Chapter Twenty: Revealed to the World

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“Are you sure that you want to do this?” the woman asked as she looked at Pilar, she knew that her friend was getting desperate but she hadn’t thought that she would go and do this to her boyfriend of nearly two years.

Pilar nodded her head as she sipped on her coffee, she knew that if this was ever traced back to her then it was over between her and Sergio and she didn’t want that to happen; she just needed to push Gabriela away from him.

“I’m sure… she won’t hang around if the world thinks she is a gold-digging whore,” Pilar said as she smiled at her friend, she had been watching her boyfriend for weeks now and it was clear that he was not only getting attached to the blonde that carried his child and was starting to develop feelings for her.

“But still why would you risk Sergio to do this? He won’t be happy if he learns what you plan to do,” the woman said making Pilar sighed as she looked away from her friend, she just couldn’t risk losing Sergio to Gabriela and she was willing to do anything to get rid of the blonde that was sinking her claws into her boyfriend.

The woman sighed knowing her friend wasn’t going to be talked out of this, she just hoped that Pilar was prepared for the backlash that she was about to cause; this was going to get ugly and fast.

The woman didn’t want to be in the blonde’s shoes when this all came out; she had a feeling that she was about to destroy the woman’s life over her friend’s jealously.

“I’m worried about this Pilar, I may present the afternoon news on gossip there is no going back once this comes out,” the red head said as she looked at her friend wondering if she had really thought about this and how it would affect everything that was going on in her life.

Pilar nodded her head knowing that this needed to be done, she wanted the blonde gone and she didn’t care what that meant.


“So how are things between you and Pilar?” Iker asked as they team headed into the locker room after training; he knew his friend was slowly getting annoyed with his girlfriend and he didn’t blame him since she was getting clingy.

Sergio shrugged as he pulled his top over his head, he didn’t know what was going on with Pilar anymore and he was starting to worry about her; it wasn’t like her to be clingy but recently she wouldn’t allow him to be alone with Gabriela.

The Sevillian glanced over at a couple of his team-mates as the television in the locker room was turned on; he glanced at it briefly before turning back to Iker.

“She’s still being clingy and she keeps butting in when it comes to the baby,” Sergio muttered annoyed making his friend sigh, he didn’t know what to say anymore since he had never been in this situation; the two men suddenly froze as the end of the afternoon news came one.

“And finally Real Madrid footballer Sergio Ramos is to become a padre for the first time and get this it isn’t to his girlfriend of nearly two years,” Alyson Garcia said making Sergio’s brown eyes stare at the television shocked about what had happened.

Iker looked at his friend concerned knowing that he hadn’t wanted this to come out, Sergio hadn’t even told most of his team-mates that he had fathered a child and he knew that this only complicated things to a difficult level.

“The defender is currently expecting a little girl due in April with assistant Gabriela López Covas after a one night stand back in July last year,” Alyson’s voice said as it echoed through the locker room; Sergio collapsed into the bench as he stared speechlessly at the screen.

Someone close to him had gone to the press and told them about his relationship with Gabriela, his stomach lurching as he realised that the mother of his unborn child was going to be mobbed.


“Whore,” called another voice as Gabriela hurried through the street, the blonde had been out running errands when the news had broken that she was carrying Sergio’s baby and now everywhere she turned she was being called horrible names.

The blonde didn’t know who had done this but she had a feeling that it had been done to drive her away; she swallowed as she heard another person scream a name at her as her phone started to ring.

“Hola?” Gabriela said as she answered the phone that Sergio had given her months ago, she started to walk back to her car already planning on heading home and hiding until things calmed down; she already had several members of the press stalking her and she didn’t like it.

“Gabby are you okay?” Sergio asked concern flowing through the phone for her, he hadn’t wanted any of this for her and he knew that it couldn’t be easy; he had called to check on her since he hadn’t found out who had ratted them out.

“I’m okay… not liking the names that people are calling me but I’ll live,” the blonde said as she approached her Audi A6, she ignored a call of paparazzi that were snapping her pictures.

Sergio cursed softly under his breath, he knew that they weren’t going to make any of this simple but he hoped that he would be able to help; he just hoped that they would be able to sort this out.

“I’m coming to yours… I need to see you,” Sergio said as Gabriela climbed into her car, she sighed in relief knowing that she could finally go home; she had already called work and she hoped that they weren’t gathered out of her home when she got there.


Sergio’s head snapped up as he looked at Gabriela, she had just entered the apartment and he was suddenly relieved that she was okay; he offered her a weak smile as he eyed her concerned.

“Who the hell told the press?” the blonde snapped annoyed as she shrugged off her coat and hung it up, she ran a hand through her hair as she looked at the footballer; she was thirty weeks pregnant and the last thing that she needed was this.

“I have no idea… René is looking into it,” Sergio asked as he approached her, he didn’t want her stressing out over this and he knew that now that it was out there was no going back from this; he had already asked René to post some sort of statement about this and asking people to back off.

“I want you to come and stay with me… I don’t want you being alone right now,” Sergio said as he rubbed his hands up and down her arms; he knew that she was scared, this was uncharted territory for her and he wanted to do what he could to protect her now.

Gabriela blinked as she looked at him, she didn’t want to intrude but she really didn’t want to stay at home alone right now; she knew that the press weren’t going to back down now.

“Okay,” the blonde said as she nodded her head, Sergio smiled relieved that she wouldn’t be staying alone; he ran his hands carefully up her arms before he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him.

The footballer didn’t know who had betrayed him like this but he knew when he found out then he was going to kick them out of his life.

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