Chapter Six: Being Driven Away

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“So how are you going to do this again?” Tanya asked as she sat down across from her friend in a café, the two had been for Gabriela’s first scan and she knew that the blonde still hadn’t told the footballer that she was having his baby.

Tanya knew that Gabriela was nervous about what Sergio would say when he learnt that she was having his baby; she would be to in the blonde’s position as well, he was a world famous footballer and Tanya knew that he would be protective when it came to someone telling him that she was pregnant.

“I’ve called his agent and asked to meet up, he thinks it’s about our one night stand,” Gabriela said shrugging as she tore up the napkin that she had, her eyes stayed low as she thought about what she was about to do; she was six weeks pregnant and she knew that there was a chance that Sergio would want nothing to do with the baby once she had told him.

Tanya nodded her head as she offered Gabriela a weak smile, she knew that this wasn’t going to be easy; she just hoped that her friend had some sort of plan when it came to what she would do next.

“Where are you meeting him?” Tanya asked as she looked around, she doubted that the footballer would want to be see with Gabriela anywhere public especially since he had a girlfriend and it would led to a lot of unwanted questions.

“His brother is picking me up again… he has somewhere organised,” Gabriela said with a shrug of her shoulders, she felt nervous and a little sick; she didn’t like not knowing what was going to happen and Gabriela hoped that Sergio wouldn’t be too horrible to her when she told him that she was pregnant.

“Do you want me to come with you? You know for moral support,” Tanya asked as she looked at her friend, she was worried for Gabriela and she knew that there was every chance that Sergio would throw her out once she told him that she was pregnant.


René glared at the blonde that Sergio had sent him to pick up, he knew that nothing good could come from this meeting and he knew that his brother didn’t need some gold-digger around him right now.

Gabriela nervously slid into the car, she could tell that this wasn’t going to end well for her and she knew deep down that she was going to get shouted at.

“So what changed your mind?” René askes stiffly as he looked at the blonde, he would have never pegged her as a gold-digger but he knew that once she had learnt that his brother was rich then she would want something from him.

Gabriela glanced at him nervously, she knew that she needed to get used to dealing with him and she hoped that if things went well that he would warm to her.

“I haven’t changed my mind… I don’t want anything from him, but I found out that I’m pregnant and I am doing the right thing and letting him know,” Gabriela said softly before René slammed on the brake and glared at the blonde as the person behind them beeped their horn annoyed as they drove around them.

Gabriela shifted uncomfortable and René continued to glare at her, she had expected this but it wasn’t like anything that she had thought would happen.

René chuckled humourlessly as he looked at the blonde, he couldn’t believe that she was going to try that one on his brother and he knew that he had to get rid of her before Sergio found out; he had dealt with women like her before and he knew that once the baby was born then she would disappear.

“I really thought for once that you were different,” René said shaking his head in disgust as he glared at the blonde, he wasn’t going to fall for her innocent act and he knew that Sergio could never learn that she was pregnant ‘with his child’.

Gabriela watched him knowing that she had to convince him that she was telling the truth and she had to do it quickly; she had been prepared for him to be difficult since he wasn’t only Sergio’s older brother but his agent as well.

“I swear that I am telling you the truth… I never planned on this and I wouldn’t have come if it wasn’t Sergio’s,” Gabriela said as she tried to prove her innocence, she watched as René glared at her; she bit her lip knowing that she hadn’t done a good enough job.

René watched the blonde knowing that he didn’t believe her for a moment, he wasn’t going to allow her to destroy his brother’s reputation; he knew that Sergio would thank him if he knew what he was about to do.

“Get out of my car and don’t contact my brother again, he doesn’t need you ruining his life,” René said as he glanced the blonde, she was wearing a lace patterned top and slim jeans paired with black flight plated leather ankle boots; he knew that she would be okay walking home and he didn’t care that it looked like it could rain at any moment.

Gabriela stared at him before she quietly slipped out of the Audi and closed the door behind her allowing René to abandon her on the side of the street.


“I can’t believe his brother did that to you,” Tanya said as she walked into Gabriela’s apartment, she had been the one to pick her up after René had dumped her at the side of the road without a second thought.

Gabriela nodded her head, she knew that René was going to make things difficult for her and he wouldn’t allow her anywhere near the footballer and that caused her some problems with her plan to let Sergio know that she was having his baby.

“I know but I should have seen it coming… René’s just trying to protect Sergio and I can’t hold that against him,” Gabriela said shaking her head as she moved to get herself a drink, she was going to give René some space before she tried again and she hoped that next time she would be able to see Sergio.

Tanya sighed as she looked at her friend concerned, she knew that Gabriela was far to understanding for her own good and she knew that that would be her downfall in this situation.

“And what about when your parents find out… you know that they won’t support you, you need to think about the future here Gabby,” Tanya said as she watched her friend, she knew that she was being harsh but she was telling her friend the truth.

“I know Tan but what do you want me to do? I can’t just walk up to him in the street and tell him that I’m pregnant,” Gabriela said as her phone started to ring, she furrowed her brow as she saw it was her boss and it made her wonder why he was calling her; Tanya shrugged her shoulders as she looked to see who it was.

“Hola?” Gabriela said as she answered her phone, the colour drained from her face as she listened to her boss talking to her; she looked at Tanya who watched her confused as the blonde nodded her head as she listened to Jack talking to her.

“I don’t understand…” Gabriela said as she tried to wrap her head around what she was being told, she didn’t understand how this could be happening; she hadn’t done anything wrong.

“I’ve just been fired,” Gabriela said as she looked at Tanya after she had gotten off the phone with Jack, she didn’t know why her boss had done such a thing but she knew that René had just destroyed her career and she knew that he wasn’t done with her yet.

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