Chapter Fifteen: The Guilty Feeling

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“I can’t believe that she did that,” Kathryn said as she looked through the basket that Pilar had brought her friend, she furrowed her brow at a couple of items suspiciously; she didn’t trust the woman and didn’t know what she would do to her friend.

Tanya nodded her head in agreement with her sister, she knew that when Gabriela had called and told her what Sergio’s girlfriend had done that; she could see that it had unnerved her friend.

“She’s just trying to get under your skin… I know women like Pilar and she sees you as a threat,” Tanya said as she tried to reassure her friend, things had been going so well lately that it had surprised her that it had taken Pilar six weeks before she had approached Gabriela to drive her away.

“That doesn’t help with the guilt that I’m feeling… she was so nice to me,” Gabriela said as she crossed her arms, her fingers brushing against her stomach; she still couldn’t understand it that Pilar had been so nice to her when Gabriela was probably causing her so much heartache.

Tanya and Kathryn looked at one another, they knew that their friend didn’t like upsetting anyone and that Pilar’s visit had thrown her out of the loop.

“Gabs… Tans right, she sees you as a threat and if Sergio gets close with you then she will lose him so she trying to force you away, don’t let her do that,” Kathryn said as she hugged Gabriela in comfort, she didn’t want Pilar to win just because she was messing with her friend; Sergio was going to be a father and nothing his girlfriend could do would change that.

“Besides I’m sure that right now… Sergio is giving Pilar an earful for what she did,” Tanya said knowing that if she knew the footballer that he wouldn’t be pleased with the stunt that his girlfriend of a year had pulled; she had already begun to do a little research on the couple to see what they were truly like.


Slamming the front door closed, Sergio glared at his girlfriend as he tried to figure out what had possessed her to go and see Gabriela like that; he felt horrible that the blonde had been taken by surprise like that.

Pilar rolled her blue eyes as she walked passed him and headed for the living room, she knew that he was angry about what she had done but she had done it because she knew that this was her only chance to make the blonde see that she wasn’t going to win.

“Pilar what the hell where you thinking?” Sergio snarled furiously as he looked at his girlfriend as she sat down, he couldn’t believe that she had done that; he ran a hand frustrated through his hair as Africa stopped by his side; the dog wagged his tail as he sat down next to his owner.

“I just wanted to meet her… she’s a part of your life now for the next eighteen years, you’ll have to deal with her until your baby is grown up; I just want to get along with her,” Pilar said innocently, she smiled as she watched Sergio hoping that he wouldn’t catch on to what was really going on.

Sergio frowned, he didn’t believe it for a moment and he knew that Pilar was trying to cover her tracks; the last thing that he wanted was to upset either of the women in his life.

The footballer knew that he liked Pilar and he hoped that she would be the one for him, while Gabriela was going to be the mother of his daughter; he wanted things to be easy for the both of them.

“Listen I get it… you’re angry that I got Gabriela pregnant but you don’t get involved with her, she is my responsibility,” Sergio said as he sat down across from his girlfriend hoping that she understood; he never wanted them to meet like that and he worried what sort of affect this would have on the blonde.

“Nena I never said I was angry,” Pilar said as she moved to sit next to Sergio, she battered her eyes at him; she knew that she had over stepped the boundary and had probably gone a little too far but she didn’t want Gabriela thinking that she could just take over.

“You don’t have to… no woman would be okay with their boyfriend getting someone else pregnant, but you were out of line today,” Sergio said as he kept himself strong, he ignored the guilt that pooled in his stomach as he thought about Gabriela; he hated that Pilar had gone around to her home like that and she had no warning.

“You had no right to go and see Gabriela like that,” Sergio said as his girlfriend tried to seduce him, he ignored her as he tried to work out how he was going to make this up to Gabriela; she hadn’t deserved Pilar doing what she had no matter what the brunette had told her about her ‘nice’ gestures.

Pilar stopped what she was doing and looked at him, her blue eyes watching him wondering what was going on; he didn’t even seem affected by the fact that she was trying to seduce him.


“Sergio?” Gabriela asked as she opened her front door to the footballer, she furrowed her brow as she allowed him inside; she wasn’t sure why he had come to see her this late but she doubted that Pilar would like it.

“I just wanted to come and apologise for what happened today,” Sergio said as he ran his fingers through his brown hair, he offered her a small smile as they moved further into the apartment; his eyes glancing at the basket that his girlfriend had left that hadn’t moved since he had last been.

“It’s fine Sergio… it wasn’t your fault,” Gabriela said shaking her head as they settled down in the living room; she had been watching a movie after she had been shopping with Tanya and Kathryn when he had knocked on her door.

Sergio glanced at the television for a moment before shaking his head and looking at the blonde; he knew that she was right but that didn’t make things right, Pilar didn’t understand that he didn’t want her involved in his relationship with Gabriela for a reason.

“I know but Pilar had no right to come here,” Sergio said as he watched the blonde, he knew that his girlfriend had been curious; he had been hoping to deal with that when the baby had been born.

His own parents were interested in meeting the blonde since René had told them last week that Sergio was going to be a father; the footballer was sure that his older brother had done it to spite him.

Sergio hadn’t spoken to René on a personal level, he had only spoken to his brother as his agent; he wasn’t sure if he was prepared to forgive him yet for what he had done to Gabriela and for the fact that he had tried to keep the pregnancy from him.

“Sergio it’s fine,” the blonde said with a small smile, she rested a hand on his hand as she wondered why he felt so guilty about this; she knew that none of this was his fault like none of it was her fault.

“My parents want to meet you,” Sergio said as he looked at the blonde, his mother was insistent that she met the woman that was carrying her grandchild; Paqui wasn’t someone to mess with and she wanted to make sure that her younger child knew what he was getting into.

The last thing she wanted was her son getting stuck with some gold-digger. 

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