Chapter Thirty-Three: Happy Birthday Mama

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Gabriela rolled her blue eyes as she watched Sergio handed Aoife-Belle over to René, he had agreed to watch his niece while the couple went on their first official date; it was also the blonde’s twenty-sixth birthday and her boyfriend wanted to celebrate.

“Don’t have too much fun tonight,” René teased making his younger brother roll his eyes, it had been a week since Aoife-Belle had been born and two weeks ago it had been Sergio’s birthday; they found it slightly amusing that the small family had their birthday’s in the space of three weeks.

Sergio felt his heart lurch as René left with Aoife-Belle, he knew it was only for a couple of hours but he wasn’t sure how he would cope about his daughter being away from him and Gabriela.

“What time are our reservations?” Gabriela asked softly as she got to her feet and wrapped her arms around Sergio; she cuddled into his side knowing how he felt, it was strange being without their one week old daughter.

The footballer sighed as he held her close, he knew that he had organised this but he hadn’t thought that it would be like this for them; he looked down at Gabriela and smiled knowing that everything was okay to be okay.

“Seven,” Sergio replied making the blonde nod her head, it didn’t leave her long to get ready for dinner; she already knew that they were going to some fancy restaurant since Sergio wanted to show her off and to give her the best first date possible.


“You look hermonsa,” Sergio said as he laced his fingers with Gabriela’s, he had always thought that she looked beautiful and she did even more so now that she had given birth to their daughter; the blonde was wearing a nude embroidered maxi dress with open back paired with black heeled sandals for their date.

The couple walked into the restaurant ignoring the calls of the paparazzi, they were thrilled to see the couple out for the night and were quick to call after them asking about their new daughter; Sergio was doing his best to shield his small family from the world.

Gabriela sighed in relief as she felt her boyfriend move close to her, he brushed his hand down her back; his brown eyes sparkled in the dim lights of the Italian restaurant that he had brought her to.

“Hola… we have a reservation under Ramos,” Sergio said as he smiled at the hostess, he only had eyes for one woman and that was the one that had given him Aoife-Belle; ever since he had fallen in love with Gabriela, he didn’t see anyone else.

The hostess batted her eyes at him as she quickly found the reservation and led the couple back to their private table; Sergio kept his arm wrapped around Gabriela knowing that he would never allow anyone close to her.

“Gracias,” Sergio said as he dismissed the hostess, he had no need for her and he quickly moved to help his girlfriend take a seat; he wanted tonight to be special, he wanted to show her that this could work no matter what was going on in their lives.

“You didn’t have to do all of this,” the blonde said softly as Sergio took his seat, he knew that she was nervous and she had no need to be; even if this was their first trip out as parents and as a couple.

“I did… I wanted to show you how much I love you,” Sergio said as he smiled at his girlfriend, he didn’t care what people around him thought; he loved the blonde and wanted to show her off, he had been an idiot with Pilar and he wasn’t going to make that mistake again anytime soon.

Gabriela smiled at him as she tried to relax, she wasn’t used to the attention that she was receiving; she had never had a boyfriend like Sergio before and she wasn’t used to having everyone interested in her life.

“Relax,” the footballer said as he took her hand and pressed a kiss to it, she swallowed as her blue eyes locked with his brown ones; she didn’t know what it was but she trusted him more than she ever should.


“Gracias for tonight,” Gabriela said as she kissed Sergio, the couple were heading out of the restaurant and were walking towards the Audi Q7; they had to drive to René’s apartment so that they could collect Aoife-Belle before they headed home.

The footballer smiled to himself as he kissed his girlfriend back as they reached the car, he knew that tonight had gone well and he couldn’t have been happier with how everything had gone for them.

“Sergio,” said a voice making the couple stop, Pilar watched them knowing that she had done a lot of damage but she had never thought that they would get together once she was gone.

Sergio turned and looked at his ex-girlfriend while Gabriela shifted nervously, the couple didn’t know what to say to the brunette that had caused so much grief and trouble in their lives.

“Pilar,” Sergio greeted as he took Gabriela’s hand, he needed to know that she was still with him; he didn’t have any interest in his ex-girlfriend and the last thing that he wanted was to push the blonde away.

The brunette cautiously stepped closer to the couple, she hadn’t seen either of them since Sergio had broken up with her and she didn’t blame him; she had lashed out in jealously and she had good reason to if the couple before her where testament to what she had been worried about.

“I heard you had a baby girl… Aoife-Belle, congratulations,” Pilar said softly as she looked at the couple, Gabriela shifted nervously at Sergio’s side while the footballer glared at the reporter; he didn’t trust her for a moment.

Pilar looked down at her hands, she had been out with friends when she had spotted the couple together and she couldn’t resist speaking with Sergio; she needed to see him again after what had happened between them.

“Garcias,” the footballer said stiffly before he started to lead Gabriela towards the car, he didn’t want to spend any time talking with his ex-girlfriend; he had no interested in what she had to say after what she had done to him.

Gabriela leant into his arms knowing that this wasn’t easy on either of them, the last thing that they expected to do was run into the brunette; she glanced back at Pilar who was watching them, she didn’t know what it was but she had a feeling that this wasn’t the last that they had seen of her.

“I’m sorry about that,” Sergio said softly as he kissed the top of his girlfriend’s head, he unlocked the car knowing that it had dampened their evening; the last thing that he had wanted was to see Pilar again.

Gabriela shook her head as she smiled at him, she didn’t want him getting upset about this; Pilar had come after them for a reason even if she hadn’t said what it was or gotten what she wanted.

“Sergio tonight was amazing… don’t let her ruin things,” the blonde said before she kissed his lips, she smiled up at him as he opened the door for her; he grinned knowing that they were going to collect their daughter now.

The footballer kissed her again, he knew that she was right but something about how Pilar had found them had unsettled him; he didn’t want her coming after his family.

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