Chapter Forty-Six: Home at Last

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“I’m sorry,” Sergio whispered as he kissed Gabriela, he hated the fact that they had to head home so early but he’d been called back by Carlo Ancelotti, who had decided that the Sevillian had, had enough holiday time now.

The blonde smiled at him understandingly, she knew that it wasn’t his fault and she didn’t mind since she felt a little more relaxed now than she had before the holiday; she’d had so much on her mind after her mother had been put in hospital that a week away was what she had needed.

“It’s fine, I had a nice time,” Gabriela insisted as she shifted her hold on Aoife-Belle, she looked down at her daughter knowing that she’d be glad to get her home and down for a nap; the four month old was being fussy and it was clear that she still didn’t like traveling a lot by plane.

Sergio smiled as they waited for their bags, it was late evening now and he was a little disappointed to be going back to work; he’d have to be at training tomorrow afternoon or he’d be in a lot of trouble with Ancelotti if he didn’t turn up at all.

“I’ll make it up to you,” Sergio promised as he kissed Gabriela, he adored having both her and their daughter close by and he couldn’t describe how much he was going to miss them when he was traveling around the country doing his job; he loved football but hated how much it took him away from his family.

The blonde smiled up at him as he moved to collect their suitcases, she knew that he meant it and she didn’t mind that he was working a lot; she was still on maternity leave for another month and they had to start looking for a nanny to look after Aoife-Belle when she returned to her work as an assistant for Sasha Allen in her design firm.


“Your madre wants to know when we’ll be having Aoife’s christening,” Gabriela said as she walked into their bedroom, she smiled as she watched Sergio sort through his suitcase so that his clothes could be washed; he glanced at her and rolled his eyes knowing just how eager his mother was.

José María and Paqui were currently on holiday celebrating their 35th anniversary, however that wasn’t stopping Sergio’s mother from calling them wanting to know when their daughter was going to have her christening.

“Soon,” the footballer replied making Gabriela roll her eyes and walk over to her boyfriend, she sat on the bed and looked at him knowing that he didn’t want to rush anything in case he wasn’t able to be there; his career required him being away for most of the week.

“You know she won’t like that answer,” the blonde said as she kissed his lips, she was sure that when there was time that they would work this out; Gabriela hadn’t even discussed going back to work with him yet and she knew that she was going to have to if they were going to hire a nanny.

Sergio smiled into the kiss as he wrapped his arms around his girlfriend and slowly moved on top of her, he couldn’t remember the last time that they’d been alone like this; they’d been distracted with Aoife-Belle while they’d been on holiday and with the world cup and the end of the season Sergio had been busy a lot recently.

However before the couple could get any further, their daughter’s cries pulled them apart; Sergio groaned as he pulled back from Gabriela and glared at the baby monitor, he loved his daughter but he wanted to spend some alone time with his girlfriend so that he could bond with her.

Gabriela sighed as she ran her fingers through Sergio’s hair, she smiled softly as she pressed another kiss to his lips before he climbed off of her; she knew that this wasn’t easy for either of them and she hoped that things would sort themselves out soon.

“I’ll get her,” Sergio said as he got to his feet and head for the nursery leaving Gabriela behind, he hoped that to he would get to be more of a boyfriend in the coming months and not just a father and a footballer; he didn’t want anything pulling apart his fragile relationship with Gabriela before it pulled them apart.

The Sevillian sighed as he moved to pick Aoife-Belle close, he smiled softly as he cuddled her knowing that she was still important to him; he would end his career tomorrow if that was what it took to make things easier for his family, he didn’t care what it took to make Gabriela and Aoife-Belle happy, he would do it.

“It’s okay Aoife,” Sergio cooed softly, she cuddled into his arms as he held her close making her father smile; he knew that she was always going to be his little girl, he would always love her and she was his little girl.


Gabriela looked up as Sergio returned to the bedroom with Aoife-Belle, she smiled softly as she carefully took their daughter from him and held her close; she knew that everything was going to be find between them.

Sergio smiled as he watched his girlfriend and daughter, he didn’t know what was going to happen now but he didn’t care as long as he had them; they were the most important things in his life, he wouldn’t change anything for the world.

“I love you,” Sergio said making Gabriela look at him, she furrowed her brow as she looked at the glossy look in his eyes as he sat down on the bed next to her; she didn’t know what had brought this on especially when everything had been going so well for them before.

The footballer wrapped his arms around the blonde and drew her close, he loved his family and he knew that he wasn’t going to allow anyone to take this feeling away from him.

“I love you too,” Gabriela said as she rested her head against her boyfriend’s shoulder, she took a deep breath as she looked down at Aoife-Belle; she was sure that whatever it was, wasn’t going to affect them in anyway.

The Sevillian sighed as he rested his head against hers, he didn’t know what was making him think like this but he couldn’t shake the horrible feeling that someone could take them away from him; it frightened him that this had only just occurred to him.

“Sese is everything okay?” Gabriela asked as she pulled back slightly, her blue eyes looked at him wondering what was going on; she could sense that something was starting to really upset him as he held her and Aoife-Belle closer.

Sergio swallowed the lump in his throat as he forced a smile, he knew that it was silly but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something could happen.

“I can’t lose you,” the footballer said quietly, his voice barely a whisper as he closed his brown eyes and took a deep breath; he didn’t want anything to happen but he couldn’t shake the bad feeling that seemed to form in his stomach.

Gabriela stared at him for a moment, she shook her head as she watched him knowing that she wasn’t going anywhere; she loved him and they would always be together in some way because of Aoife-Belle.

“You’ll never lose me… I’m not going anywhere,” the blonde said as she pressed a kiss to his cheek, she nudged his head with her own; she didn’t know what had brought this on but she was determined to make sure that nothing like that happened.

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