Chapter Twenty-Seven: Happy Birthday Sergio

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“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Sergio asked as he looked at Gabriela, he was going away for a few days since it was his birthday and was a little nervous since there was only a week left until their due date.

The blonde nodded as she kissed his cheek and smiled at him, she had given him some new aftershave and a new shirt for his birthday and she was glad that he was doing something special for his twenty-eighth birthday; he was flying back to Seville for a few days to be with his family.

“I’ll be fine… I’ll call you every night,” Gabriela said as she smiled at him softly, she ignored the fact that her feelings for him had grown since her relationship with Jace had ended and she had put it down to her being thirty-nine weeks pregnant.

Sergio nodded his head as he ignored René who beeped the car horn, he wasn’t ready to leave Gabriela alone for the three days; he still hadn’t told her how he felt.

“I’ll see you on Tuesday,” the blonde said as she kissed his cheek again before she nudged him towards the car, she rested a hand on her bump knowing that they would soon have their little girl and they still hadn’t got a name for her even though they had been looking for weeks and still hadn’t found one that they really liked.

“I’ll see you on Tuesday,” Sergio said softly he watched her for a moment before he shook his head and walked off to the car; he paused for a moment before he climbed into the car so that he could go to the airport.

The Sevillian looked at his brother who chuckled as he looked at his brother and shook his head; he had been telling him for a while now to tell Gabriela how he felt.


“Happy Birthday,” Paqui said as she hurried out of her home and towards her sons, she was quick to give Sergio a hug before she pulled back and looked around a little confused as if expecting to see someone else with them.

“Gabriela didn’t come with you?” Paqui asked as she looked at her son, she had slowly warmed to the blonde since Pilar had gone and she often called to speak with her knowing she had to bond with Gabriela before her granddaughter was born.

“She can’t fly right now,” Sergio said shrugging as Vania smiled at him and headed into the house, she knew that things were still a little strange back in Madrid; she just hoped that the two would work out their feelings soon before they had a baby to worry about.

Paqui nodded her head as she led Sergio into the house, she had been looking forward to this for weeks and she was thrilled to have her son home.

“Now we are having chicken in sauce for tea tonight,” Paqui said as she smiled at her son, she always did his favourite meal for his birthday and she knew that he loved her chicken in sauce.

Sergio nodded his head as he kissed her cheek, he wanted to head up to his room so that he could call Gabriela and make sure that she was alright; he didn’t like her being so far away from him while she was heavily pregnant.

“Now your padre will take your bag upstairs… we’re going into the living room to celebrate,” Paqui said as she ignore Sergio’s attempts to escape; she dragged him into the living room with a smile on her face.


Sergio smiled as he sat at the dining table with his family, he had missed having normal family meals and he couldn’t remember the last time that they had all been together like this without a problem hanging over them.

The sound of the doorbell made Sergio furrow his brow as he looked at his mother wondering who it could be, she smiled at him as she pushed herself to her feet before she hurried to answer it; Mirian frowned as she looked at her husband knowing that this couldn’t end well.

“Sergio… you remember Lara,” Paqui said as she led Lara Álvarez into the dining room, she smiled as she showed the brunette to a seat while Sergio stared at her; he hadn’t been expecting to see Lara again after how she had ended things with him two years ago.

“Garcias for inviting me Paqui,” the brunette said as she glanced at Sergio, she had been a little nervous when she had been invited; things between them hadn’t ended well and she had dumped him when he had started to talk about marriage.

Paqui smiled as she moved to sit down, she ignored the looks from Mirian and René, she knew they wouldn’t be happy with what she had done but she knew how much Sergio had loved Lara and she hoped that he would be able to win the brunette back.

“So how is Gabriela? Have you two decided on a name yet for the baby?” José María asked as he looked at his youngest son, he knew what his wife was up to but she lived in hope that Lara and Sergio would get back together even if there was no hope.

“She’s doing well… we haven’t really decided yet but we are deciding between Belinda, Chloe, Amelia,” Sergio said as he ignored his ex-girlfriend, he already knew that she had a new boyfriend; she had been dating Dani Martinez since they had broken up.

“They’re beautiful names,” Mirian said as she smiled at her brother, she couldn’t wait to have another niece to spoil until she was ready to have children herself; she adored Daniella and she knew that it wouldn’t be long now until her new niece was born.

Sergio nodded his head as he continued to eat, he glanced at his mother who was watching him as if waiting for him to say something to Lara; he wasn’t interested though, he had feelings for Gabriela and he wasn’t going to ruin any chances he had with the blonde.

“You should make a decision soon… she’s going to need a name when she is born,” Vania said as everyone continued to eat their dinner, she looked over at Daniella knowing that she loved her daughter and would do anything for her and she knew it was the same for René.

Sergio nodded his head, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to call his daughter when she was born; he didn’t really mind and was hoping that Gabriela had some idea on what she wanted to name their little girl.


“You look good,” Lara said as she approached Sergio, her brown eyes looked at him worried knowing that they hadn’t parted on good terms when she had dumped him for her current boyfriend.

Sergio sighed as he turned to look at her wondering what his mother was thinking when she had invited Lara to the dinner; he didn’t miss her now that he had moved on and he was ready to move on from Pilar as well.

“I’m not interested Lara… things between us are over,” Sergio said shaking his head before he walked away from her, he didn’t want to risk any chance with Gabriela for his ex-girlfriend; he wanted to give his daughter a family, a proper family.

Lara watched him walking away, she sighed wondering if there was any way to make up for how much she had hurt him when she had ended things between them.

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