Chapter Four: Awkward Confrontations

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Stepping out of Jack’s office, Sergio glanced over at Gabriela who was sitting at her desk working; he knew that he had to speak to her about what happened and he didn’t know when he would get a chance again.

Sergio glanced at René and Pilar who was walking a head of him, he didn’t want either of them to catch on about what was going on; he had only spoken to his brother about his one night stand and he knew that René would understand his need to speak with Gabriela.

“Can we talk?” Sergio asked softly as he stopped next to the blonde, who stiffened as she turned to face him; she swallowed nervously knowing that this couldn’t end well, she glanced around making sure that no one was looking at them.

“Now,” Gabriela squeaked as she looked at the footballer, she didn’t know why he wanted to speak with her after what had happened between them; she was sure that he didn’t care for her and it confused her that he had come over to speak with her.

Sergio glanced around knowing that it wouldn’t be the best idea if he spoke to her now, he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair.

“When do you finish for lunch?” he asked knowing that he needed to talk to her; he wanted to make sure that she was okay after the one night stand.

Gabriela blinked confused about why he was talking to her, she nibbled on her lip knowing that she shouldn’t met up with him but there was something that made her so curious about what he wanted from her.

“I finish at half twelve for about an hour,” Gabriela said as she glanced at the clock, she had about two hours until then and she knew that Jack wouldn’t let her go any earlier; she turned back to look at the footballer.

Sergio nodded his head as he watched her, he knew what he was doing was risky but he wanted to ensure that she was okay; he wanted to make things right for stealing away her virginity in a drunk romp.

“I’ll send René to collect you,” Sergio said making the blonde blink as she looked at him, she opened her mouth to protest before Jack cut her off as he came out of his office; Gabriela looked at her boss as he approached them, she knew he wasn’t going to like the fact that Sergio was talking to her.

“Sergio what are you still doing here?” Jack asked as he spotted the footballer, he quickly turned to glare at his assistant assuming that she was harassing Sergio; he was about to tell her off when Sergio spoke up.

“I was just saying Hola to Gabriela,” Sergio said smoothing over the trouble that he could sense, he frowned slightly at the dark look that Jack shot at the blonde; he didn’t know what it was but he didn’t like the editor.


Gabriela looked at René confused as he dropped her off outside of Sergio’s house, the older Ramos brother hadn’t said a word to the blonde and it had made the blonde even more nervous than she had been before.

Gabriela sighed as she headed towards the front door wondering what Sergio could want from her, she had no intentions of sleeping with him again and she wasn’t quite sure why he would want to see her again; the blonde furrowed her brow as Sergio opened the door to greet her.

“So what did you want to talk about?” Gabriela asked as she looked at Sergio, she tried not to gap as the footballer led her through his home and into the kitchen; she wanted to get this over with as fast as possible so that she could return to work and try to sneak some lunch.

Sergio looked at Gabriela as he offered her a seat in his kitchen, he knew that this wasn’t the best time for this talk but he didn’t know when he would next be free and he wanted to make things up to her.

“Do you want something to eat?” Sergio asked making Gabriela look at him confused, she hadn’t expected him to say anything like that; she had thought that she was just there to talk.

“I’m good Gracias,” Gabriela said as she sat down, she didn’t want him doing anything special for her; she noticed the look of annoyance on Sergio’s face before he shook his head as he moved to sit down next to her.

“I wanted to apologise for our night in Ibiza, I would have never seduced you if I hadn’t been drunk and if I had known you were a virgin,” Sergio said as he looked at the blonde, he knew an apology was the best way to start and he hoped that he would be able to make this up to her; she deserved better and he wanted to make it right.

Gabriela shifted uncomfortably as she looked at the footballer, she hadn’t expected him to find out about her being a virgin and she was suddenly embarrassed about what was going on; she ducked her head as she blushed as she tried to avoid looking at him.

“Is there any way that I could make this up to you?” Sergio asked as he watched the blonde, he knew that he was going to make things work with Pilar but he wanted to make things right with Gabriela; the blonde shook her head knowing that he had nothing that she wanted.

Sergio looked at her taken back, he had expected her to demand some sort of payment for their night together; whether it would have been money or another night of passion but he had not expected her to turn down his offer.

“Okay… if you change your mind let me know,” Sergio said as he watched the blonde, he wanted to make this right one way or another; he knew that there was nothing that he could give her that would truly make up for what he had done.


Stepping back into the office, Gabriela ignored the rumble of her stomach as she headed back to her desk; she was a little annoyed that she hadn’t accepted Sergio’s offer for lunch but she would now have to go without.

“Gabriela,” Jack called making the blonde sigh as she stopped walking to her desk, she forced a smile to her face as she headed for her bosses office and popped her head inside.

“I hope your personal relationship with the footballer won’t cost us his work,” Jack said as he looked up from what he was doing and looked at the blonde, she blinked softly before shaking her head; she knew that Jack wouldn’t hesitate to fire her if she threatened the name of the company in anyway.

The editor pursed his lips as he eyed her for a moment, there was something about Gabriela that had always interested him and it was becoming clear that she was more than useful now that she had some sort of connection to their new children’s author.

“Good… keep it that way,” Jack said as he turned back to what he was doing, he ignored the blonde as she stood quietly for a moment; she watched him for a moment before she exited the office and walked back to her desk.

Gabriela sat down and thought about her meeting with Sergio, she had a feeling that she would soon be calling him even though she didn’t want anything from the footballer and she wasn’t going to ever be one of those women that sold her story to the media when she had been a willing participant.

Taking a deep breath, she turned her attention back to her work so that she wouldn’t lose her job; her thoughts staying with the footballer that had become a presence in her life.

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