Chapter Fifty-Three: Christmas Shopping

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“So what are you getting that hunky boyfriend of yours for Christmas?” Tanya asked as she sipped on her drink, her brown eyes watching Gabriela curiously; it was the first time in months that the blonde had seen her since she’d been away in California working.

Gabriela looked at her friend as she thought about the approaching holiday, it was the couple’s first together as well as Aoife-Belle’s first Christmas; the infant was currently with Sandy since Gabriela was out Christmas shopping while Sergio was away preparing for a league match.

“I have no idea,” the blonde said as she wrapped her hands around her hot drink, her blue eyes looking out of the window at the rain that pounded the window; she wrinkled her nose knowing that it was going to be a long day for everyone.

Kathryn sipped on her own drink in thought, her brown eyes watching her friend knowing that this couldn’t be easy for Gabriela; the blonde had been with her boyfriend for seven and a half months now and she was still getting to know him.

“How about we take a trip to Victoria Secret,” Tanya said knowing that the blonde could get her boyfriend a sexy gift, it was the perfect for someone like Sergio; it would also be a nice treat for Gabriela as well.

Gabriela shook her head knowing that there was no way that she was getting her boyfriend lingerie for Christmas, she needed something that she could give to him in front of his family and their daughter; they were hosting Christmas and she wanted everything to be perfect.

“I can’t give him lingerie,” the blonde muttered as she looked down at her drink, she had been racking her head for days now and she still couldn’t find something that Sergio may like.


Sergio groaned as he walked through the store, he was searching for a Christmas present for his girlfriend of seven and a half months and he couldn’t find anything that he thought that Gabriela would like.

The footballer knew that Gabriela was out with her friends, it was nice to see her taking a break from working and being a mother; the blonde had worked hard the last few months and she deserved a small break.

“Any ideas?” René asked as he looked at his brother, he had come with him to do his own Christmas shopping for his wife and daughter; he knew that his brother was struggling and he wasn’t surprised.

René remembered his first Christmas with Vania and he hadn’t had the extra pressure of having Daniella then; he knew that Sergio needed to get his girlfriend something nice.

Sergio shook his head as he ran a hand through his hair, he knew that people were watching him and it sort of annoyed him that they were doing so while he struggled.

“I have no idea what to get her… not only is it our first Christmas, but our first as parents as well,” Sergio grumbled as he looked at his older brother for help.

The Sevillian had done a lot of thinking since they had reached the end of November and he wanted to get her something perfect; he wanted to show her how much she meant to him.

René chuckled and nodded his head, he knew that the couple had already picked up some things for Aoife-Belle for her first Christmas; everyone seemed a little excited about spending the holiday with the infant.

“Why don’t you get her a couple of small presents, then get her a mummy gift and a girlfriend gift,” René said as they left the store, he knew that it was a way to make this easier on Sergio.

The footballer nodded his head at the thought, he had been focused on finding Gabriela the perfect gift as the mother of his child and girlfriend; he wouldn’t be able to do that with just one gift.

“How about getting Gabby slipper boots?” René said as he looked at the store across from them, he knew that the blonde often walked around the house in her bare feet; he knew that Sergio needed to buy something and he already knew his brother had collected her sizes so that he could get her something.

Sergio nodded his head as he followed his brother’s gaze, he remembered how his girlfriend had thrown her last set of slippers out because they had fallen apart.

“Okay,” the footballer said as they headed for the store, he knew that he was meant to be meeting Gabriela for dinner before they headed home to Aoife-Belle who was with Sandy for the day; the nanny had come close to the family in the last few months.

René sighed in relief knowing that he still had his own shopping to do, he didn’t want to spend the entire day helping his younger brother find the perfect gift for his own girlfriend.

Sergio knew that he still had a couple more things to pick up, he’d also have to get Aoife-Belle something for her mother; he knew that Gabriela would be doing the same and he knew that this Christmas was going to be the best.


Gabriela smiled as she spotted Sergio waiting for her outside of the restaurant where they were meeting for dinner, she had left any presents that she had gotten with her friends so that she didn’t have to worry about lugging them around.

“How was your day?” Sergio asked as he moved to kiss his girlfriend, he was glad that he had hidden the presents in the boot of his car; he kissed her softly knowing that he was going to make this Christmas magical.

Gabriela smiled up at him as she brushed her fingers through his hair, she had managed to find some things that her boyfriend would like and she was glad that she had at least bought something.

“I had fun,” Gabriela said as she smiled at him, the couple moved into the restaurant to get out of the cold; she allowed Sergio to wrap an arm around her to keep her warm.

The blonde moved closer to him, she loved how warm he always was especially now it was winter; she couldn’t help but cuddle closer to him.

“Reservation under Ramos,” Sergio said to the hostess before he turned his attention back to Gabriela and kissed her lips again, he knew that he wasn’t interested in any other women.

“Gabriela,” said a voice making the couple pull apart before they turned to look at Kendra who had just walked into the restaurant; she smiled at her boss and her boyfriend before her brown eyes looked around curiously.

Gabriela blinked a little surprised to see her assistant outside of work, she felt Sergio wrap his arm around her as he pulled her close to him.

“No Aoife-Belle today?” Kendra asked curiously, she was a little disappointed that there was no sign of the little girl; she adored Aoife-Belle and she knew that she didn’t get to see a lot of her since Sergio didn’t bring her to the office a lot anymore.

Sergio frowned as he looked at the assistant, he still hadn’t found out why she looked familiar and it bothered him that he hadn’t figured it out.

“No she’s at home with the nanny,” Gabriela replied as she felt Sergio tug on her side as the hostess told them that their table was ready.

Kendra frowned as she watched the couple walk away, she didn’t know why people like them had children when they didn’t deserve them; she knew that the sooner that she had Aoife-Belle the better.

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