Chapter Eighteen: Serious Talks

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“Sergio?” Gabriela asked confused as she arrived home from work, she’d had a long day and the last thing that she had expected was to find the father of her unborn child in her home; she ran a hand through her hair as she closed the door behind her.

“Gabby… we need to talk,” Sergio said as he watched her, his brown eyes watching her closely wondering why she hadn’t told him about how abusive her parents were; he swallowed as he thought about her being hurt.

Gabriela nodded her head curiously as they headed for her living room so that they could sit down and talk, she didn’t know what was going on but she could see that it was serious.

“Is everything okay?” Gabriela asked as they sat down, she watched the footballer curiously before she noticed that his nose looked a little red and she couldn’t help but wonder what had happened; she hoped that he hadn’t gotten into a fight or anything.

“I went to see your parents today,” Sergio said his brown eyes watching the blonde closely as he prepared to tell her what had happened; he frowned as she paled as if knowing where this was going to go, he wasn’t sure how she would take the news that her father and punched him.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Gabriela asked softly, she was a little upset that he had gone to see her parents and hadn’t told her that he was going; she swallowed as she looked at his nose knowing that her father was probably responsible.

Sergio shrugged as he watched her closely, he knew that he should have told her but he was glad that he hadn’t taken her with him; the footballer hated to think of Josep hurting her in anyway.

“Why didn’t you tell me that your padre was abusive,” Sergio countered making Gabriela look down at her hands guiltily, she jumped as the Sevillian took her hand and offered her a reassuring smile as he rubbed his thumb back and forth over it.

“I’m not angry… I just wished you would have told me,” Sergio said as he watched her, his brown eyes searching her face wondering what Josep had done to her when she had told him that she was pregnant.

The footballer felt sick having seen how Josep had reacted when he had mentioned the pregnancy and it made him worry what the man was capable of; he squeezed her hand knowing that he would never let anything happen to her or their child.

“I know it’s just something I don’t like to talk about… he’s a priest and everyone just assumes that he’s the nicest man in the world,” Gabriela said softly as she remembered the suffering that she had endured growing up and having no one but her friends believe her about her father; if it wasn’t for the Allen family, she doubted that she would have made it this far.

Sergio nodded his head understandingly, he had also thought that because her father was a priest that he would be understanding and would have welcomed her back after he had made things right with him.

It was only now that Sergio realised just how hard it must have been for her growing up, she would have had no one to turn to and her mother was certainly no help.


Sitting at the dining room table, Sergio messed with his food as he had dinner with the blonde; he knew that Pilar wouldn’t be happy if she knew what he was doing but they were talking about the future.

“Have you thought about what we’re going to call her?” the footballer asked as he took a bite of his pasta in chorizo and tomato sauce, he looked at Gabriela curious about her thoughts on what they were going to call their unborn daughter; the blonde was twenty-three weeks pregnant and he wanted them to be prepared.

“I’m not sure for the first name… but she’s a Ramos López,” Gabriela said as she sipped on her drink, she watched as Sergio choked; he had assumed that their baby would only take her surname since they weren’t together.

Sergio stared at her taken back, he swallowed carefully as he tried to wrap his head as he looked at her wondering what to say.

“You want to give her my surname?” Sergio asked softly as he tried to keep the excitement from his voice, he didn’t want to get his hopes up in case Gabriela changed her mind and only gave their daughter her name when she was born.

“Of course if you don’t mind… that is who she is,” Gabriela said as she watched Sergio, she had been meaning to tell him for a while that she wanted to give their daughter his name; she just hadn’t known how to tell him.

Sergio looked at her for a moment before he reached across and hugged the blonde, he smiled softly knowing that if it was anyone else then this wouldn’t have been happening; Gabriela was special and he was glad that he was going through this with her.

“Garcias… you have no idea what this means to me,” Sergio whispered as he pulled back from Gabriela who smiled at him, he swallowed back the lump that threatened to form in his throat; he sat back down as he tried to calm himself.

The two carefully turned back to their meal as they allowed their thoughts to consume them, they knew that there was going to be a lot going on when the baby came and they needed to start preparing.


Pilar frowned as she stared up at the clock on the wall, she sighed as she turned to look at the meal that she had prepared for the two of them; it had long since gone cold and she was a little disappointed that he hadn’t even called to say that he wasn’t going to make their date night.

Shaking her head in bitterness, Pilar pushed herself to her feet and moved to start clearing the table; she didn’t have to guess where her boyfriend of a year was and she was starting to get annoyed with the blonde that was stealing Sergio away from her.

Pilar hadn’t thought that the blonde was a real threat after meeting her, she wasn’t the footballer’s usual type and she was sure that after their little meeting that Gabriela understood that she had a place and that wasn’t in the lime-light of Sergio’s life and career.

The brunette stopped as she thought about what would happen when the baby was born and she knew that if she didn’t get control of the situation soon then she was going to lose her boyfriend; Pilar knew that she would be pushed aside when the baby was born and she couldn’t let that happen.

Throwing out the meal that she had prepared, Pilar looked around the house that Sergio called his home as an idea started to form in her head; she smirked knowing that she couldn’t keep control if she wasn’t around all of the time.

Pulling out her phone, Pilar quickly dialled a number knowing that she needed help if she wanted her plan to work; she doubted that Sergio would be pleased if he knew what she had planned and she knew none of his family would approve of what she was going to do.

“Hola… how would you like to help me sneak move in with Ramos?” Pilar said when the person answered the phone, she smiled as she leant against the counter knowing that she had to be careful if she wanted to make this work; they had only been dating a year and Sergio wasn’t going to be welcoming of her moving in like this.

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