Chapter Forty-Two: The Ultimatum

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Andria smiled softly as she spotted her daughter entering the hospital room, she had woken up that morning and after hearing what had happened with her husband had been given a check over by the doctor.

Andria had been shocked when the nurse had told her about how often her daughter had been visiting her in the week that she had been unconscious.

“Gabby,” Andria said as she pushed herself carefully to sit up, the last thing that she had been expecting was for her daughter to turn up like this after she had disowned her; she couldn’t help but feel happy that Gabriela had come back into her life.

Gabriela took a deep breath as she sat down, she had left her daughter back at home with Vania since she refused to bring her to the hospital; she didn’t want her mother to meet her daughter if everything was going to be the same.

“I came to see you and to talk to you,” Gabriela said carefully, she truly didn’t wish to upset her mother but she knew what was going to happen and she refused to be a part of her stupidity anymore.

She wanted to finally be rid of her father after everything that he had ever done to her and to protect her own daughter where her mother had failed.

Andria nodded her head, she was a little disappointed that she had yet to see her granddaughter and she hoped that Gabriela would let her see her soon; she already knew that she wasn’t going to press charges against her husband.

“I hate to do this to you madre but I have to think of my daughter… I will stand by you but only if you press charges against padre and send him to prison,” Gabriela said as she stared at her mother, she knew that Andria would have already forgiven Josep for what he had done to her but she couldn’t and she never would.

Andria blinked shocked as she stared at her daughter, she swallowed as she realised what Gabriela was asking her to do and she wasn’t sure that she could do it; she had never been without Josep and now she had to choose between him and their daughter.

The mother and daughter were silent as Gabriela’s words hung in the air, they both knew that the blonde was serious about this and there was nothing that could be said to change her mind in anyway.

“I know that this isn’t easy for you,” Gabriela started before she was silenced by the cold look that her mother gave her, she sighed knowing that the police would be here soon to question her and if she refused to press charges then she’d have no choice but to turn her back on her mother.

“You clearly don’t… otherwise you would never ask this of me,” Andria spat furious that her daughter thought that she could demand this of her; she had done everything in her power for Gabriela and Josep had always been loving to her, she had no idea why her daughter would ask this of her.

Gabriela sighed as she shook her head as she pushed herself to her feet, she was meant to be meeting René at the airport in two hours because Sergio was coming home from Brazil; she had missed her boyfriend and she knew he’d missed her and Aoife-Belle.

“If that is your decision then this is adiós, I hope you and padre are happy together for you shall never see me again nor shall you ever meet your granddaughter,” Gabriela said softly before she turned and walked out of the hospital room leaving her mother behind; she could only pray that she would do the right thing.


“Now Mrs López Covas, are you quite sure that you do not wish to press charges against your husband for assault?” the officer asked as he looked at Andria, they had come to check on her since Josep was still being held in custody and were still surprised that she wasn’t going to change her mind about pressing charges.

The brunette looked down at her hands as she thought about what she was going to do, she was still so upset with what her daughter had said; however she couldn’t help but wonder if her daughter was right, that her marriage should end.

“Andria… Josep is a very dangerous man, you don’t deserve to live in fear anymore,” the therapist said as she smiled at the brunette, she had been hired to help Andria and hopefully convince her to lock away her husband for what he had done to her; they all wanted her to be free from the abuse that she had suffered at Josep’s hands.

Andria looked at the people around her, in all her years of coming to the hospital she had never been treated like this; these people didn’t know anything about her life yet they wanted to help her in any way possible.

The brunette sniffled as she looked back down at her hands, she messed with her wedding ring for a moment before she closed her eyes and took a deep breath; carefully she removed it and prayed that she was strong enough for this.


“Look Aoife… who is that?” Gabriela cooed as she balanced her four month old daughter on her hip, she grinned as she spotted Sergio approaching them; he looked exhausted but happy that to see them again.

Aoife-Belle squeaked in excitement at the sight of her father, she clapped her hands as Gabriela smiled at the look on her boyfriend’s face; she watched as he dropped his bag to the floor and moved to take his daughter in his arms.

“Have you been a good girl for your madre?” Sergio asked as he cuddled his little girl close, he didn’t care who could see them; he was thrilled to have Aoife-Belle back in his arms again after being a part for weeks.

Gabriela smiled at him as he settled their daughter on his hip before using his free hand to pull her into a kiss; these were the two most important women in his life and he wanted the world to know it.

“I missed you,” Sergio said as he kissed Gabriela, he didn’t even care that Spain had come second in the world cup and had lost; he was home with his girlfriend and daughter and that was enough for him.

The blonde smiled as she stepped back from her boyfriend, her eyes glancing at Aoife-Belle who seemed thrilled to be in her father’s arms; she knew that he wanted them to go back to Seville and she honestly couldn’t wait for a holiday.

“I missed you too… I’m sorry about the world cup,” Gabriela said honestly, she knew how much it would have meant for him to win another back-to-back international title; she wished that she could have been there to support him.

“It doesn’t matter… what matters is that I finally have time with my girls,” Sergio said as he pressed a kiss to Aoife-Belle’s head, her dark brown hair made him smile as much as her blue eyes; she was the thing that made his life complete more than any award, title or trophy ever could.

“I’m glad to hear… Mirian’s been driving me up the wall with packing,” Gabriela teased as she kissed her boyfriend again as she moved to take Aoife-Belle so that Sergio could pick up his bag; she watched as he grinned knowing that his sister was an unstoppable force to be reckoned with.

The couple headed out of the airport, nothing could ruin their happy moment together; they were going to be traveling to Seville no matter what happened.

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