Chapter Fifty-Five: A Devastating Plea

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Storming into his home, Sergio looked around wildly as his mother moved to greet him everyone had come to the house after the news had broken that Aoife-Belle had been abducted by Kendra.

“Where’s Gabriela?” Sergio asked looking around concerned for his girlfriend, he needed her right now and he wanted her in his arms; he knew that this wasn’t going to be easy for either of them.

Paqui sighed as she looked at her son, she could tell that this had shaken the couple; she had seen the mess that Gabriela had been when Sandy had brought her home from speaking with the police.

“Madre por favor,” Sergio said as his brown eyes failed to find his girlfriend, he looked at his mother concerned wondering what was going on; he wanted to see Gabriela and he wanted to be there for her.

Paqui took a deep breath as she looked behind her, she knew that the blonde was hurting right now and blaming herself for what happened; it had been a horrible shock for her as it would be for any mother to lose a child like that.

“She’s frightened you’ll be angry with her,” Paqui said as she tried to calm her youngest son, she could see that he was still in shock after learning what had happened; she moved to comfort him before he stepped back shaking his head.

Sergio didn’t blame Gabriela for this, he hadn’t thought that her assistant would do anything like this; he had been more worried about Gabriela being around Kendra, than the woman abducting their daughter.

“I need to see her,” Sergio said knowing that Gabriela needed him right now, he wanted to comfort her before he did something that he might regret; he wasn’t going to stop until Aoife-Belle had been returned.


“Gabby,” Sergio said softly as he stepped into the bedroom that used to be Gabriela’s before they had started dating and had Aoife-Belle, his brown eyes easily finding his girlfriend in the dark bedroom.

Gabriela sniffled, she hadn’t had the nerve to return to the bedroom that she had shared with Sergio; she knew he’d be angry with her for what had happened.

The blonde was dressed in her blue jersey sweater night onesie, Vania had insisted that Gabriela change out of her work clothes and rest; the police where bound to find Aoife-Belle soon.

“Amor,” Sergio whispered as he moved to comfort her, he hated to see her like this and he knew they would have Aoife-Belle home soon; his heart ached as the blonde whimpered at the sound of his voice.

Gabriela looked so small as she curled up on the bed, she hated that she had allowed this to happen; she had left her daughter with the woman that had abducted her.

Sergio wrapped his arms around Gabriela and held her to him, his body carefully moving to sit down on the bed; he held her close knowing that he should have been with her.

“Lo siento,” Gabriela whimpered as she clung to her boyfriend, she didn’t deserve him being so nice to her; it was her fault that Kendra had been able to snatch their daughter like that.

Sergio shook his head, he didn’t not for one moment blame her for what had happened; there was no way that she could have known that this would happen.

“It isn’t your fault amor… we will get her back,” Sergio said as he tried to reassure his girlfriend, he wasn’t going to allow Kendra to take their daughter away from them; she wouldn’t get away from this and he was prepared to do anything to get Aoife-Belle back.

Gabriela pulled back and looked up at her boyfriend, she didn’t know why he was being so nice to her after what had happened; she sniffled as Sergio wiped away her tears, she was so sure that he would shout at her.

“I mean it… I will get her back Gabby,” Sergio said knowing that he would move heaven and earth to get their daughter back, there was nowhere that Kendra could hide that would stop him from rescuing their daughter; he would make her life hell when he found her.

Gabriela swallowed as she buried her head into Sergio’s neck, she clung to him knowing that with only three weeks until Christmas; there was a more likely chance that they would be spending it without their daughter.

“I love you,” Gabriela said as she rested her head against Sergio’s, she had given her statement to the police and she had said all that she had wanted to about what had happened; she was now concerned about what the future would hold.

Sergio smiled as he nodded his head, he kissed his girlfriend as he held her close; he knew that she needed him just as much as he needed her right now.

“I love you too Gabby,” the footballer reassured his girlfriend, he couldn’t believe that this was happening to them and he was going to ensure that they got their daughter back.


“Are you sure about this?”René asked as he watched his younger brother, he knew that this was desperate but they needed to find out where Kendra had taken Aoife-Belle and quickly.

Sergio nodded his head as he smoothed his shirt out nervously, he had insisted that Gabriela remain at home with his parents; he doubted his girlfriend would be able to deal with appearing on television and pleading for any information about what was going on.

“I’m sure,” Sergio said knowing that there were a lot of football fans out there and he already had backing from his team-mates, who had been horrified when they had learnt what had happened; there was bound to be someone who knew something or would be able to help them.

The police officer that was doing the television plea with Sergio, signalled for the footballer to follow him into the press room; they didn’t have much time since Kendra could disappear to anywhere in Spain with Aoife-Belle.

Sergio took a shaky breath as he followed the police officer, he ignored the flashes of cameras as he headed for the table at the front of the room.

The footballer could barely concentrate as he wondered if his daughter was okay, he felt sick to his stomach knowing that he might not see her again.

Sergio could barely hear what the police officer as he talked about what had happened, his stomach twisted as he tried to ignore the image of Kendra that was up behind him; he didn’t know how he would react.

“We just want Aoife-Belle home safe and sound,” Sergio said as he closed his eyes, his throat closing up slightly as he tried to remain calm; he took a shaky breath as he felt his hands.

The Sevillian swallowed as he tried to remember why he had agreed to do this, it would make Kendra’s movement and hopefully allow them to track her down with Aoife-Belle.

“Por favor… we just want our daughter back, we want her home safe,” Sergio rambled as he opened his eyes and looked around the room, he knew that someone out there knew something; someone out there would be able to help bring his daughter home safe.

“We are offering €12,000 to anyone that can bring my daughter home safely to me and her madre,” Sergio said seriously, he didn’t care how much it would cost him; he wanted Aoife-Belle home and soon. 

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