Chapter Forty-Five: Day at the Beach

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“Doesn’t mama look hermonsa,” Sergio said as he sat in the shade with Aoife-Belle, he grinned as he watched his girlfriend pull off her coral kaftan to reveal her pink triangle bra bikini top and bottoms and put it into her coral beach bag.

Gabriela rolled her eyes as she tied her blonde hair up into a messy bun and slipped off her braided high heeled sandals as she watched her boyfriend making a sandcastle with their daughter; it was another warm day and after a day of rest the couple were more prepared for a day out with their daughter.

The blonde settled down on her beach towel as she watched them for a moment knowing that things had been different since they had talked about their future; she had found herself growing closer to Sergio and she was pleased with the progress that they had made.

Gabriela smiled as she watched her boyfriend and their daughter, she had felt at peace recently and she knew that it wouldn’t last long when they returned back to Madrid; the blonde chuckled to herself as she wondered who was having more fun making sandcastles.

“It’s nice here,” Gabriela mused as she looked out at the sea, she was all too aware that at any time someone could recognise them and then they’d want to take pictures of the couple with their daughter; the blonde fought back a yawn as closed her eyes.

Sergio eyed her for a moment as he thought about just how lucky he was, he was going to protect both of his girls no matter what it took; the last thing that he wanted was for someone to take them away from him.

“Excuse me?” said a cautiously voice making Gabriela open her eyes as Sergio moved Aoife-Belle closer, the couple looked at the young boy that stood nervously before them.

“Could I have your autograph?” the boy asked as Gabriela reached for Aoife-Belle and smiled at the young boy, she had slowly gotten used to the fact that she was going to be followed by people and people would want to be close to Sergio.

“I’m just going to take Aoife down to the water,” Gabriela said making the Sevillian nod his head as he moved to give the little boy what he wanted; the blonde quickly moved down the beach with Aoife-Belle in her arms, the little girl babbled as her mother took her closer to the water.

The blonde wadded in to a decent level before she lowered Aoife-Belle into the water slightly and allowed her to splash in the water; she grinned knowing that the four month old loved water.

“She’s definitely a water baby,” Sergio mused as he approached his girlfriend, he smiled as she jumped slightly not hearing him approach, he hadn’t taken his eyes off of her since she had walked away and he was relieved to be back at her side.

Gabriela smiled at him as he moved closer, she carefully handed Aoife-Belle over knowing that he loved to hold her while he could; she knew how much it meant to him to have them both close.


Gabriela settled Aoife-Belle on her lap as she fed her, she watched as Sergio stretched before her as he made sure that they were in the shade so that their daughter didn’t end up getting sunburn.

The couple had packed a small picnic for lunch since they didn’t want to mess around trying to get Aoife-Belle to settle so that they could all have something to eat; the footballer stretched as he sat down close to his girlfriend and eyed around them as if looking for any signs of trouble.

“When do you have to be back at training?” Gabriela asked knowing that he had missed out on pre-season since he was on holiday with her and their daughter since he had played the world cup; she knew that it wouldn’t be long before they would have to go back to Madrid.

Sergio looked at her, his brown eyes watching her intently as she continued to feed Aoife-Belle some baby food; he smiled knowing that he would love another baby one day with Gabriela when their little girl was a little older.

“Next week Carlo Ancelotti wants us all back before the middle of August,” Sergio said as he picked up a wet wipe and moved to clean off Aoife-Belle’s face, he smiled sadly knowing that he would miss spending a lot of time with his daughter.

Gabriela handed Aoife-Belle over to her father as she finished cleaning, she wiped her sticky hands as Sergio made sure to clean off their daughter’s face; he grinned as he cuddled her close pleased with how today had gone.

The couple were silent for a moment before Sergio spotted something off to the side that was a little away from them, he groaned as he realised that it was several paps that seemed to be growing in number.

“Let’s head home,” Sergio said as he carefully pushed Gabriela’s bag to her, she looked at him confused and glanced behind her as she pulled out her coral kaftan and started to pull it on; her blue eyes quickly found what her boyfriend had noticed and knew why he wanted to move.

The last thing that the footballer wanted was for the paparazzi to think that it was okay to stalk his girlfriend and daughter; he wanted to bring Aoife-Belle up without having to worry about everything ending up in magazines and newspapers.


Gabriela climbed relieved into the car as she glanced back at Aoife-Belle who was in her car seat, she sighed as Sergio climbed in after putting their stuff into the back of the car; his face hard as he stuck the key into the engine.

“It’s fine…” the blonde said softly as she rested a hand on his arm, she knew that he was a little upset that the press had found them while on holiday; the last thing that he wanted was for them to be stalked during family time together.

Sergio nodded his head as he tightened his hands on the stirring wheel and drove them away from the beach, his eyes focused slowly on the road as his thoughts circled his head as he tried to wrap his head around what he could do to protect his family.

“Sese,” Gabriela murmured as she trailed a hand up and down his arm in comfort, she wished that there was something that she could do to ease his mind; she didn’t care that he was famous and while the press were annoying they were a part of his life.

“It’s okay,” Gabriela said as she pressed a kiss to his cheek, she wouldn’t be with him if she couldn’t handle the fact that he was famous and people were going to want to know everything about them.

She’d even seen blogs dedicated to several football teams and their WAGs but she hadn’t looked since her pregnancy had been revealed to the world by Pilar.

“I know… I’m just annoyed,” Sergio said as he flashed her a small smile as he calmed down slightly, he moved a hand to take hers knowing that she was the perfect woman in his life right now.

The Sevillian pressed a kiss to her hand, he didn’t know what he would do if someone interfered with his life but he knew that he wouldn’t be forgiving; the last thing he would ever do was lose Gabriela or Aoife-Belle and that was what he was scared would happen. 

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