Chapter Seventeen: More Meddling

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Sergio knew that he should have told Gabriela what he was going to do but he hoped that he would be able to surprise her when he went back and told her the good news that he had been to see her parents.

Sergio wasn’t sure why his brother had wanted to come with him, especially since René had made it perfectly clear that he didn’t like the blonde that was carrying his child.

“Are you ready?” René asked his younger brother, he knew that he was trying to make things right between Gabriela and her parents but he was sure that it was only going to show them just what the blonde was really like; Sergio nodded his head before he knocked on the door.

The Sevillian had dressed in his best and covered his tattoos since he remembered that Gabriela’s parents were religious and he doubted they would be pleased to see him especially when he told them that he was the father of their unborn grandchild.

Sergio swallowed as a brunette opened door and smiled at him pleasantly, he had no doubt in his mind that this was Gabriela’s mother and it made him even more nervous.

“Hola señores,” Andria said politely unaware why the two men had come to her home, she looked between them curious before the younger man cleared his throat.

“Hola… we were wondering if we could speak with you and your husband on a private matter,” Sergio said as he tried to keep calm, he furrowed his brow slightly as he spotted something off about Gabriela’s mother before he dismissed it; he doubted that she would have a strange looking bruise on her cheek like that and it was probably the light or something.

Andria nodded her head and smiled as she allowed the two men inside, she showed them into the living room before she excused herself to phone her husband who was up at the church.

René looked around the room and suppressed a shiver as he looked at all of the religious stuff that littered the room, it didn’t feel like a home and he wondered what it would have been like growing up in such a place.

“So what can I do for you?” Andria asked as she returned with a tray of drinks and biscuits, she smiled politely as she served the two men knowing her husband would be back soon and would be able to help them more than she ever could.

“We’re actually here about your daughter, Gabriela,” Sergio said softly as he offered her a warm smile, she was a lovely woman and he hoped that the blonde would be the same when their baby was born; he didn’t miss the look that Andria gave him as she sat down.

“I’m sorry?” Andria asked confused as she shook her head, it had been months since she had seen her daughter and she never expected two men to turn up on her doorstep and want to talk about her.

“I know that this isn’t easy… but I just wanted to meet you, I’m the man that got Gabriela pregnant,” Sergio said as he carefully broke the news to Andria, he watched her as she stared at his speechless before the front door slammed and in walked Josep; he looked at the two men confused then sat down next to his wife.

René swallowed as he stared at the priest, he didn’t know what it was but he got a horrible feeling about him and he knew that this wasn’t going to end well.

“So what can we do for you two gentlemen?” Josep asked completely unaware what had been said before he had entered his home, he looked at the two wondering why the younger looking on looked so familiar.

“I was just telling your wife that I’m the padre of your grandchild,” Sergio said knowing that this was going to be sensitive, he offered the priest a small smile before he found himself being punched.

René jumped to his feet to protect his younger brother as Josep launched an attack against him, he pulled the priest from his brother who clutched his nose as he stared at him shocked.

“You are the one that tainted her and the reason that she is carrying Satan’s spawn,” Josep raged making Sergio blink in surprised, he had expected the man to be upset but he hadn’t expected that sort of rant about Gabriela’s pregnancy; he looked at René who shrugged completely taken back as well.

“That whore is no longer my daughter… I should have beaten her more when she was a child,” Josep shouted making the colour drain from Sergio’s face, he hadn’t known that Gabriela had been abused as a child and it now made him sick that this man had touched the blonde in anyway.

Andria sat quietly as if nothing had happened and Sergio realised that this was probably a normal occurrence in this home; he swallowed wondering if she had ever done anything to stop Josep.

“You hit your own daughter?” René asked in disbelief, he suddenly felt sorry for Gabriela and realised that his dislike for her was just the tip of the iceberg; he had never thought her parents would be like this since they were people of the church.

“Of course… I should have beaten that bastard child from her when I had the chance, then maybe God could have forgiven her sooner,” Josep said in a voice someone would use to talk about the weather; Sergio suddenly felt a hot flush of anger as he realised that he had attacked Gabriela when she had last been home.


The two brothers sat silently in the car as they tried to wrap their heads around what had just happened; Sergio wiped some blood from his face as he thought about the abuse his baby mama would have suffered.

“I can’t believe she comes from a family like that… I mean her parents are nuts,” René said as he looked at his brother, he knew that Sergio was still digesting the information about what he had just experienced; he doubted that this was going to change anything about how he felt for the blonde.

“I know what I did was wrong… but I was only doing it to protect you,” René said softly as he looked at his brother, he had missed Sergio and he knew that he had made a mess of things especially since this time Gabriela had been telling the truth.

Sergio nodded his head as he offered René a small smile, he knew that his older brother had been trying to protect him; he was only upset that he hadn’t gotten any sort of warning before Eleazar had turned up and told him that he was going to be a father.

“I know…” Sergio said as he wiped away some blood, he knew that Josep hadn’t broken his nose and he was glad since he didn’t want to explain how that had happened; he just hoped that he would be able to speak with Gabriela about what had happened, he knew she was hiding something and it worried him now that he had met her parents.

“I’m sorry Sese,” René said with a small smile, he could see that his brother was worried for the blonde and he promised himself that he was going to help Sergio from now on; he was going to need all the help he could get when the baby came.

“It’s okay,” Sergio said forgiving his brother, he nodded at him as he turned his thoughts to the blonde who had no idea what had transpired; he hoped that she wouldn’t be to upset when he told her that he had been to meet her parents.

Gabriela was secretive and Sergio knew that she was hiding something that was related to her parents and their strange behaviour. 

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