Chapter Forty-Four: Relaxing on Holiday

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Gabriela smiled as she watched Sergio with Aoife-Belle, she fanned herself lightly as she relaxed into the shade as she enjoyed the warm early August heat; the blonde leant back on her sun lounger impressed at the home that her boyfriend kept in his home town.

Sergio had taken his family back to Seville for a couple of weeks while he was on a break and he wanted to show Gabriela where he grew up; there was also the bonus of being close to the beach while they were away.

Gabriela stretched carefully as she lounged around, she was wearing a black triangle bra bikini top and bottoms; she was pleased that she hadn’t put on a lot of baby weight when she had carried Aoife-Belle.

The blonde looked up as she heard Sergio chuckle as he paddled in the pool with their daughter, she knew how much he had missed them while he had been away playing for his country and he was only going to have to leave again when he was called back to play for Real Madrid.

Gabriela ran a hand through her hair as she shifted slightly as she tried to cool herself down, she groaned softly knowing that there was a reason that she hated this weather and this was why.

“You okay amor?” Sergio asked as he looked over at her, his brown eyes watched her for a moment as he lifted Aoife-Belle away from the water; he knew that it was warm out and the last thing that he wanted was for any of them to get heat exhaustion.

“I’m fine… just a little warm,” Gabriela said as she fanned herself with a magazine, she watched her boyfriend get out of the pool and walk over to her; she rolled her eyes as he carefully sat down at the end of the sun lounger.

“How about I go and get some ice cream for us and some yoghurt for Aoife?” Sergio offered, he couldn’t help but agree with her about how warm it was; he looked down at his daughter knowing that he couldn’t ask for anything more.


Aoife-Belle cooed as Sergio returned with the ice-cream, she held up her hands making her mother chuckle as they sat in the air conditioned room relaxing; they were out of the hot sun and the little girl seemed a little more relaxed.

The footballer smiled as he sat down next to his girlfriend and handed her, her ice-cream before he took their daughter and sat her on his lap; he knew he was currently spending a lot of time with Aoife-Belle but he had missed out a lot while he had been in Brazil.

Sergio quickly set about feeding his daughter some cool yoghurt, he smiled as she pouted knowing that she was going to get big and quickly; she was his little girl and he couldn’t wait until she started walking around and talking.

“So what else do you have planned for our holiday?” Gabriela asked as she had some of her ice cream, she knew better than to try and take Aoife-Belle back since Sergio was determined to keep their daughter to himself.

The footballer smiled as he looked at his girlfriend knowing that things were going well between them right now; of course he hadn’t told her that he was paying for her mother’s new life and he wouldn’t until he knew that Andria wasn’t going to be a threat to his small family.

“We’ll have an easy day tomorrow and then the day after we’ll head to the beach,” Sergio said as he feed Aoife-Belle, he smiled to himself as she complied knowing that she was usually a fussy eater and it would be a while before she was weaned completely off milk.

Gabriela nodded her head, she knew that he wanted to show them around his home and the press had taken this as a sign of big things to come for the couple; they had even suggested that the footballer was going to propose.

Sergio turned his attention to Aoife-Belle and cooed at her, he loved his daughter and knew that he would do anything for her; she had changed his entire life and he knew that he would never be the same.

“Do you ever think about the future?” Sergio asked as he turned his attention to Gabriela, she was wearing a black kaftan with sequin trim over her black bikini and a pair of black sandals; it had been a while since he had seen her this relaxed and he was glad that he had brought her to Seville.

The blonde looked at her boyfriend wondering why he was talking about this, she paused for a moment before she thought for a moment and nodded her head; she had often thought about the future and what it could hold for her an Aoife-Belle.

“Of course,” Gabriela said carefully, she didn’t know where he was going with this but it made her a little nervous especially since he looked like he was thinking about something; the last thing that she wanted was for them to break up right now.

Sergio smiled as he continued to feed Aoife-Belle, he wanted to know if they were on the same page but he didn’t want to rush things with Gabriela not when things were going so well.

“What do you think about?” Sergio asked cautiously as he wiped off some yoghurt from Aoife-Belle’s face, he pressed a kiss to her chubby cheeks and looked at his girlfriend; he knew that this was going to be a shock for her but he needed to know.

Gabriela watched him for a moment before she sighed, she ran a hand through her hair as she thought about the future that she wanted; she smiled to herself before she looked down at her hands.

“It’s silly,” the blonde said shaking her head, she glanced at Sergio who frowned as he shifted Aoife-Belle on his lap as he watched his girlfriend.

“It’s just simple things… marriage, a good job and maybe another baby or two,” Gabriela said as she blushed, she knew that it wasn’t much but that was what she wanted; she had never aspired to much and she never would.

Sergio smiled as he cuddled Aoife-Belle, he knew that he wanted the same thing and while they had only been together for four months and he was aware that a lot could happen between them before they were ready to settle down.

“Then I’m glad we are on the same page,” the footballer said making the blonde smile at him, she watched him with Aoife-Belle knowing that he was a wonderful father; he had always been there when she or their daughter needed him and she was grateful for that.

Gabriela wasn’t sure what she would have done if he hadn’t wanted Aoife-Belle and would have turned his back on her; she had really expected him to turn her away and she hadn’t thought that this would be where she was now.

“I love you Gabby and I’ve never felt like this before,” Sergio said as he bounced his daughter on his knee, he didn’t know how else to describe how he felt right now; he knew that he wasn’t in a rush to do anything and that everything would fall into place when the time was right.

Sergio knew what he wasn’t in a rush with this and for the first time in his life, he was more than willing to take his time with Gabriela; they’d had a rushed start because of Aoife-Belle’s birth but he wanted to show his girlfriend.

The blonde smiled as she leant forward and kissed the footballer knowing that she had been lucky; she could have ended up a single mother living in some dirty flat struggling to meet ends meet.

“I love you too,” Gabriela said knowing that everything was going to be fine, they had made it through a tough year and now they had a beautiful baby girl. 

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