Chapter Twenty-One: Living Together

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Pilar stared dumbstruck as Sergio looked at her, she hadn’t expected her plan to backfire like this; she pursed her lips as she glanced at Gabriela, who was now sat on Sergio’s couch in the living room.

“What is she doing here?” Pilar asked as she turned to look at her boyfriend, she had thought that the media leak would get rid of the blonde; she had never expected her to turn up at her home.

Sergio sighed as he looked at his girlfriend knowing that she was upset about this, but he knew that he had done the right thing; he didn’t want anything happening to Gabriela especially while she was carrying his child.

“Gabby is going to be staying with us for a while because of the media leak,” Sergio said as he ran a hand through his hair, the blonde was thirty weeks pregnant with his child and he was going to do what he could to make this media storm die down before the baby was born.

“You did this without asking me?” Pilar asked softly as she played the victim, she knew that she couldn’t allow him to suspect that she was the one that had leaked this to the press; the brunette stared at her boyfriend hoping to make him feel guilty about not asking her before he moved the blonde in.

“I did… I have to think of my unborn child,” Sergio said shaking his head, he had already converted one of the bedroom’s into a nursery for his unborn daughter; plus he had wanted Gabriela to move in with him for a while before the baby was born.

Pilar blinked as she stared at him, she frowned knowing that this was the last thing that she wanted when she’d told Alyson about this; her mind quickly raced for an idea of how to stop this.

“And what about me? Do you think of me at all when you made this decision,” the presenter said as she tried to guilt trip her boyfriend; she pouted softly as she looked down at her hands.

“If you don’t like it then go back to your apartment,” Sergio said annoyed that she was trying to make him feel guilty for doing the right thing; he wasn’t about to leave Gabriela to fend for herself right now.

Pilar stared at him taken back before he walked out of the kitchen and headed back to Gabriela, the blonde smiled at him sweetly making Pilar frown as she realised that this wasn’t going to be easy.

“So I’ll show you to your room,” Sergio said as he smiled at the blonde, he picked up her bag for her; he didn’t care what Pilar thought; he wasn’t going to turn his back on the blonde that was carrying his daughter.

Odi looked at him as the blonde carefully moved the Yorkshire terrier off her lap, she was surprised that Sergio had time for his two dogs with everything that was going on.

The footballer led Gabriela to the last bedroom on the right, she glanced at him wondering why he had chosen to give her this bedroom; she looked at him confused as he showed her the room.

“It’s the second biggest bedroom in the house,” Sergio said shrugging as he set down Gabriela’s bag, he glanced around knowing that this was the best room for her; he had already prepared the room for her anyway and he knew that this was for the best.

“You didn’t have to do this,” Gabriela said shaking her head, she rested a hand on her bump knowing that in ten weeks they would have a baby to think about as well as having to deal with this media storm.

Sergio shrugged as he smiled at Gabriela, he didn’t know what it was but he suddenly felt relieved that she was under the same roof as him; he knew that it had nothing to do with protecting her and he wanted her to be as comfortable as possible.


Dinner had been a quiet affair since Pilar had stormed out of the house after she realised that she wasn’t going to get her own way; Sergio was sticking to his guns about the blonde staying with him.

Gabriela smiled softly as she curled up on the couch in the living room reading as Sergio watched some match highlights, he glanced at the blonde as he thought about the baby that she was carrying.

“We should think about putting together a bag for when the baby comes,” Sergio said softly, he felt at ease with having the blonde with him and he knew that was because he could be closer to her during the pregnancy.

Gabriela looked up at him from her book, she was wearing a grey maternity pyjama set; she tilted her head curiously as she tried to ignore his shirtless form that was sat just inches away from her.

“You know for when you have to go to the hospital,” Sergio said as he watched the blonde, he wanted to be a part of her pregnancy now more than ever especially since it was coming to an end; he didn’t want them to be awkward after the baby was born.

“Okay,” Gabriela said as she closed her book and looked at him, she wasn’t sure where he was going with this but she had a feeling that it was going to be interesting; the blonde was still struggling with her feelings for him and it was only because of Pilar that she hadn’t acted on them.

“So what will we need?” Gabriela asked as she watched him collect a pen and paper, she raised an eyebrow wondering what he was thinking; she rested a hand on her bump as the footballer thought for a moment.

“Well you’ll need a bathrobe, two nightgowns, slippers and socks… camera or video camera with batteries, charger and memory card… toiletries,” Sergio said as he listed what they would need he wrote them down as he went.

Gabriela blinked as she thought about the list, she didn’t know how long she would be in the hospital for but she knew that it wasn’t going to be an easy time; the blonde took a deep breath as she rubbed her swollen stomach.

“You okay?” Sergio asked worried, he knew that there was something going on and he couldn’t help but be worried; he moved closer to the blonde who smiled at him reassuringly and nodded her head.

Gabriela carefully took Sergio’s hand and rested it on the bump, she watched him with a small smile as he looked at her confused before he felt the movement.

Sergio’s brown eyes snapped down to look at her stomach, he couldn’t believe that he was feeling his baby kick; a smile grew on his face as he realised that this was the first time that he had felt something like this.

“Is that her?” Sergio asked in amazement, he couldn’t believe it and he looked at Gabriela who nodded her head as their baby gave another sharp kick; she knew that Sergio was thrilled that he could share this moment with her.

“That’s are baby girl,” the blonde said as Sergio smiled, he moved his hand and looked at Gabriela curiously before she nodded her head knowing what he wanted; the footballer carefully pulled her top up so that he could see the bump.

“Hola I’m your papa,” Sergio said softly to the bump, he pressed a small kiss to the swell as he tried to wrap his head around the fact that this finally felt real to him; he knew that there was nothing better than this.

Pulling back slightly he looked at Gabriela knowing that she was going to give him something special in the form of their daughter; the footballer couldn’t contain himself as he carefully leant forward and kissed her.

The Sevillian cupped her face as he kissed her, he didn’t know what was going but he knew that his feelings for the blonde were changing. 

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