Gabriela said as she smiled up at Sergio, she was thrilled that he was home and the talk that she’d had with her friends had left her with much to think about; she knew that her baby was due in a matter of days but she had a lot to think about now.

Sergio stared at her as his brother’s words echoed in his mind, he swallowed as he glanced at René wondering if maybe he was right before he looked down at Gabriela, who seemed thrilled to see him.

“I didn’t want to stay away too long,” the footballer admitted as he smiled down at her, his eyes flickered down to the bump knowing that in a matter of days that he would be a father; he swallowed at the thought that he was going to have a newborn daughter.

Gabriela nodded her head as she brushed some hair from her face as she looked at him, she cleared her throat as she glanced at René knowing that she couldn’t be too obvious about her feelings for Sergio.

“So how was your trip?” the blonde asked as she moved to sit back down, Sergio followed her as she sat down in the lounge; his brown eyes watching her knowing that he would do anything for her.

“It was fine… but I’m glad to home,” Sergio said as he sat down next to Gabriela while his brother disappeared from sight; the footballer had a feeling that René was listening to what was being said.

Gabriela smiled at Sergio as she rested a hand on her bump, she knew that she needed to think about what her friends had said but right now she wasn’t going to say that she was in love.

“What about you? How’s the baby?” Sergio asked as he watched her, he hoped that the days that he had been gone hadn’t affected her in anyway; he wanted to be there for her when she needed him post and he knew that they were about to enter a waiting game before their daughter was born.

“Not much… I spent it with Tanya and Kathryn talking about possible baby names,” Gabriela said as she shrugged, she smiled as she felt her baby kick and she couldn’t help but wonder what they would finally name their little girl; she just hoped that they would have a name picked out when the time came.

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