Chapter Thirty-Four: The Lap of Honour

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Gabriela smiled as she watched Sergio down on the pitch, the 2013-2014 season was finished and the blonde was thrilled for her boyfriend of two months had won some silverware this year.

Looking down at Aoife-Belle, who pouted as Paqui chuckled at the little girl who was wearing a Real Madrid baby home kit that said the word Papa on the back of it with Sergio’s jersey number; the footballer had bought it months ago and had no idea that the blonde had found it and dressed their daughter in it.

“Are you excited to see your papa?” Gabriela asked as she shifted her hold on Aoife-Belle, she was wearing a white denim V-neck T-shirt and boot-cut jeans paired with maroon converse trainers; she had wanted to dress relaxed so that she would be able to handle Aoife-Belle.

The little girl clapped her hands making Paqui smile, the last two months had seen her warm to Gabriela and it was more than clear that the blonde was the best choice for her youngest son.

“Come on then,” Gabriela cooed as she moved from her seat and smiled at Sara Carbonero who waited at the top of the stairs for the blonde; she was holding her and Iker’s son, Santiago who had been born back in January.

The two women had spent a lot of time bonding over the last month and with their shared bond of being new mother’s, they loved having someone else to talk to about this experience; Sergio was even happier since he knew that Sara would be able to look after Gabriela when he isn’t around.

The last thing that Sergio wanted was for someone to try and get close to his family, he loved Gabriela and Aoife-Belle and he didn’t want anything to happen to either of them while he was away.


Sergio grinned as he lifted Aoife-Belle out of Gabriela’s arms and cuddled her close as he smiled at his girlfriend; he couldn’t believe how fast the last two months had passed and how big his little girl was getting.

“Where did you find it?” Sergio asked as he held his daughter close, he loved that she was wearing the kit that he had bought her; he had thought he had lost it weeks back and he couldn’t believe that Aoife-Belle was now wearing it.

The Sevillian chuckled as he spotted a few of his team-mates cooing at the sight of his daughter, Real Madrid had had a baby boom over the season with several new babies being born into the team; everyone knew that this season’s lap of honour was going to be special.

“In the back of the wardrobe in a white bag… I knew how much it would mean for you if she wore it,” Gabriela said shrugging as she crossed her arms, she rolled her eyes at the grin that formed on her boyfriend’s face before he looked back at Aoife-Belle; she shifted uncomfortably knowing that right over 85,454 people were watching her.

Sergio kissed her softly as he sensed her nervousness, this was the first time that she had been truly exposed to his life and he knew that she wasn’t prepared for everything; the blonde smiled at him knowing that he understood.

“It’ll be okay,” Sergio said as he smiled at her, the couple walked slowly as Aoife-Belle cuddled into her father’s arms; the footballer grinned as he carefully shifted his hold on her, he was surprised just how much being a father had changed him.

Gabriela grinned as she watched her boyfriend with the daughter, Aoife-Belle was perfect in every way and she wouldn’t change any of this for the world.

“Sergio she looks just like her mãe,” Cristiano said as he approached the couple, he grinned at his team-mate before he moved to coo at Aoife-Belle; he glanced at Gabriela making the Sevillian glare at his team-mate.

Sergio knew that his friend was harmless but he didn’t like anyone being close to his girlfriend, he was protective of Gabriela and wasn’t prepared to let another man near her.

Cristiano chuckled sensing that he was upsetting Sergio, he watched the other man step closer to Gabriela as if trying to block his view of her; Aoife-Belle pouted as she looked at her father and patted his cheeks making him smile.

“She’s adorable,” Marcelo said as he approached, he smiled at Gabriela before he turned his attention to the baby that Sergio was holding; no one had been able to believe that the Sevillian had settled down and become a father, it was clear to everyone that Gabriela was good for them.

“Of course she is… she’s mi princesa,” Sergio said proudly making his team-mates chuckle, they had never seen their friend like this before and since Aoife-Belle had been born he had been much more relaxed and happy than any of them had ever seen him.

Aoife-Belle blew a raspberry making Sergio grin as he looked at her, Gabriela laughed softly before she moved to take her daughter back; she grinned as she held the little girl close while Sergio pouted at not being able to hold her anymore.


Staring at the television screen, Andria clutched the blanket that she held in her hands as she wiped away some of her fallen tears; she couldn’t believe that it had been months since she had seen her daughter and this was the first time that she had seen a glimpse of her and her grandchild.

Wiping away tears from her face, Andria swallowed as she looked down at the baby blanket that she had in her hands; it had been Gabriela’s when she was a baby and she had always hoped that she would be able to pass it to her daughter to give to her firstborn.

The rainbow striped pram blanket had been knitted when Andria was in the late stages of her pregnancy with Gabriela; she had been left alone a lot by Josep and she had needed something to focus her energy on while she prepared for the birth.

Gabriela was the only child that she had ever managed to carry to term and she had named her daughter a Hebrew name that meant, God is my strength after how difficult things had been for her while she waited for her first child to come into the world.

Looking down at the blanket, Andria bit her lip as an idea formed in her mind before she smiled; she wanted nothing more than to give her daughter this blanket but she knew that Josep would never approve of her seeing Gabriela again.

The sound of the front door opening and closing making Andria swallow as she quickly hid the blanket and changed the channel; Josep had demanded that they get rid of everything that they had of their daughter.

Andria had only just managed to save certain items that she wanted to pass on to their daughter, she knew that she would have to drop them off without her husband knowing.

“How was work?” Andria asked as she looked at her husband, he hadn’t been the same since he had cast their daughter and he was becoming more violent; Andria wasn’t sure anymore why she stayed with him.

Josep ignored his wife as he walked passed her and headed for the kitchen, Andria held her breath knowing what he was looking for; she had been so caught up with seeing her daughter on television that she had completely forgot to make him dinner and she knew that there were going to be consequences.

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